xmlrpc, httplib and SSL

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Sun Mar 28 18:18:02 EST 2004

    Roger> I did, except the base implementation can't be called.  It hs
    Roger> this line of code in it:

    Roger>     self.connection.shutdown(1)

    Roger> ie it will close the connection after every response, no matter
    Roger> what.

Can you submit a patch to SF which abstracts that into its own method
("end_request" or something similar?) which can be overridden.

    ... [snip] ...

    Roger> It isn't that trivial.  See also previous comment about all the
    Roger> pieces of code that try to use connections etc at most once.

That sounds like the main problem.  Sounds like getting the shutdown() call
into its own overridable method would help a lot.


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