Group comment

Skip Montanaro skip at
Mon Mar 1 09:57:56 EST 2004

    ketulp> Can I comment a group of statements together i.e
    ketulp> If I a 4 statements say:
    ketulp> i=1
    ketulp> i+=1
    ketulp> print i
    ketulp> print i+1

    ketulp> Instead of commenting each satement iindividually by # is there
    ketulp> something which allws me to comment these 4 statements in one go
    ketulp> as in C++ using /*...*/

Many people use triple-quoted strings for this:

    print i
    print i+1

It's not a comment, strictly speaking, however it generally achieves the
desired results.  Even less comment-like is "if False:":

    if False:
        print i
        print i+1

That has the disadvantage that you need to reindent the lines of interest.


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