March 2004 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Mar 1 00:12:48 EST 2004
Ending: Wed Mar 31 23:25:43 EST 2004
Messages: 5143
- Message ("Your message dated Mon, 1 Mar 2004 13:14:41 -0600...")
L-Soft list server at clayart (1.8d)
- ALERT - GroupShield ticket number OA94_1078331159_ESRIMAIL_1 was generated
GroupShield for Exchange (ESRIMAIL)
- ALERT - GroupShield ticket number OB24_1078416868_ESRIMAIL_3 was generated
GroupShield for Exchange (ESRIMAIL)
- ALERT - GroupShield ticket number OA108_1078442351_ESRIMAIL_1 wa s generated
GroupShield for Exchange (ESRIMAIL)
- ALERT - GroupShield ticket number OA199_1079283751_ESRIMAIL_1 wa s generated
GroupShield for Exchange (ESRIMAIL)
- ALERT - GroupShield ticket number OB61_1080688200_ESRIMAIL_3 was generated
GroupShield for Exchange (ESRIMAIL)
- ALERT - GroupShield ticket number OB62_1080733480_ESRIMAIL_3 was generated
GroupShield for Exchange (ESRIMAIL)
- ALERT - GroupShield ticket number OB64_1080762339_ESRIMAIL_3 was generated
GroupShield for Exchange (ESRIMAIL)
- ALERT - GroupShield ticket number OB65_1080763313_ESRIMAIL_3 was generated
GroupShield for Exchange (ESRIMAIL)
- ALERT - GroupShield ticket number OA485_1080099940_VIENNA_1 was generated
GroupShield for Exchange (VIENNA)
- compile exe with anydbm module
Alessandro Crugnola *sephiroth*
- extract parameters from a WSDL
Alessandro Crugnola *sephiroth*
- List append help
- Newbie Formatting Question
- converting string to dictionary
News M Claveau /Hamster-P
- How to access the Oracle9i?
slackgg at
- I can't use me.
slackgg at
- Extreme Newbie, HELP! :)
- Reading selected data from text files
..:: sjf ::..
- Reading selected data from text files
..:: sjf ::..
- Python database
at (none)
- Python database
at (none)
- Exim Users?
Moe A
- In what python release was this introduced..
Moe A
- Thread performance
Moe A
- Antigen found FILE FILTER= *.zip file
- Type emulation issues with new style classes
- Garbage collector and threads
- Garbage collector and threads
- Garbage collector and threads
- list mail fixed
- Garbage collector and threads
- Scoping loops (was Re: Feature request: subclassing FunctionType)
- OT(Slightly): Thanks to Python.
- Speed of attribute lookup (was Re: advice on programming style: is multiple inheritance bad?)
- Especialized generator
- OT: Lisp isn't chocolate (was Re: OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
- import vs from module import : any performance issue?
- BayPIGgies: March 11, 7:30pm
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
- Sending bulk email from a Python script
- "print" as function not statement
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
- The Order Of Dictionary Entries
- OT(Slightly): Thanks to Python.
- Python style guidelines
- import, functions, and threading
- put your money where your mouse is, or why I prefer Spanish to English: a proposal
- looping over a class attribute
- Performance penalty for using properties?
- need optimizing help
- Python & the job market
- where can I find Paris Hilton video?
- A Byte of Python - Python Book / Tutorial
- mutable list iterators - a proposal
- import, functions, and threading
- Is Python type safe?
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
- FreeBSD or OpenBSD for Python?
- Beginner Threaded file reading access
- Python for large projects
- A 'Python like' language
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
- wxPython book (was Re: Python Documentation Blows!)
- Syntax counts (was Re: Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes)
- wxPython book (was Re: Python Documentation Blows!)
- BayPIGgies: April 8, 7:30pm
- Prothon, metaclasses, Zope [Was: A 'Python like' language]
- Gadfly or gadfly or Gadfly.gadfly() or _?
John Abel
- name of this python program
Peter Abel
- What is wrong? The minidom or the XML file?
Peter Abel
- typecasting: a string object to a dictionary object
Peter Abel
- Especialized generator
Boogie El Aceitoso
- Examples of using the html parser
Boogie El Aceitoso
- Especialized generator
Boogie El Aceitoso
- How to catch a generic exception?
Boogie El Aceitoso
- Python's equivalent of C++ std::multimap
Boogie El Aceitoso
- Intro to concurrent programming with python
Boogie El Aceitoso
- Replace accented chars with unaccented ones
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
- PEP 318
- PEP 318
- Newbie Formatting Question
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
- Voting (was Re: PEP 318
- Any known bitmap/resource/image collection for a Spanish card deck?
Richie Adler
- OT(Slightly): Thanks to Python.
- Question about the email package
- WARNING! Virus or unsafe content was found in message from python-list at
Anti-Virus Agent
- Searching text in Excel, Word files
Rene Aguirre
- vim & python
Gordon Airport
- root password in a .py script
Istvan Albert
- py2exe and activex controls
Nico Alberti
- ANN: PyKota v1.18 is out !
Jerome Alet
- Accessing MS-Access DB from Linux
Jerome Alet
- variable name using a for
- variable name using a for
- variable name using a for
- new python syntax: concatenation of functions
Muhammad Alkarouri
- proper use of braces in Python (was: Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes)
Muhammad Alkarouri
- function to return a list of all methods for an object
Kevin Altis
- ready to use python, need help with GUI decision
Kevin Altis
- function to return a list of all methods for an object
Kevin Altis
- ready to use python, need help with GUI decision
Kevin Altis
- simple http server
Kevin Altis
- Python in education wiki page needs your input
Kevin Altis
- Python Documentation Blows!
Kevin Altis
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Martin Ambuhl
- [ANN] QuantLib-Python 0.3.5
Ferdinando Ametrano
- Python as replacement for PHP?
R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah
- Python as replacement for PHP?
R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah
- Python as replacement for PHP?
R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah
- Python as replacement for PHP?
R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah
- Scaling an ImageTk.PhotoImage
James Anderson
- alternate module installation
Tom Anderson
- Make 'def' and 'class' usable within expressions
Glenn Andreas
- Make 'def' and 'class' usable within expressions
Glenn Andreas
- Make 'def' and 'class' usable within expressions
Glenn Andreas
- Variable scope in classes
Glenn Andreas
- A 'Python like' language
Glenn Andreas
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Glenn Andreas
- A 'Python like' language
Glenn Andreas
- A 'Python like' language
Glenn Andreas
- what is the ordering of an AST tree?
Erwin S. Andreasen
- Skins for Python GUI !!
- strings question
- Python Script for Running a Python Program over Different Files in the Directory
- Python and C
Gilles Ansquer
- Abstraction library for Authentication (module like PEAR Auth)
- What's missing from python?
- Question concerning Unicode and or Shift-JIS
- loop scope
- loop scope
- loop scope
- loop scope
- loop scope
- Advice needed: large OpenGL + Widgets Project for Molecular Graphics
- Advice needed: large OpenGL + Widgets Project for Molecular Graphics
- asking for python community opinion about groovy
- asking for python community opinion about groovy
- Python for Information Visualization
- [snip too-long subject]
- autoconf macros and distutils
Mark Asbach
- debian packages
Marco Aschwanden
- PEP318 yet an alternate syntax idea
Marco Aschwanden
- py2exe, mx.ODBC
Marco Aschwanden
- py2exe, mx.ODBC
Marco Aschwanden
- Eric /Qt documentation / how-to?
Haim Ashkenazi
- py2exe icon resource on win98
Haim Ashkenazi
- py2exe icon resource on win98
Haim Ashkenazi
- py2exe icon resource on win98
Haim Ashkenazi
- Python installing on Debian
Haim Ashkenazi
- Python installing on Debian
Haim Ashkenazi
- Python installing on Debian
Haim Ashkenazi
- vim & python
- fox 1.2.x and FXPy
- fox 1.2.x and FXPy
- fox 1.2.x and FXPy
- Static Typing in Python
Ludovic Aubry
- mutable list iterators - a proposal
Jess Austin
- mutable list iterators - a proposal
Jess Austin
- mutable list iterators - a proposal
Jess Austin
- mutable list iterators - a proposal
Jess Austin
- mutable list iterators - a proposal
Jess Austin
- PEP 318
Jess Austin
- PEP 318
Jess Austin
- \r\n problem in cgi module?
Jane Austine
- galagASCII
Juha Autero
- csv bugs
Francis Avila
- A 'raw' codec for binary "strings" in Python?
Francis Avila
- Initializing Member Variables
Francis Avila
- State of Python scripting on Mac OS X?
Francis Avila
- What's missing from python?
Stefan Axelsson
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Stefan Axelsson
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Stefan Axelsson
- Python for large projects
Stefan Axelsson
- sorting the list by inner elements
Stefan Axelsson
- Python for large projects
Stefan Axelsson
- Python for large projects
Stefan Axelsson
- Orders of magnitude
Stefan Axelsson
- [OT] Top posting is a PITA [was : Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes]
Stefan Axelsson
- Python database
- put your money where your mouse is, or why I prefer Spanish to English: a proposal
Python Baby
- AIX -illegal instruction - importing extension module
Ajay Bakhshi
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Goekhan Bakir
- How To capture an id into an array..
- Deprecating reload() ???
Carl Banks
- Is Python type safe?
Carl Banks
- Result of ``a is b''
Carl Banks
- Result of ``a is b''
Carl Banks
- dictionary wart
Carl Banks
- Result of ``a is b''
Carl Banks
- Help getting the md5 module to work
Carl Banks
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Carl Banks
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Carl Banks
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Carl Banks
- A 'Python like' language
Carl Banks
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Carl Banks
- How to make this speed up
Carl Banks
- proper use of braces in Python
Carl Banks
- New to Python; what about #include, extern and function prototypes
Hamilcar Barca
- Python & Linux, some questions (2)
Hamilcar Barca
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Hamilcar Barca
- debian packages
Dima Barsky
- Skins for Python GUI !!
Somesh Bartakkay
- wxGlade not Running !
Somesh Bartakkay
- wxGlade not Running !
Somesh Bartakkay
- Python Event in India ..
Somesh Bartakkay
- python + Xml + GnuCash
Somesh Bartakkay
- Python Event in India ..
Somesh Bartakkay
- Python distribution as secondary language ..???
Somesh Bartakkay
- python interface for indian language ....
Somesh Bartakkay
- Error Message & IDLE - PyShell
Somesh Bartakkay
- py2exe,cx-freez and pyGTK on win32 !!!
Somesh Bartakkay
- use -> instead of lambda??
- [Numeric] why is Float32 incorrect for ufuncs?
