Getting both PID and output from a command

Robin Munn rmunn at
Sat Mar 20 09:06:55 EST 2004

Hugh Macdonald <hugh at> wrote:
> I'm calling a command from within a python script and I need to be
> able to both catch the output (stdout and stderr) from it and also
> have the PID (so that I can kill it)
> I can do one or other of these, but I can't find any way to do them
> both at the same time.
> So far, I've got the following options:
> To get the output from the command:
>>>> fdin, fdout, fderr = os.popen3(command)

To get stdout and stderr as separate pipes and also have the child's
PID, you want to use the Popen3 class from the popen2 module. See:

for details.

Robin Munn
rmunn at

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