Misunderstanding about closures
Alexander Schmolck
a.schmolck at gmx.net
Mon Jun 7 07:06:43 EDT 2004
"Michael Geary" <Mike at DeleteThis.Geary.com> writes:
> Alexander May wrote:
>> When I define a function in the body of a loop, why doesn't the
>> function "close" on the loop vairable? See example below.
> Hi Alex,
> Your message title is correct: you're misunderstanding how closures work.
> :-)
Not necessarily. See below.
> BTW, you'll see the same effect in JavaScript or any other language that
> supports closures.
Not quite. In fact in the language that more or less started it all, scheme,
the standard iteration construct 'do' does indeed introduce a *new binding* on
each iteration.
;; Note: this is is a literate translation and *not* idiomatic scheme -- no
;; schemer would write it like that
(define l '()) ; an empty list
(do ((x 0 (+ 1 x))) ; start x with 0, then add 1 at each step
((= x 10)) ; stop when x is 10
(set! l (cons (lambda () x) l))) ; add a new function closing over x to
; the *front* of l
(set! l (reverse l)) ; since we added to the front we
; have to reverse l
((list-ref l 3)) ; get list element 3 and execute it
Common Lisp OTOH doesn't -- like python:
;; This is similarly non-idiomatic (and won't work in emacs lisp, which hasn't
;; got lexical scope)
(defvar l '()) ; an empty list
(do ((x 0 (+ 1 x))) ; start x with 0, then add 1 at each step
((= x 10)) ; when x is 10 return the reversed list
(setf l (cons (lambda () x) l))) ; add a new function closing over x to
; the *front* of l
(setq l (reverse l)) ; since we added to the front we
; have to reverse l
(funcall (nth 3 l)) ; get list element 3 and execute it
> 10
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