Curzio Basso
- [Numeric] why is Float32 incorrect for ufuncs?
Curzio Basso
- new python syntax: concatenation of functions
Curzio Basso
- python latex class and math environment
Curzio Basso
- Basic Inheritance Question
Curzio Basso
- Concatenated numerical literals
Larry Bates
- NT Services and EventLog problems
Larry Bates
- NT Services and EventLog problems
Larry Bates
- get notepad on windows to front via tcp-server
Larry Bates
- Modifying escape sequences in strings
Larry Bates
- NT service (setting Description string)
Larry Bates
- NT service (setting Description string)
Larry Bates
- pythonservice -register
Larry Bates
- insertion in lists
Larry Bates
- Numeric array of objects
Larry Bates
- what is a good intro book on python ?
Larry Bates
- Python Database Driven Web Development
Larry Bates
- Python Services and excepthook (not working)
Larry Bates
- Reports
Larry Bates
- Reg invoking winrrunner
Larry Bates
- emai - Multiple recipenets in "To:"
Larry Bates
- getting size of gif
Larry Bates
- Any Python Hackers Wanna Beta Test????
Larry Bates
- Zippping a directory recursively from Python script on Windows
Larry Bates
- sometimes not reading everything
Larry Bates
- 2D List comprehension & replace
Larry Bates
- 2D List comprehension & replace
Larry Bates
- UNC paths in file object open
Larry Bates
- xreadlines() being used with file.tell() and
Larry Bates
- py2exe and urllib(2) errors
Larry Bates
- Embedded WebDesign with Python
Larry Bates
- dislin / PIL / cropping EPS
Larry Bates
- name of 'name'
Larry Bates
- Any reportlab user here??
Larry Bates
- static information...
Larry Bates
- Variable scope in classes
Larry Bates
- Python & Optical Mark Recognition
Larry Bates
- Readonly attributes ...
Larry Bates
- struct.pack Format String Question
Larry Bates
- Creating Charts
Larry Bates
- default print format for floats
Batista, Facundo
- Exiting Tkinter when using IDLE
Batista, Facundo
- Exiting Tkinter when using IDLE
Batista, Facundo
- Exiting Tkinter when using IDLE
Batista, Facundo
- Tkinter3000
Batista, Facundo
- Changes to PEP 327: Decimal data type
Batista, Facundo
- Spanish FAQ
Batista, Facundo
- converting string to dictionary
Batista, Facundo
- FAQs in spanish
Batista, Facundo
- new style classes
Batista, Facundo
- String formatting with floats... can't get it!
Batista, Facundo
- python & mysql probelm
Batista, Facundo
- Threading program with issues when executing from IDLE
Batista, Facundo
- Integer, 64 Bit, signed and unsigned
Batista, Facundo
- Python spanish FAQ
Batista, Facundo
- Decimal test cases finished
Batista, Facundo
- PEP 327: Decimal data type
Batista, Facundo
- [OT] Top posting is a PITA [was : Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes]
R Baumann
- py2exe question
J. Baute
- capturing audio
Anthony Baxter
- twisted.protocols.sip
Anthony Baxter
- Ast tree and python code
Ira Baxter
- Unicode & mx.ODBC module
Chuck Bearden
- Unicode & mx.ODBC module
Chuck Bearden
- An XML parser is an XML parser. Period.
Robin Becker
- A 'Python like' language
Robin Becker
- A 'Python like' language
Robin Becker
- Getting username and passwd from IE
Martin Beckett
- Getting username and passwd from IE
Martin Beckett
- Basic Inheritance Question
Matthew Bell
- Basic Inheritance Question
Matthew Bell
- securely overwrite files with Python
Thomas Bellman
- portable /dev/null again
John Belmonte
- portable /dev/null again
John Belmonte
- portable /dev/null again
John Belmonte
- portable /dev/null again
John Belmonte
- looping over a class attribute
Dave Benjamin
- Static Typing in Python
Dave Benjamin
- "print" as function not statement
Dave Benjamin
- tuples or lists
Dave Benjamin
- mod_python exception catching, other repetitious per-page actions
Dave Benjamin
- Win 32 Pipes
Neil Benn
- XML-RPC server framework
Andrew Bennetts
- Can python read up to where a certain pattern is matched?
Andrew Bennetts
- Can python read up to where a certain pattern is matched?
Andrew Bennetts
- Problem processing Chinese character with Python
Andrew Bennetts
- Can python read up to where a certain pattern is matched?
Andrew Bennetts
- Can python read up to where a certain pattern is matched?
Andrew Bennetts
- a desired python editor
Andrew Bennetts
- Fast way to send message between 2 child processes? (using a file is too slow?)
Andrew Bennetts
- Behaviour of time.sleep with negative arg
Andrew Bennetts
- Semantics of ==
Andrew Bennetts
- FreeBSD or OpenBSD for Python?
Andrew Bennetts
- PEP 318
Andrew Bennetts
- PEP 318
Andrew Bennetts
- PEP 318
Andrew Bennetts
- PEP 318
Andrew Bennetts
- Any way to get information from fun objects about their parameters?
Andrew Bennetts
- Error handling in smtp
Andrew Bennetts
- sorting the list by inner elements
Andrew Bennetts
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Andrew Bennetts
- Semantics of ==
Andrew Bennetts
- A 'Python like' language
Andrew Bennetts
- [OT] Top posting is a PITA
Andrew Bennetts
- a desired python editor
Jim Benson
- a desired python editor
Jim Benson
- proper use of braces in Python (was: Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes)
Jim Benson
- ELF object file analysis tool in Python?
John Benson
- ELF object file analysis tool in Python?
John Benson
- put your money where your mouse is, or why I prefer Spanish to English: a proposal
John Benson
- More glossary items: a correction
John Benson
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Christopher Benson-Manica
- Replace text with value form dictionary (regexp)
Jean-Pierre Bergamin
- Replace text with value form dictionary (regexp)
Jean-Pierre Bergamin
- Simulate socket with files or stdin/stdout
Jean-Pierre Bergamin
- thin4py 0.0.1 ann
ali moe at BerliOS
- Upgrade 2.2.2 to 2.3.3: Keep my old 3rd party modules or rebuild them or reinstall from scratch?
Eduardo Bernal
- Equality and identity
Marius Bernklev
- Equality and identity
Marius Bernklev
- Python as replacement for PHP?
Geoff Berrow
- How to import a module based on an argument
Sean Berry
- [Newbie]Trouble with string method
Sean Berry
- [Newbie]Trouble with string method
Sean Berry
- How to import a module based on an argument
Sean Berry
- Global name "userid" not defined??
Sean Berry
- Python style guidelines
Will Berry
- Equalizer function on win32 with python
Tiziano Bettio
- How to simulate a TTY with popen2?
Tiziano Bettio
- How to simulate a TTY with popen2?
Tiziano Bettio
- Xemacs terminal output
Davor Beuc
- Please confirm your message to dale
Dale Bewley
- A MD5Crypt implementation
Sandip Bhattacharya
- Python Event in India ..
Sandip Bhattacharya
- A MD5Crypt implementation
Sandip Bhattacharya
- import, functions, and threading
Ian Bicking
- Numeric and output args for logical comparison ufuncs
Jeremy Biddle
- Front end python backend php
Richard Biffl
- Access 'active directory' from Python on Linux ...
- How to access the Oracle9i?
- Python Win32 and Active Directory
- List append help
- List append help
- random.random - Interpreter works, Script doesn't?
- random.random - Interpreter works, Script doesn't?
- random.random - Interpreter works, Script doesn't?
- CSV to Browser Bookmark file
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Bootstrap Bill
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Bootstrap Bill
- Licensing of wrappers around C/C++ code under more restrictive licensing.
Roger Binns
- wxpython appearance differs after py2exe
Roger Binns
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Roger Binns
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Roger Binns
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Roger Binns
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Roger Binns
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Roger Binns
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Roger Binns
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Roger Binns
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Roger Binns
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Roger Binns
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Roger Binns
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Roger Binns
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Roger Binns
- Unicode is driving me nuts!
Roger Binns
- Question on making names visible in packages
Roger Binns
- python-dev Summary for 2004-02-01 through 2004-02-29
Roger Binns
- python-dev Summary for 2004-02-01 through 2004-02-29
Roger Binns
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Roger Binns
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Roger Binns
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Roger Binns
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Roger Binns
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Roger Binns
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Roger Binns
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Roger Binns
- Neat Trick for Loading Modules with unknown Name
Roger Binns
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Roger Binns
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Roger Binns
- pyOpenSSL is dead or not?
Roger Binns
- "The Python Robot" is going mad ?
Roger Binns
- pyOpenSSL is dead or not?
Roger Binns
- Python for large projects
Roger Binns
- xmlrpc, httplib and SSL
Roger Binns
- xmlrpc, httplib and SSL
Roger Binns
- xmlrpc, httplib and SSL
Roger Binns
- xmlrpc, httplib and SSL
Roger Binns
- xmlrpc, httplib and SSL
Roger Binns
- [Fwd: Re: examples of doing syadmin activities as a web app]
Roger Binns
- Python Documentation Blows!
Roger Binns
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Dan Bishop
- backquote
Dan Bishop
- Inconsistency in Python's Comparisons
Dan Bishop
- '1' + 1 ==> True ???
Dan Bishop
- loop scope
Dan Bishop
- loop scope
Dan Bishop
- translating "setattr" to C++
Dan Bishop
- feval similar to Matlab
Dan Bishop
- Random Number
Dan Bishop
- Equality and identity
Dan Bishop
- Gadfly ????
Stuart Bishop
- Abstraction library for Authentication (module like PEAR Auth)
Stuart Bishop
- Python as replacement for PHP?
Brandon Blackmoor
- Python as replacement for PHP?
Brandon Blackmoor
- "Virtual" file system mock object - replacing stuff in __builtins__
Remy Blank
- "Virtual" file system mock object - replacing stuff in __builtins__
Remy Blank
- "Virtual" file system mock object - replacing stuff in __builtins__
Remy Blank
- "Virtual" file system mock object - replacing stuff in __builtins__
Remy Blank
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Martin Bless
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Martin Bless
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Martin Bless
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Martin Bless
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Martin Bless
- Problem using smtplib.SMTP in a CGI program
Martin Bless
- Sending ICMP Packets
Martin Bless
- paths: splitall(), relativepath()
Martin Bless
- monitoring a directory
Martin Bless
- paths: splitall(), relativepath()
Martin Bless
- root password in a .py script
Joe Block
- Getting definition list
- machine control script ( parameterless method? )
- ADO and COM contants
- Static Typing in Python
Johan Bockgård
- Licensing of wrappers around C/C++ code under more restrictive licensing.
