OT(Slightly): Thanks to Python.

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Wed Mar 10 06:47:55 EST 2004

JanC <usenet_spam at janc.invalid> writes:

> Jacek Generowicz <jacek.generowicz at cern.ch> schreef:
> > - Note that item is bound to objects of completely different types
> >   (integer, string, list, hash-table and array, in this case) at
> >   different times. (This _does_ mean that it's dynamically typed.)
> Yes, but 2 of the "method versions" use statically typed parameters.
> So it seems this is a language that gives you the choice between dynamic 
> and static typing.

No more than self is statically typed in 

class C:
  def meth(self):



    . <- the point                                your article -> .
    |------------------------- a long way ------------------------|
                                       -- Christophe Rhodes, ucam.chat

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