How to demonstrate bigO cost of algorithms?
Brian Quinlan
brian at
Wed Jun 2 11:56:12 EDT 2004
Rusty Shackleford wrote:
> Hi -
> I'm studying algorithms and I want to write a python program that
> calculates the actual runtimes.
> I want to increment up some global variable called n in my program so
> that I can see the relationship between the size of the problem and the
> number of steps.
> Here's my clumsy attempt to implement this:
> [snipped]
What is that ugly try-except block for? All it seems to do is hide
potential errors.
Anyway, if you are only testing comparison-base sorting algorithms then
why not create a new class (maybe by subclassing a builtin) and
implement a __cmp__ method that increments a global whenever called.
That way you will get an exact count of the number of comparisons.
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