Paul Boddie
- Python as replacement for PHP?
Paul Boddie
- Python as replacement for PHP?
Paul Boddie
- SMS with python
Paul Boddie
- win32com.client.Dispatch returns CLSID different than makepy
Erick Bodine
- logging messages in imported modules not showing up
Erick Bodine
- Socket access to low numbered ports?
Dan Boitnott
- Thread performance
Dan Boitnott
- [PyGTK] TreeView cells automatically in edit mode?
Dan Boitnott
- Result of ``a is b''
Axel Boldt
- Result of ``a is b''
Axel Boldt
- Semantics of ==
Axel Boldt
- Result of ``a is b''
Axel Boldt
- Semantics of ==
Axel Boldt
- Semantics of ==
Axel Boldt
- Result of ``a is b''
Axel Boldt
- Result of ``a is b''
Axel Boldt
- Semantics of ==
Axel Boldt
- Result of ``a is b''
Axel Boldt
- Semantics of ==
Axel Boldt
- Semantics of ==
Axel Boldt
- Semantics of ==
Axel Boldt
- Group comment
David Bolen
- Impersonation
David Bolen
- pywin32 access to non-IDispatch interface under pywin.mfc.activex?
David Bolen
- Gadfly ????
David Bolen
- fox 1.2.x and FXPy
David Bolen
- pyAlbum
Duncan Booth
- "print" as function not statement
Duncan Booth
- Creating WBMPs with PIL
Duncan Booth
- sorting times
Duncan Booth
- easy verbose in functions
Duncan Booth
- doing my pipe between 2 process
Mark Borgerding
- Which Python module for PostgreSQL?
W. Borgert
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Michael Borgwardt
- PyGTK TextView - how to change bgcolor for one line?
- Replace accented chars with unaccented ones
Nicolas Bouillon
- Replace accented chars with unaccented ones
Nicolas Bouillon
- py files includings each others
Nicolas Bouillon
- py files includings each others
Nicolas Bouillon
- py files includings each others
Nicolas Bouillon
- sometimes not reading everything
Boris Boutillier
- Python as replacement for PHP?
Keith Bowes
- a desired python editor
Robert Boyd
- 3D apps in Python?
- reg exp and octal notation
Lucas Branca
- reg exp and octal notation
Lucas Branca
- reg exp and octal notation
Lucas Branca
- Looking for general info on Python
Gary Braver
- WxPython wxTreeCtrl with HTML labels
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
- Escape problem
Robert Brewer
- Efficiently test for positive re.match then use the result?
Robert Brewer
- Ast tree and python code
Robert Brewer
- Gadfly ????
Robert Brewer
- how to write python server page by using mod_python?
Robert Brewer
- how to write python server page by using mod_python?
Robert Brewer
- Enumerating words and Adding integer, character and string
Robert Brewer
- Need better string methods
Robert Brewer
- Introspection at the module level?
Robert Brewer
- Need better string methods
Robert Brewer
- dynamic names
Robert Brewer
- Initializing Member Variables
Robert Brewer
- Initializing Member Variables
Robert Brewer
- Regex Match Problem
Robert Brewer
- Python style guidelines
Robert Brewer
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Robert Brewer
- overloading __getattr__ and inheriting from dict
Robert Brewer
- Performance penalty for using properties?
Robert Brewer
- need optimizing help
Robert Brewer
- need optimizing help
Robert Brewer
- Python & the job market
Robert Brewer
- list inheritance or delegation?
Robert Brewer
- Result of ``a is b''
Robert Brewer
- cgi lib question
Robert Brewer
- Is there a map or graph module?
Robert Brewer
- Regular Expression AND mach
Robert Brewer
- New restrain builtin function?
Robert Brewer
- New restrain builtin function?
Robert Brewer
- PEP 318
Robert Brewer
- New restrain builtin function?
Robert Brewer
- New restrain builtin function?
Robert Brewer
- class methods and variables
Robert Brewer
- Is this the correct way to implement TestSuite?
Robert Brewer
- Mod_python
Robert Brewer
- Decoding numerical and name based HTML entities
Robert Brewer
- Variable scope in classes
Robert Brewer
- [Newbie]Trouble with string method
Robert Brewer
- [Newbie]Trouble with string method
Robert Brewer
- [Newbie]Trouble with string method
Robert Brewer
- python & mysql probelm
Robert Brewer
- examples of doing syadmin activities as a web app
Robert Brewer
- How To capture an id into an array..
Robert Brewer
- Orders of magnitude
Robert Brewer
- Orders of magnitude
Robert Brewer
- Orders of magnitude
Robert Brewer
- Orders of magnitude
Robert Brewer
- wine as a platform independent GUI toolkit
- nomenclature for units
- Speed Comparison Perl Python & C
Richard Brodie
- ConfigParser and Unicode
Richard Brodie
- 2.3.3 on Solaris 10
J.D. Bronson
- tkinter entry/text widget
Berlin Brown
- Behaviour of time.sleep with negative arg
Colin Brown
- Behaviour of time.sleep with negative arg
Colin Brown
- Behaviour of time.sleep with negative arg
Colin Brown
- Behaviour of time.sleep with negative arg
Colin Brown
- XML best practices (was: Python as replacement for PHP?)
Giles Brown
- is perl better?
Dave Brueck
- Can't connect Postgres to Python
Dave Brueck
- Any Python Hackers Wanna Beta Test????
Dave Brueck
- Can't connect Postgres to Python
Dave Brueck
- root password in a .py script
Dave Brueck
- How to stop a listening socket.accept()?
Dave Brueck
- Can't connect Postgres to Python
Dave Brueck
- Python for large projects
Dave Brueck
- Suitability of python to specific project
Dave Brueck
- Python for large projects
Dave Brueck
- Windows Media Player 9 with win32com.client.Dispatch?
Dave Brueck
- Python for large projects
Dave Brueck
- tkinter test field, scrolling, threads
Eric Brunel
- Problem displaying images with TkInter
Eric Brunel
- Modifying Entry widget diabledforeground in Tkinter...
Eric Brunel
- tkinter test field, scrolling, threads
Eric Brunel
- Creating frames in threads
Eric Brunel
- v # invalid expression ?
Eric Brunel
- Question concerning Unicode and or Shift-JIS
Eric Brunel
- Seeking advice on GUI code architecture
Marco Bubke
- PEP 318
Marco Bubke
- The problem with "as" [was "Re: PEP 318"]
Marco Bubke
- Final Project - GUI front-end - Accessing and returning data from a file
- How to open a file, read from it, and retrieve information from it?
Eugene Van den Bulke
- Exiting Tkinter when using IDLE
Eugene Van den Bulke
- Socket Receive Buffer
John Burton
- Socket access to low numbered ports?
John Burton
- Socket access to low numbered ports?
John Burton
- Socket access to low numbered ports?
John Burton
- Socket access to low numbered ports?
John Burton
- What's missing from python?
John Burton
- What's missing from python?
John Burton
- vim & python
Simon Burton
- Python & Linux, some questions (2)
Simon Burton
- list inheritance or delegation?
Simon Burton
- Dictionary & data
Simon Burton
- ANN: dsptools-0.4.0
Simon Burton
- Import a module from parent package
Peter L. Buschman
- Import a module from parent package
Peter L. Buschman
- Zope with Python
Holger Butschek
- Zope with Python
Holger Butschek
- Problem with a script.
Khawaja Shahzad Sadiq Butt
- Need Help with pymssql
Khawaja Shahzad Sadiq Butt
- dynamic names
Val Bykoski
- dynamic names
Val Bykoski
- dynamic names
Val Bykoski
- python-dev Summary for 2004-02-01 through 2004-02-29
Brett C.
- python-dev Summary for 2004-02-01 through 2004-02-29
Brett C.
- python-dev Summary for 2004-03-01 through 2004-03-15
Brett C.
- Little explanation
Ben Caradoc-Davies
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Josiah Carlson
- Speed Comparison Perl Python & C
Josiah Carlson
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Josiah Carlson
- Feature request: subclassing FunctionType [Was: Some language proposals]
Josiah Carlson
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Josiah Carlson
- Group comment
Josiah Carlson
- Group comment
Josiah Carlson
- network servers
Josiah Carlson
- input from sdtin or file...
Josiah Carlson
- Python for Beginners
Josiah Carlson
- ready to use python, need help with GUI decision
Josiah Carlson
- Numeric array of objects
Josiah Carlson
- py2exe in Windowsxp
Josiah Carlson
- Parsing xml file using python
Josiah Carlson
- Some language proposals.
Josiah Carlson
- how fast is Python code - another detail
Josiah Carlson
- Almost Done: Need some Help in Generating FEATURE VECTORS
Josiah Carlson
- Can python read up to where a certain pattern is matched?
Josiah Carlson
- Writing dictionary output to a file
Josiah Carlson
- generating points on a grid - efficiently
Josiah Carlson
- Can python read up to where a certain pattern is matched?
Josiah Carlson
- Start
Josiah Carlson
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
Josiah Carlson
- a desired python editor
Josiah Carlson
- Fast way to send message between 2 child processes? (using a file is too slow?)
Josiah Carlson
- a desired python editor
Josiah Carlson
- Fast way to send message between 2 child processes? (using a file is too slow?)
Josiah Carlson
- generating points on a grid - efficiently
Josiah Carlson
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
Josiah Carlson
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Josiah Carlson
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Josiah Carlson
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
Josiah Carlson
- extracting order of class' attribute setting = statement execution or keyword assignments?
Josiah Carlson
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Josiah Carlson
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Josiah Carlson
- A GOTO example (was question: numarray c extension...)
Josiah Carlson
- Speed up loading and free memory...
Josiah Carlson
- OT(Slightly): Thanks to Python.
Josiah Carlson
- A GOTO example (was question: numarray c extension...)
Josiah Carlson
- Extracting info from OS/hardware
Josiah Carlson
- Start and control an extern program
Josiah Carlson
- loop scope
Josiah Carlson
- Static Typing in Python
Josiah Carlson
- How to use Sockets with wxPython?
Josiah Carlson
- How to use Sockets with wxPython?
Josiah Carlson
- Any known bitmap/resource/image collection for a Spanish card deck?
Josiah Carlson
- read/enter text based on cursor position
Josiah Carlson
- SHA-based subclass for Random module
Josiah Carlson
- Newbie question on wxNotebook
Josiah Carlson
- wxDirDialog
Josiah Carlson
- Error Message & IDLE - PyShell
Josiah Carlson
- Result of ``a is b''
Josiah Carlson
- Replace accented chars with unaccented ones
Josiah Carlson
- fox 1.2.x and FXPy
Josiah Carlson
- Replace accented chars with unaccented ones
Josiah Carlson
- Replace accented chars with unaccented ones
Josiah Carlson
- python-dev Summary for 2004-02-01 through 2004-02-29
Josiah Carlson
- Start and control an extern program
Josiah Carlson
- Select on Win XP
Josiah Carlson
- Any known bitmap/resource/image collection for a Spanish card deck?
Josiah Carlson
- wxDirDialog
Josiah Carlson
- Replace accented chars with unaccented ones
Josiah Carlson
- Inconsistency in Python's Comparisons
Josiah Carlson
- python-dev Summary for 2004-02-01 through 2004-02-29
Josiah Carlson
- loop scope
Josiah Carlson
- Is there a map or graph module?
Josiah Carlson
- tkinter, threads and asyncore together
Josiah Carlson
- [snip too-long subject]
Josiah Carlson
- Sentence splitter module?
Josiah Carlson
- Sentence splitter module?
Josiah Carlson
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Josiah Carlson
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Josiah Carlson
- Best way to convert string a to utf-*
Josiah Carlson
- Graphing problems
Josiah Carlson
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Josiah Carlson
- py2exe 0.5.0 and data_files
Josiah Carlson
- Import a module from parent package
Josiah Carlson
- Regular Expression AND mach
Josiah Carlson
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Josiah Carlson
- Select on Win XP
Josiah Carlson
- Package name with '.' in them: Python Bug ?
Josiah Carlson
- Package name with '.' in them: Python Bug ?
Josiah Carlson
- FreeBSD or OpenBSD for Python?
Josiah Carlson
- py2exe 0.5.0 and data_files
Josiah Carlson
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Josiah Carlson
- Package name with '.' in them: Python Bug ?
Josiah Carlson
- Timeout on a UDP Socket
Josiah Carlson
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Josiah Carlson
- Can this be done with python?
Josiah Carlson
- problems with nltk
Josiah Carlson
- creating lists question?
Josiah Carlson
- fox 1.2.x and FXPy
Josiah Carlson
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
Josiah Carlson
- Traceback (most recent call last):
Josiah Carlson
- creating lists question?
Josiah Carlson
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Josiah Carlson
- Vector math
Josiah Carlson
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Josiah Carlson
- PyProtocols question
Josiah Carlson
- Nodenet availability ?
Josiah Carlson
- Fork+Timeout
Josiah Carlson
- Newbie trying to use HTTPS, pls help
Josiah Carlson
- How to import a module based on an argument
Josiah Carlson
- simple py2exe import os error
Josiah Carlson
- sorting the list by inner elements
Josiah Carlson
- creating lists question?
Josiah Carlson
- Beginner Threaded file reading access
Josiah Carlson
- Beginner Threaded file reading access
Josiah Carlson
- A 'Python like' language
Josiah Carlson
- A 'Python like' language
Josiah Carlson
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Josiah Carlson
- Python & Optical Mark Recognition
Josiah Carlson
- A 'Python like' language
Josiah Carlson
- asyncore deficiencies
Josiah Carlson
- windows ce
Josiah Carlson
- How To capture an id into an array..
Josiah Carlson
- asyncore deficiencies
Josiah Carlson
- How To capture an id into an array..
Josiah Carlson
- Orders of magnitude
Josiah Carlson
- Orders of magnitude
Josiah Carlson
- Filemon-ish behavior by Python?
Josiah Carlson
- histogram type thingy for (unique) dict items
Josiah Carlson
- emergent/swarm/evolutionary systems etc
Josiah Carlson
- Orders of magnitude
Josiah Carlson
- emergent/swarm/evolutionary systems etc
Josiah Carlson
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Josiah Carlson
- Orders of magnitude
Josiah Carlson
- Breakdown of approaches to PEP318
Josiah Carlson
- asyncore deficiencies
Josiah Carlson
- Import config into global space?
Josiah Carlson
- PyChecker and stdin
Josiah Carlson
- Python Documentation Blows!
Josiah Carlson
- queue for large objects, object references
Josiah Carlson
- Python Documentation Blows!
Josiah Carlson
- Why '==' ??
Josiah Carlson
- Import config into global space?
Josiah Carlson
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Josiah Carlson
- Import config into global space?
Josiah Carlson
- Simulate socket with files or stdin/stdout
Josiah Carlson
- Why Python?
Mark Carter
- Binaries for Swish-E and Python 2.3 for Windows
Nick Carter
- Regular Expression AND mach
Win Carus
- how fast is Python code - another detail
Guillermo Fernandez Castellanos
- a desired python editor
Guillermo Fernandez Castellanos
- Python,mysql question
Stefano Cavallari
- inetd script in python?
Donn Cave
- inetd script in python?
Donn Cave
- Redirecting stdout and stdin
Donn Cave
- os.popen varies return type depending on exit status?
Donn Cave
- Raw write/read file descriptor
Donn Cave
- Need better string methods
Donn Cave
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Donn Cave
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Donn Cave
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Donn Cave
- Python style guidelines
Donn Cave
- sometimes not reading everything
Donn Cave
- new python syntax: concatenation of functions
Donn Cave
- loop scope
Donn Cave
- use -> instead of lambda??
Donn Cave
- How to stop a listening socket.accept()?
Donn Cave
- Static Typing in Python
Donn Cave
- loop scope
Donn Cave
- imaplib.IMAP4: Bug in implementation
Donn Cave
- Static Typing in Python
Donn Cave
- imaplib.IMAP4: Bug in implementation
Donn Cave
- how to do non-blocking I/O
Donn Cave
- '1' + 1 ==> True ???
Donn Cave
- Static Typing in Python
Donn Cave
- Getting both PID and output from a command
Donn Cave
- Static Typing in Python
Donn Cave
- FreeBSD or OpenBSD for Python?
Donn Cave
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Donn Cave
- [OT] Static typing and split brains research
Donn Cave
- Fork+Timeout
Donn Cave
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Donn Cave
- Python for email?
Donn Cave
- process wrapper?
Donn Cave
- process wrapper?
Donn Cave
- process wrapper?
Donn Cave
- process wrapper?
Donn Cave
- Equality and identity
Donn Cave
- process wrapper?
Donn Cave
- ESR's redone in python - request for critique
Donn Cave
- Simulate socket with files or stdin/stdout
Donn Cave
- Hiding console window
Jørgen Cederberg
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Jørgen Cederberg
- Scope question
Subhash Chandra
- FreeBSD or OpenBSD for Python?
Hye-Shik Chang
- How to use __getattribute__ to access a class attribute?
Shalabh Chaturvedi
- Another gen_py coclass_interfaces COM problem
Cristian Hasbun from Chile
- win32com coclass_interfaces problem
Cristian Hasbun from Chile
- win32com coclass_interfaces problem
Cristian Hasbun from Chile
- Function calling another function
Satish Chimakurthi
- Function calling another function
Satish Chimakurthi
- Python and Multi-Physics
Satish Chimakurthi
- Python and Multi-Physics
Satish Chimakurthi
- Help running pythonw from a command prompt with arguments
Eric Ching
- Help running pythonw from a command prompt with arguments
Eric Ching
- Zope with Python
Dragos Chirila
- Filemon-ish behavior by Python?
- wxDirDialog
- examples of doing syadmin activities as a web app
- The problem with "as" [was "Re: PEP 318"]
- new to programming: suggestion
Al Christians
- NT Services and EventLog problems
Pieter Claerhout
- Binaries for Swish-E and Python 2.3 for Windows
Pieter Claerhout
- Binaries for Swish-E and Python 2.3 for Windows
Pieter Claerhout
- NT Services and EventLog problems
Pieter Claerhout
- I can't use me.
Pieter Claerhout
- zxJDBC driver error
Pieter Claerhout
- Decoding numerical and name based HTML entities
Pieter Claerhout
- Front end python backend php
Pieter Claerhout
- Video module?
Michel Claveau/Hamster
- Video module?
Michel Claveau/Hamster
- Encoded file
Michel Claveau/Hamster
- Unicode and UrlEncode!
Michel Claveau/Hamster
- Unicode and UrlEncode!
Michel Claveau/Hamster
- Python Tic Tac Toe
Michel Claveau/Hamster
- How to import a module based on an argument
Michel Claveau/Hamster
- How to import a module based on an argument
Michel Claveau/Hamster
- How to import a module based on an argument
Michel Claveau/Hamster
- A 'Python like' language
Michel Claveau/Hamster
- Orders of magnitude
Michel Claveau/Hamster
- Britney Spears nude
Michel Claveau/Hamster
- Britney Spears nude
Michel Claveau/Hamster
- Howl & ZeroConf
John Clayton
- Howl & ZeroConf
John Clayton
- Howl & ZeroConf
John Clayton
- Async example of SSL in M2Crypto
Paul Clinch
- Parsing xml file using python
Andrew Clover
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
Andrew Clover
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
Andrew Clover
- What is wrong? The minidom or the XML file?
Andrew Clover
- What is wrong? The minidom or the XML file?
Andrew Clover
- Question concerning Unicode and or Shift-JIS
Andrew Clover
- xml.minidom and threads
Andrew Clover
- pyXML beginner questions
Andrew Clover
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
Andrew Clover
- py files includings each others
Andrew Clover
- Getting username and passwd from IE
Andrew Clover
- confused with xml and minidom
Andrew Clover
- A couple of Python CGI questions
Andrew Clover
- ready to use python, need help with GUI decision
Ed Cogburn
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Ed Cogburn
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Ed Cogburn
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Ed Cogburn
- Python installing on Debian
Ed Cogburn
- Which Python module for PostgreSQL?
David M. Cook
- Which Python module for PostgreSQL?
David M. Cook
- Which Python module for PostgreSQL?
David M. Cook
- OT(Slightly): Thanks to Python.
David M. Cook
- OT(Slightly): Thanks to Python.
David M. Cook
- New to Python; what about #include, extern and function prototypes
David M. Cook
- Python database access questions
David M. Cook
- Speed Comparison Perl Python & C
David M. Cooke
- Python as replacement for PHP?
David M. Cooke
- [Numeric] why is Float32 incorrect for ufuncs?
David M. Cooke
- maximum element?
David M. Cooke
- extending python
David M. Cooke
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
David M. Cooke
- curses bkgd problem
David M. Cooke
- NumPy (numarray) problem with C code
David M. Cooke
- question: numarray c extension error handling?
David M. Cooke
- Extending Python Syntax with @
David M. Cooke
- Python database
David M. Cooke
- A GOTO example (was question: numarray c extension...)
David M. Cooke
- Result of ``a is b''
David M. Cooke
- Semantics of ==
David M. Cooke
- Perceived optparse shortcomings
David M. Cooke
- Result of ``a is b''
David M. Cooke
- Any known bitmap/resource/image collection for a Spanish card deck?
David M. Cooke
- tabbing probs
David M. Cooke
- Equality and identity
David M. Cooke
- warning: "_POSIX_C_SOURCE" redefined
David M. Cooke
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
David M. Cooke
- test for nan
David M. Cooke
- How to make this speed up
David M. Cooke
- How to make this speed up
David M. Cooke
- Bug in socket module?
David M. Cooke
- test for nan
David M. Cooke
- Import 'lookup' problem with path_hooks
Remy C. Cool
- maximum element?
Heather Coppersmith
- "print" as function not statement
Heather Coppersmith
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Heather Coppersmith
- Python style guidelines
Heather Coppersmith
- Concatenating numerical and string attributes
Heather Coppersmith
- Python style guidelines
Heather Coppersmith
- Static Typing in Python
Heather Coppersmith
- Perceived optparse shortcomings
Heather Coppersmith
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Heather Coppersmith
- Newbie Formatting Question
Heather Coppersmith
- Python for large projects
Heather Coppersmith
- pysqlite
Heather Coppersmith
- Reading text lines from a socket
Eddie Corns
- ftplib - uploading files using transfercmd?
Eddie Corns
- FreeBSD or OpenBSD for Python?
Eddie Corns
- SOLVED: Re: ftplib - uploading files using transfercmd?
Eddie Corns
- FreeBSD or OpenBSD for Python?
Eddie Corns
- ftp mget
Eddie Corns
- Regular Expressions
Eddie Corns
- emergent/swarm/evolutionary systems etc
Eddie Corns
- Group comment
Chema Cortes
- Concatenated numerical literals
Chema Cortes
- Advice needed: large OpenGL + Widgets Project for Molecular Graphics
Greg Couch
- python bnf somewhere?
Corey Coughlin
- UNC paths in file object open
Cary Coulter
- word search
Andrea Cova
- IDLE won't launch, and other frustrations
Michael A. Covington
- IDLE won't launch, and other frustrations
Michael A. Covington
- IDLE won't launch, and other frustrations
Michael A. Covington
- IDLE won't launch, and other frustrations
Michael A. Covington
- IDLE won't launch, and other frustrations
Michael A. Covington
- IDLE won't launch, and other frustrations
Michael A. Covington
- IDLE won't launch, and other frustrations
Michael A. Covington
- IDLE won't launch, and other frustrations
Michael A. Covington
- IDLE won't launch, and other frustrations
Michael A. Covington
- IDLE won't launch, and other frustrations
Michael A. Covington
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Christopher A. Craig
- Orders of magnitude
Christopher A. Craig
- FreeBSD or OpenBSD for Python?
Graeme Cross
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Jon A. Cruz
- Utterly OT:[Was Re: Need better string methods]
- Recipient: Have detected a virus () in your mail traffic on 15-Mar-2004 with an action Deleted.
- ANN : JyRetic 1.0RC4, Retic Admin 1.3 and Retic SOAP 0.3 released
- Retic EAI server : looking for contributors
- Replacing base class
- Automatic web form transactions
- MVC-type Framework in Python
- ready to use python, need help with GUI decision
- Graphics.
- Extending Python Syntax with @
- Video module?
- How to use Sockets with wxPython?
- embedding opengl in wxpython window [Re: Advice needed: large OpenGL + Widgets Project for Molecular]
- embedding opengl in wxpython window [Re: Advice needed: large
- 3D apps in Python?
- The problem with "as" [was "Re: PEP 318"]
- Creating Python Modules
- A 'Python like' language
- The problem with "as" [was "Re: PEP 318"]
- ZODB for beginners - the most simple example ?
- Breakdown of approaches to PEP318
- vim & python
Kevin Dahlhausen
- best way to read a configuration file
Kevin Dahlhausen
- 3D apps in Python?
Andrew Dalke
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Tim Daneliuk
- Any Python Hackers Wanna Beta Test????
Tim Daneliuk
- Any Python Hackers Wanna Beta Test????
Tim Daneliuk
- Any Python Hackers Wanna Beta Test????
Tim Daneliuk
- Any Python Hackers Wanna Beta Test????
Tim Daneliuk
- The Order Of Dictionary Entries
Tim Daneliuk
- [ANN]: twander 3.146 Released And Available
Tim Daneliuk
- lambda trouble
Darabos Daniel
- Using the __builtins__ module to assign new global variables
Scott David Daniels
- Little explanation
Scott David Daniels
- Replace text with value form dictionary (regexp)
Scott David Daniels
- Replacing base class
Scott David Daniels
- i'm lost in list manipulation
Scott David Daniels
- Unicode & mx.ODBC module
Scott David Daniels
- name of this python program
Scott David Daniels
- Behaviour of time.sleep with negative arg
Scott David Daniels
- What's missing from python?
Scott David Daniels
- sorting times
Scott David Daniels
- [SPAM-Bayes] - Re: Converting IBM Floats..Help.. - BayesianFilter detected spam
Scott David Daniels
- [SPAM-Bayes] - Re: Converting IBM Floats..Help.. - BayesianFilter detected spam
Scott David Daniels
- sorting the list by inner elements
Scott David Daniels
- Graphics.
Jonathan Daugherty
- dictionary wart
Jonathan Daugherty
- Python Documentation Blows!
Jonathan Daugherty
- Python Documentation Blows!
Jonathan Daugherty
- Problem displaying images with TkInter
- Problem displaying images with TkInter
- Automatic web form transactions
Jay Davis
- Automatic web form transactions
Jay Davis
- How to flush print
Jay Davis
- Xemacs syntax highlighting
Jay Davis
- Xemacs terminal output
Jay Davis
- file.readline() after a seek() breaking up lines
Mark Day
- State of Python scripting on Mac OS X?
Mark Day
- Computing test methods in unittest.TestCase
Jan Decaluwe
- Computing test methods in unittest.TestCase
Jan Decaluwe
- Psyco and generators
Jan Decaluwe
- PyBuffer. Question on memory shared by C app and python.
Nicolas Decoster
- locale.getlocale() strange behaviour
Benoît Dejean
- locale.getlocale() strange behaviour
Benoît Dejean
- overloading __getattr__ and inheriting from dict
Benoît Dejean
- overloading __getattr__ and inheriting from dict
Benoît Dejean
- swig and docstring
Benoît Dejean
- Random Number
Tim Delaney
- Thoughts on new vs traditional idioms
Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy)
- wxGlade not Running !
Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy)
- Thoughts on new vs traditional idioms
Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy)
- Speed Comparison Perl Python & C
Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy)
- New to Python; what about #include, extern and function prototypes
Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy)
- Question on loops
Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy)
- Question on loops
Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy)
- wrapping C++, how to wrap an object?
Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy)
- Unit testing - suitable for all development?
Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy)
- sorting a list
Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy)
- Result of ``a is b''
Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy)
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy)
- 3D apps in Python?
Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy)
- PEP 318
Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy)
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy)
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy)
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy)
- How to access the Oracle9i?
Bernard Delmée
- is perl better?
Bernard Delmée
- Using Oracle on Solaris
Bernard Delmée
- Simple file line reading
Aaron Deskins
- Static Typing in Python
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Static Typing in Python
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Static Typing in Python
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Static Typing in Python
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Static Typing in Python
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Static Typing in Python
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Static Typing in Python
Bruno Desthuilliers
- [OT] Top posting is a PITA [was : Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes]
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Bruno Desthuilliers
- [OT] about OO concepts
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Why Python?
Rainer Deyke
- Why Python?
Rainer Deyke
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Rainer Deyke
- How do I get the reference of window in DOM?
Amol Dharmadhikari
- ASP/JSP Python Equivalent
Valentino Volonghi aka Dialtone
- A 'Python like' language
Valentino Volonghi aka Dialtone
- Breakdown of approaches to PEP318
Valentino Volonghi aka Dialtone
- Tkfont buggy for two Tk() top level windows
Jack Diederich
- Tkfont buggy for two Tk() top level windows
Jack Diederich
- Python & the job market
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Ray Dillinger
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Ray Dillinger
- Minimal distro requirements for standalone python program....
Daniel Dittmar
- Efficiently test for positive re.match then use the result?
Daniel Dittmar
- Package importing question
Daniel Dittmar
- Package importing question
Daniel Dittmar
- Not clear on what documentation means here [pxlpluker]
Daniel Dittmar
- new python syntax: concatenation of functions
Daniel Dittmar
- A 'Python like' language
Daniel Dittmar
- A 'Python like' language
Daniel Dittmar
- Risposta automatica Fuori sede: Your software
Antonella Dolsa
- How to convert string to list without eval or exec
- new to programming: suggestion
- Result of ``a is b''
- Any way to get information from fun objects about their parameters?
- chinese codecs mit py2exe
Achim Domma
- again py2exe and codecs
Achim Domma
- mod_python and unicode
Olivier Dormond
- Inheriting Classes Across Files
- help
Ben Drayton
- ImportError when trying to import own C++ module
Jan Drugowitsch
- ImportError when trying to import own C++ module
Jan Drugowitsch
- Initializing Member Variables
Scott Brady Drummonds
- Initializing Member Variables
Scott Brady Drummonds
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Holger Duerer
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Holger Duerer
- Intro to concurrent programming with python
Jeff Duffy
- wxpython appearance differs after py2exe
Jeff Duffy
- Licensing of wrappers around C/C++ code under more restrictive licensing.
Graham Dumpleton
- xmlrpclib timeouts
Graham Dumpleton
- Number formats in wxpython
Robin Dunn
- wxPython book (was Re: Python Documentation Blows!)
Robin Dunn
- wxPython "Frames within Frames"
Robin Dunn
- problem with wxtextctrl
Robin Dunn
- wxPython information
Robin Dunn
- wxPython docs [was Re: Python Documentation Blows!]
Robin Dunn
- Virus Found in message ":-)"
- Vector math
Tyler Eaves
- import, functions, and threading
Phillip J. Eby
- py2exe odbc:cannot import dbi module
Marc Ederis
- py2exe odbc:cannot import dbi module
Marc Ederis
- A Simple Server to Capture Single Short Requests
Craig Edgmon
- MySQLdb Module for ActiveState Python 2.3
Craig Edgmon
- Python and Microsoft Excel files
Craig Edgmon
- queue for large objects, object references
Markus von Ehr
- Deprecating reload() ???
Ellinghaus, Lance
- Newbie Python (Game) Programming Question
Daniel Ellison
- A 'Python like' language
Daniel Ellison
- A 'Python like' language
Daniel Ellison
- Regular expressions and sub
- COM Objects (maybe OT)
- Why Python?
Robert M. Emmons
- Python scripting for GNumeric
Robert M. Emmons
- Regular Expressions in Python
Jeff Epler
- Function calling another function
Jeff Epler
- A 'raw' codec for binary "strings" in Python?
Jeff Epler
- Novice [].append Help
Jeff Epler
- Thoughts on new vs traditional idioms
Jeff Epler
- Escape problem
Jeff Epler
- Modifying escape sequences in strings
Jeff Epler
- image processing style (2D kernel) convolutions?
Jeff Epler
- locale.getlocale() strange behaviour
Jeff Epler
- reg exp and octal notation
Jeff Epler
- file.readline() after a seek() breaking up lines
Jeff Epler
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Jeff Epler
- Fast way to send message between 2 child processes? (using a file is too slow?)
Jeff Epler
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Jeff Epler
- Fast way to send message between 2 child processes? (using a file is too slow?)
Jeff Epler
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Jeff Epler
- Unicode (Japanese) fonts in Images
Jeff Epler
- Is this a bug?
Jeff Epler
- Fast way to send message between 2 child processes? (using a file is too slow?)
Jeff Epler
- Fast way to send message between 2 child processes? (using a file is too slow?)
Jeff Epler
- Package importing question
Jeff Epler
- Python Equivalent??
Jeff Epler
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Jeff Epler
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Jeff Epler
- popen from inside a thread not working!
Jeff Epler
- RuntimeError: cannot unmarshal code objects in restricted execution mode
Jeff Epler
- new python syntax: concatenation of functions
Jeff Epler
- [PyQT] QSocketNotifier problem
Jeff Epler
- Behaviour of time.sleep with negative arg
Jeff Epler
- Is reverse reading possible?
Jeff Epler
- creating array of python objects
Jeff Epler
- Is reverse reading possible?
Jeff Epler
- Behaviour of time.sleep with negative arg
Jeff Epler
- Deprecating reload() ???
Jeff Epler
- Deprecating reload() ???
Jeff Epler
- xreadlines() being used with file.tell() and
Jeff Epler
- Replace accented chars with unaccented ones
Jeff Epler
- Replace accented chars with unaccented ones
Jeff Epler
- Replace accented chars with unaccented ones
Jeff Epler
- TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
Jeff Epler
- F_GETLK Working?
Jeff Epler
- Perceived optparse shortcomings
Jeff Epler
- destructuring tuple and list
Jeff Epler
- Problem with threads and signals
Jeff Epler
- Unicode and UrlEncode!
Jeff Epler
- Help on Tkinter installation
Jeff Epler
- Perceived optparse shortcomings
Jeff Epler
- shutils.move lose files !
Jeff Epler
- '1' + 1 ==> True ???
Jeff Epler
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Jeff Epler
- Regular Expression AND mach
Jeff Epler
- Regular Expression AND mach
Jeff Epler
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Jeff Epler
- Invalid character in os.system call...
Jeff Epler
- file.tell() ?
Jeff Epler
- XML attributes have wrong name
Jeff Epler
- how to "touch" a file
Jeff Epler
- Beginner Threaded file reading access
Jeff Epler
- Suitability of python to specific project
Jeff Epler
- portable /dev/null again
Jeff Epler
- paths: splitall(), relativepath()
Jeff Epler
- Converting IBM Floats..Help..
Jeff Epler
- [SPAM-Bayes] - Re: Converting IBM Floats..Help.. - Bayesian Filter detected spam
Jeff Epler
- execute shell command pipeline
Jeff Epler
- mod_python exception catching, other repetitious per-page actions
Jeff Epler
- mod_python exception catching, other repetitious per-page actions
Jeff Epler
- Passing items of a lsit as arguments
Jeff Epler
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Jeff Epler
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Jeff Epler
- test for nan
Jeff Epler
- Generating salt for crypt
Dietrich Epp
- Inconsistency in Python's Comparisons
Dietrich Epp
- "print" as function not statement
Dietrich Epp
- Inconsistency in Python's Comparisons
Dietrich Epp
- PEP 318
David Eppstein
- PEP 318
David Eppstein
- wxDirDialog
- wxDirDialog
- translating "setattr" to C++
- [Slightly OT] Re: Voting (was Re: PEP 318
- [Slightly OT] Re: Voting
- [Slightly OT] Re: Voting
- [Way OT] Condorcet vs. IRV
- [Way OT] Condorcet vs. IRV
- wxPython "Frames within Frames"
Simon Erikson
- wxPython "Frames within Frames"
Simon Erikson
- Variable in Regex
Christian von Essen
- How to run another .py file w/o exec command?
Christian von Essen
- Where to offer simple apps
Christian von Essen
- Integer, 64 Bit, signed and unsigned
Christian von Essen
- Installing a python program without full distribution - minimal requirements...
Mr. Everest
- 3D apps in Python?
Brandon J. Van Every
- 3D apps in Python?
Brandon J. Van Every
- 3D apps in Python?
Brandon J. Van Every
- (Zope] ZserverSSL as a win32 service
Wolfgang Ewert
- Norton AntiVirus detecto un virus en un mensje que Ud. envio. el archivo adjunto enviado fue borrado.
NAV for Microsoft Exchange-DNS2
- Norton AntiVirus detected a virus in a message you sent. The inf ected attachment was deleted.
NAV for Microsoft Exchange-FLEXOHINER
- vim & python
Scott F
- New to Python.
Scott F
- Timeouts with urllib2
- Timeouts with urllib2
- Is this a bug?
Carolina Feher
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Matthias Felleisen
- __builtins__ and PyImport_AddModule
Mathieu Fenniak
- State of Python scripting on Mac OS X?
Mathieu Fenniak
- Python job opening at GPO in Washington, DC
Stephen Ferg
- ANN: EasyGui update - simple GUI interface for Python programs
Stephen Ferg
- HTMLParser and write
Stephen Ferg
- new to programming: suggestion
Stephen Ferg
- pyXML:save changes made to DOM-tree, get entity-uri
Sebastian Fey
- pyXML beginner questions
Sebastian Fey
- A Simple Server to Capture Single Short Requests
Aloysio Figueiredo
- time.sleep()
Aloysio Figueiredo
- word search
Aloysio Figueiredo
- insertion in lists
Aloysio Figueiredo
- how fast is Python code - another detail
Aloysio Figueiredo
- Getting definition list
Aloysio Figueiredo
- Introspection at the module level?
Aloysio Figueiredo
- dictionary wart
Aloysio Figueiredo
- Calling function keywords from a dictionary
Aloysio Figueiredo
- problems with nltk
Katja Filippova
- Socket Help
Luca Fini
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Peter Finlayson
- wxGlade not Running !
Ben Finney
- Group comment
Ben Finney
- decimal point character
Ben Finney
- OT(Slightly): Thanks to Python.
Ben Finney
- Program not Stripping Headers from Email though Working fine
Ben Finney
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Ben Finney
- root password in a .py script
Ben Finney
- Seeking advice on GUI code architecture
Ben Finney
- '1' + 1 ==> True ???
Ben Finney
- New to Python.
Ben Finney
- '1' + 1 ==> True ???
Ben Finney
- dictionary wart
Ben Finney
- Python,mysql question
Ben Finney
- Beginner Threaded file reading access
Ben Finney
- http request doesn't work!
Ben Finney
- mxDateTime function DateFromString gives wrong year
Ben Finney
- Equality and identity
Ben Finney
- Global name "userid" not defined??
Ben Finney
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Ben Finney
- [OT] Top posting is a PITA [was : Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes]
Ben Finney
- a desired python editor
Joerg Fischer
- Licensing of wrappers around C/C++ code under more restrictive licensing.
Mike C. Fletcher
- Licensing of wrappers around C/C++ code under more restrictive licensing.
Mike C. Fletcher
- PyTable?
Mike C. Fletcher
- Which Python module for PostgreSQL?
Mike C. Fletcher
- Upgrade 2.2.2 to 2.3.3: Keep my old 3rd party modules or rebuild them or reinstall from scratch?
Mike C. Fletcher
- wx delivery queshun
Mike C. Fletcher
- How to convert string to list without eval or exec
Mike C. Fletcher
- How to downgrade/remove ZODB (or any other module)?
Mike C. Fletcher
- Zippping a directory recursively from Python script on Windows
Mike C. Fletcher
- Performance penalty for using properties?
Mike C. Fletcher
- Performance penalty for using properties?
Mike C. Fletcher
- Advice needed: large OpenGL + Widgets Project for Molecular Graphics
Mike C. Fletcher
- Advice needed: large OpenGL + Widgets Project for Molecular Graphics
Mike C. Fletcher
- embedding opengl in wxpython window [Re: Advice needed: large OpenGL + Widgets Project for Molecular]
Mike C. Fletcher
- Advice needed: large OpenGL + Widgets Project for Molecular Graphics
Mike C. Fletcher
- embedding opengl in wxpython window [Re: Advice needed: large
Mike C. Fletcher
- attributes of Python classes
Mike C. Fletcher
- float problem
Mike C. Fletcher
- 3D apps in Python?
Mike C. Fletcher
- Metaclass presentation + code samples online
Mike C. Fletcher
- Garbage collector and threads
Nicolas Fleury
- Garbage collector and threads
Nicolas Fleury
- Garbage collector and threads
Nicolas Fleury
- Garbage collector and threads
Nicolas Fleury
- Garbage collector and threads
Nicolas Fleury
- Module dependencies
Nicolas Fleury
- is perl better?
Nicolas Fleury
- Is Python type safe?
Nicolas Fleury
- Compare recursively objects
Nicolas Fleury
- Compare recursively objects
Nicolas Fleury
- Compare recursively objects
Nicolas Fleury
- PEP 318
Nicolas Fleury
- PEP 318
Nicolas Fleury
- Why '==' ??
Nicolas Fleury
- Why Python?
Wayne Folta
- Ruby like syntactic sugar
Wayne Folta
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Wayne Folta
- root password in a .py script
Wayne Folta
- python-mode in emacs under OSX
Chris Fonnesbeck
- struct.pack Format String Question
Joshua Forgione
- Python on Mac OS X doesn't have gdbm
- Python on Mac OS X doesn't have gdbm
- Modifying Entry size
- Using bound variables in Tkinter events
Derek Fountain
- Using bound variables in Tkinter events
Derek Fountain
- Using bound variables in Tkinter events
Derek Fountain
- Using bound variables in Tkinter events
Derek Fountain
- Static Typing in Python
Ramon Leon Fournier
- Newbie Python (Game) Programming Question
Reynard T. Fox
- Wanted: po file extract-merge script
- A 'raw' codec for binary "strings" in Python?
Erik Max Francis
- Python's equivalent of C++ std::multimap
Erik Max Francis
- Recursive function always returns None
Erik Max Francis
- static_cast
Erik Max Francis
- What is wrong? The minidom or the XML file?
Erik Max Francis
- What is wrong? The minidom or the XML file?
Erik Max Francis
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Erik Max Francis
- What is wrong? The minidom or the XML file?
Erik Max Francis
- new python syntax: concatenation of functions
Erik Max Francis
- put your money where your mouse is, or why I prefer Spanish to English: a proposal
Erik Max Francis
- execute script everywhere
Erik Max Francis
- embed python
Erik Max Francis
- isinstance method
Erik Max Francis
- Result of ``a is b''
Erik Max Francis
- Result of ``a is b''
Erik Max Francis
- Result of ``a is b''
Erik Max Francis
- Is Python type safe?
Erik Max Francis
- Semantics of ==
Erik Max Francis
- Semantics of ==
Erik Max Francis
- Is Python type safe?
Erik Max Francis
- Inconsistency in Python's Comparisons
Erik Max Francis
- Is Python type safe?
Erik Max Francis
- problem with cjkcodecs on Mandrake linux
Erik Max Francis
- Inconsistency in Python's Comparisons
Erik Max Francis
- Inconsistency in Python's Comparisons
Erik Max Francis
- Semantics of ==
Erik Max Francis
- Semantics of ==
Erik Max Francis
- attributes of Python classes
Erik Max Francis
- Specific question about readlines versus xreadlines
Erik Max Francis
- Result of ``a is b''
Erik Max Francis
- '1' + 1 ==> True ???
Erik Max Francis
- Inconsistency in Python's Comparisons
Erik Max Francis
- '1' + 1 ==> True ???
Erik Max Francis
- New to Python.
Erik Max Francis
- Semantics of ==
Erik Max Francis
- '1' + 1 ==> True ???
Erik Max Francis
- Best way to convert string a to utf-*
Erik Max Francis
- Result of ``a is b''
Erik Max Francis
- Help getting the md5 module to work
Erik Max Francis
- \r\n problem in cgi module?
Erik Max Francis
- Help getting the md5 module to work
Erik Max Francis
- file.tell() ?
Erik Max Francis
- Neat Trick for Loading Modules with unknown Name
Erik Max Francis
- In what python release was this introduced..
Erik Max Francis
- Syntax of 'in' : searching a list for a string
Erik Max Francis
- 3D apps in Python?
Erik Max Francis
- 3D apps in Python?
Erik Max Francis
- 3D apps in Python?
Erik Max Francis
- 3D apps in Python?
Erik Max Francis
- 3D apps in Python?
Erik Max Francis
- Semantics of ==
Erik Max Francis
- Semantics of ==
Erik Max Francis
- A 'Python like' language
Erik Max Francis
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
Erik Max Francis
- Why '==' ??
Erik Max Francis
- struct.pack Format String Question
Erik Max Francis
- usenet is being killed by one specific person. That person is (jeff) jbond at
- Tkinter default bindings
Martin Franklin
- tkFileDialog.askdirectory root directory ?
Martin Franklin
- tkFileDialog.askopenfilename
Martin Franklin
- Need a Progress Bar/Meter for Tkinter
Martin Franklin
- Scaling an ImageTk.PhotoImage
Martin Franklin
- tkinter entry/text widget
Martin Franklin
- values within quotes
Martin Franklin
- A 'Python like' language
Jon Franz
- A 'Python like' language
Jon Franz
- Fetching websites with Python
Markus Franz
- Result of ``a is b''
Asun Friere
- Result of ``a is b''
Asun Friere
- Result of ``a is b''
Asun Friere
- Result of ``a is b''
Asun Friere
- Result of ``a is b''
Asun Friere
- Result of ``a is b''
Asun Friere
- name of 'name'
Asun Friere
- Equality and identity
Asun Friere
- Impersonation
Vedran Furac
- Impersonation
Vedran Furac
- Impersonation
Vedran Furac
- Video module?
Vedran Furac
- Gadfly ????
- Gadfly ????
- Gadfly ????
- Need better string methods
- Gadfly ????
- Gadfly ????
- Enjoying Inheritance and operator Overloading
- Enjoying Inheritance and operator Overloading
- Replace accented chars with unaccented ones
- How to convert string to list without eval or exec
- dictionary wart
- dictionary wart
- Regular Expression AND mach
- Regular Expression AND mach
- Regular Expression AND mach
- Path Module and Py2exe
- Path Module and Py2exe
- Regular Expression AND mach
- Regular Expression AND mach
- Does py2exe work with Tkinter?
- Why '==' ??
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
- Why '==' ??
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
- Help getting the md5 module to work
Amy G
- Help getting the md5 module to work
Amy G
- CGI with python help newbie
Amy G
- CGI with python help newbie
Amy G
- Mod_python
Amy G
- Any way to get information from fun objects about their parameters?
Amy G
- Any way to get information from fun objects about their parameters?
Amy G
- Any way to get information from fun objects about their parameters?
Amy G
- Any way to get information from fun objects about their parameters?
Amy G
- Mod_python
Amy G
- Jython Debugger?
- MVC-type Framework in Python
- How to catch a generic exception?
- mechanics to specify an interface
- UNC paths in file object open
- Calling C programs
C GIllespie
- Calling C programs
C GIllespie
- Parsing xml file using python
C GIllespie
- Reading from stdin
C GIllespie
- Reading from stdin
C GIllespie
- Nice way of getting items from two lists
C GIllespie
- get notepad on windows to front via tcp-server
Chetan Gadgil
- Ruby like syntactic sugar
Riccardo Galli
- need optimizing help
Riccardo Galli
- Base64 encoding/decoding
Riccardo Galli
- ConfigParser and Unicode
Riccardo Galli
- Slow Python - what can be done?
Riccardo Galli
- parsing emails
Riccardo Galli
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Riccardo Attilio Galli
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Riccardo Attilio Galli
- Which Python module for PostgreSQL?
- Windows NT Service and Sockets
- curses bkgd problem
- curses bkgd problem
- name of this python program
- Scope question
- psycopg problem
- psycopg problem
- popen problem
- popen problem
- cgi lib question
- lambda trouble
- creating lists question?
- wxNotebook
- new python syntax: concatenation of functions
Radovan Garabik
- [Windows] Pygtk2 incompatible with Stackless
Lorenzo Gatti
- vim & python
Alan Gauld
- ready to use python, need help with GUI decision
Alan Gauld
- Stop code in python!!
Alan Gauld
- new to programming: suggestion
Alan Gauld
- Python for large projects
Alan Gauld
- Creating Python Modules
Adam T. Gautier
- httplib problem
Adam T. Gautier
- Python Documentation Blows!
Adam T. Gautier
- Pythonic control of VMware -- ctypes does not provide access to 'menu' gui-control.
Michael Geary
- Why Python?
Michael Geary
- drowning newbie
Michael Geary
- monitoring a directory
Michael Geary
- XML attributes have wrong name
Nate Gelbard
- capturing audio
Herman Geldenhuys
- Tkinter main window needs to disappear
Herman Geldenhuys
- Some language proposals.
Jacek Generowicz
- Feature request: subclassing FunctionType [Was: Some language proposals]
Jacek Generowicz
- Feature request: subclassing FunctionType [Was: Some language proposals]
Jacek Generowicz
- Why Python?
Jacek Generowicz
- Some language proposals.
Jacek Generowicz
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Jacek Generowicz
- OT(Slightly): Thanks to Python.
Jacek Generowicz
- OT(Slightly): Thanks to Python.
Jacek Generowicz
- distutils: non-module compliation products
Jacek Generowicz
- OT(Slightly): Thanks to Python.
Jacek Generowicz
- Scope question
Jacek Generowicz
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Jacek Generowicz
- Static Typing in Python
Jacek Generowicz
- Static Typing in Python
Jacek Generowicz
- loop scope
Jacek Generowicz
- Static Typing in Python
Jacek Generowicz
- Static Typing in Python
Jacek Generowicz
- Static Typing in Python
Jacek Generowicz
- Static Typing in Python
Jacek Generowicz
- Static Typing in Python
Jacek Generowicz
- loop scope
Jacek Generowicz
- loop scope
Jacek Generowicz
- loop scope
Jacek Generowicz
- Static Typing in Python
Jacek Generowicz
- Static Typing in Python
Jacek Generowicz
- loop scope
Jacek Generowicz
- Static Typing in Python
Jacek Generowicz
- Static Typing in Python
Jacek Generowicz
- Static Typing in Python
Jacek Generowicz
- Static Typing in Python
Jacek Generowicz
- Static Typing in Python
Jacek Generowicz
- Static Typing in Python
Jacek Generowicz
- Static Typing in Python
Jacek Generowicz
- loop scope
Jacek Generowicz
- Static Typing in Python
Jacek Generowicz
- loop scope
Jacek Generowicz
- loop scope
Jacek Generowicz
- Static Typing in Python
Jacek Generowicz
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Jacek Generowicz
- lambda trouble
Jacek Generowicz
- PEP 318
Jacek Generowicz
- PEP 318
Jacek Generowicz
- PEP 318
Jacek Generowicz
- In what python release was this introduced..
Jacek Generowicz
- PEP 318
Jacek Generowicz
- explicit variable scoping
Jacek Generowicz
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Jacek Generowicz
- Python for large projects
Jacek Generowicz
- Python for large projects
Jacek Generowicz
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Jacek Generowicz
- Python for large projects
Jacek Generowicz
- Python for large projects
Jacek Generowicz
- Python for large projects
Jacek Generowicz
- Python for large projects
Jacek Generowicz
- Python for large projects
Jacek Generowicz
- Python for large projects
Jacek Generowicz
- Python for large projects
Jacek Generowicz
- Python for large projects
Jacek Generowicz
- Python for large projects
Jacek Generowicz
- A 'Python like' language
Jacek Generowicz
- Enumerating words and Adding integer, character and string
Jon-Pierre Gentil
- Question please
Jon-Pierre Gentil
- Problem with parsing XML
Jon-Pierre Gentil
- problems with MySQLdb
Jon-Pierre Gentil
- marshalling python data structures in php
Jon-Pierre Gentil
- Getting Python/IIS/ASP to work
- distutils & Java components: a JavaExtension for distutils?
Harry George
- a desired python editor
Harry George
Harry George
- put your money where your mouse is, or why I prefer Spanish to English: a proposal
Harry George
- Parsing xml file using python
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
- Is reverse reading possible?
- language version data in source
Shmuel Gerber
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
- creating lists question?
Matt Gerrans
- Human validation with an image
Matt Gerrans
- A 'raw' codec for binary "strings" in Python?
- vim & python
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
- Program not Stripping Headers from Email though Working fine
- E-mail account disabling warning.
- Mailing list hosting?
- How to flush print
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
- subclassing list and adding other variables ?
- backquote
- Video module?
- put your money where your mouse is, or why I prefer Spanish to English: a proposal
- root password in a .py script
- root password in a .py script
- root password in a .py script
- put your money where your mouse is, or why I prefer Spanish to English: a proposal
- A 'Python like' language
- A 'Python like' language
- Tabs and spaces
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
- Python installing on Debian
Guillaume Gervais
- How to add pairs to a dict, typo corrected in this one.
Avik Ghose
- running TCL from python
Avik Ghose
- running TCL from python
Avik Ghose
- using third party TCL library
Avik Ghose
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Abdulaziz Ghuloum
- python classes
William D. Gill
- python classes
William D. Gill
- python classes
William D. Gill
- ZSI proxy problem
- ZSI proxy problem
- httplib throw a proxy
- httplib throw a proxy
- strptime in 2.3.3
- strptime in 2.3.3
- DB module tutorial
Ken Godee
- import a modified module
Ken Godee
- Gtk / pyGtk: How to remove the close button at the top right corner of the dialog window?
Ken Godee
- Suitability of python to specific project
Jorge Godoy
- Abstraction library for Authentication (module like PEAR Auth)
Jorge Godoy
- Python Documentation Blows!
Jorge Godoy
- Converting office files to PDF
Goermezer, Mustafa (PROSTE)
- py2exe 0.5.0 and data_files
Ulrich Goertz
- py2exe 0.5.0 and data_files
Ulrich Goertz
- py2exe 0.5.0 and data_files
Ulrich Goertz
- get notepad on windows to front via tcp-server
Tim Golden
- NT service (setting Description string)
Tim Golden
- NT service (setting Description string)
Tim Golden
- name of this python program
Tim Golden
- Extracting info from OS/hardware
Tim Golden
- Python and Microsoft Excel files
Tim Golden
- Python / COM / Word
Tim Golden
- In what python release was this introduced..
Tim Golden
- MSSQL Help
Tim Golden
- Problem using py2exe
Tim Golden
- Python / COM / Word
Tim Golden
- monitoring a directory
Tim Golden
- monitoring a directory
Tim Golden
- monitoring a directory
Tim Golden
- monitoring a directory
Tim Golden
- monitoring a directory
Tim Golden
- Filemon-ish behavior by Python?
Tim Golden
- [ANN] Alternative Readline 1.6 (for Python 2.3 and higher) released
Chris Gonnerman
- [snip too-long subject]
Chris Gonnerman
- vim & python
C. Laurence Gonsalves
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
David Goodger
- optparse variable parsing?
David Goodger
- Remembered arguments to a function
David Goodger
- Optparse: Detecting if option or option-arg is specified or not
David Goodger
- Perceived optparse shortcomings
David Goodger
- A Week at PyCon DC 2004
David Goodger
- Python for large projects
Isaac Gouy
- Scons help!
Anuj Goyal
- UNC paths in file object open
- Executing a system call
Jorgen Grahn
- root password in a .py script
Jorgen Grahn
- Python style guidelines
Jorgen Grahn
- KinterBasDB problems in Linux
Uwe Grauer
- How to access the Oracle9i?
Uwe Grauer
- New to Python; what about #include, extern and function prototypes
Uwe Grauer
- Why can't Lists be private variables in a class
Uwe Grauer
- How do I define a __del__ method for an object?
Uwe Grauer
- difflib + object sequences
Chris Green
- distutils + bdist_rpm + sdist
Chris Green
- distutils + bdist_rpm + sdist
Chris Green
- Python for email?
Chris Green
- input from sdtin or file...
- i'm lost in list manipulation
- i'm lost in list manipulation
- i'm lost in list manipulation
- i'm lost in list manipulation
- i'm lost in list manipulation
- trap attributeError from inside a dict ?
- trap attributeError from inside a dict ?
- Speed up loading and free memory...
- Speed up loading and free memory...
- Speed up loading and free memory...
- subclassing list and adding other variables ?
- subclassing list and adding other variables ?
- subclassing list and adding other variables ?
- tkinter test field, scrolling, threads
Bob Greschke
- Creating frames in threads
Bob Greschke
- Creating frames in threads
Bob Greschke
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Dang Griffith
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Dang Griffith
- E-mail account disabling warning.
Dang Griffith
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Dang Griffith
- I can't use me.
Dang Griffith
Dang Griffith
- 2D List comprehension & replace
Dang Griffith
- Static Typing in Python
Dang Griffith
- Static Typing in Python
Dang Griffith
- Sorting Driving Crazy: URGENT: PLEASE HELP
Dang Griffith
- Static Typing in Python
Dang Griffith
- Static Typing in Python
Dang Griffith
- Static Typing in Python
Dang Griffith
- Static Typing in Python
Dang Griffith
- Python & the job market
Dang Griffith
- Syntax of 'in' : searching a list for a string
Dang Griffith
- A 'Python like' language
Dang Griffith
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Dang Griffith
- Orders of magnitude
Dang Griffith
- [OT] Top posting is a PITA [was : Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes]
Dang Griffith
- Jython 2.1 and Cheetah:Cyrillic templates output mixed encoding
Mike Grigorov
- Resolved: Jython 2.1 and Cheetah:Cyrillic templates output mixed encoding
Mike Grigorov
- odd behaviour with embedded python and omniorb
Duncan Grisby
- odd behaviour with embedded python and omniorb
Duncan Grisby
- Help getting the md5 module to work
- Dispatching and controlling Windows Media Player
Mickel Grönroos
- Unicode and rdf
Mickel Grönroos
- open default web browser using python
Mickel Grönroos
- Video module?
Mickel Grönroos
- Sentence splitter module?
Mickel Grönroos
- Sentence splitter module?
Mickel Grönroos
- Windows Media Player 9 with win32com.client.Dispatch?
Mickel Grönroos
- Windows Media Player 9 with win32com.client.Dispatch?
Mickel Grönroos
- Windows Media Player 9 with win32com.client.Dispatch?
Mickel Grönroos
- QuickTimeTcl and Python/Tkinter crash
Mickel Grönroos
- QuickTimeTcl and Python/Tkinter crash
Mickel Grönroos
- QuickTimeTcl and Python/Tkinter crash
Mickel Grönroos
- using third party TCL library
Mickel Grönroos
- Image width, height.
Thomas Guettler
- Escape problem
Thomas Guettler
- Python Database Driven Web Development
Thomas Guettler
- CUPS or IPP in Python?
Thomas Guettler
- Python and Microsoft Excel files
Thomas Guettler
- Python & Linux, some questions (2)
Thomas Guettler
- Python & Linux, some questions (2)
Thomas Guettler
- Creating Charts
Thomas Guettler
- generating points on a grid - efficiently
Rajarshi Guha
- generating points on a grid - efficiently
Rajarshi Guha
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
- Python Event in India ..
Swaroop C H
- A Byte of Python - Python Book / Tutorial
Swaroop C H
- new to programming: suggestion
Swaroop C H
- PROTHON, a classless Python
Mark Hahn
- Prothon, a classless Python
Mark Hahn
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Mark Hahn
- Prothon, metaclasses, Zope [Was: A 'Python like' language]
Mark Hahn
- Prothon, metaclasses, Zope [Was: A 'Python like' language]
Mark Hahn
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Mark Hahn
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Mark Hahn
- A 'Python like' language
Mark Hahn
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Mark Hahn
- A 'Python like' language
Mark Hahn
- A 'Python like' language
Mark Hahn
- A 'Python like' language
Mark Hahn
- A 'Python like' language
Mark Hahn
- A 'Python like' language
Mark Hahn
- A 'Python like' language
Mark Hahn
- A 'Python like' language
Mark Hahn
- A 'Python like' language
Mark Hahn
- A 'Python like' language
Mark Hahn
- A 'Python like' language
Mark Hahn
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Mark Hahn
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Mark Hahn
- A 'Python like' language
Mark Hahn
- Prothon, metaclasses, Zope [Was: A 'Python like' language]
Mark Hahn
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Mark Hahn
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Mark Hahn
- A 'Python like' language
Mark Hahn
- A 'Python like' language
Mark Hahn
- A 'Python like' language
Mark Hahn
- A 'Python like' language
Mark Hahn
- A 'Python like' language
Mark Hahn
- A 'Python like' language
Mark Hahn
- A 'Python like' language
Mark Hahn
- A 'Python like' language
Mark Hahn
- A 'Python like' language
Mark Hahn
- A 'Python like' language
Mark Hahn
- [OT] Top posting is a PITA [was : Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes]
Mark Hahn
- [OT] Top posting is a PITA [was : Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes]
Mark Hahn
- Prothon, metaclasses, Zope [Was: A 'Python like' language]
Mark Hahn
- Prothon, metaclasses, Zope [Was: A 'Python like' language]
Mark Hahn
- Europython Call for Participation
Jacob Hallen
- Python newbie asking for help
Bill Hamblen
- Variable in Regex
J Hamilton
- Variable in Regex
J Hamilton
- comp.lang.python
Peter Hansen
- Is Eric S Raymond still a "Pythoneer"
Peter Hansen
- mimic -i from script
Peter Hansen
- how fast is Python code - another detail
Peter Hansen
- Parsing xml file using python
Peter Hansen
- "Virtual" file system mock object - replacing stuff in __builtins__
Peter Hansen
- is perl better?
Peter Hansen
- is perl better?
Peter Hansen
- is perl better?
Peter Hansen
- securely overwrite files with Python
Peter Hansen
- Newby Question: Generic Database Object Interface Needed
Peter Hansen
- Introspection at the module level?
Peter Hansen
- Question please
Peter Hansen
- ready to use python, need help with GUI decision
Peter Hansen
- "Virtual" file system mock object - replacing stuff in __builtins__
Peter Hansen
- Python and serverless/flat DBs
Peter Hansen
- Python style guidelines
Peter Hansen
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Peter Hansen
- Deprecating reload() ???
Peter Hansen
- Deprecating reload() ???
Peter Hansen
- Deprecating reload() ???
Peter Hansen
- Deprecating reload() ???
Peter Hansen
- root password in a .py script
Peter Hansen
- UNC paths in file object open
Peter Hansen
- strings question
Peter Hansen
- use -> instead of lambda??
Peter Hansen
- How to read one byte at a time in Python?
Peter Hansen
- drowning newbie
Peter Hansen
- Python Script for Running a Python Program over Different Filesinthe Directory
Peter Hansen
- root password in a .py script
Peter Hansen
- Static Typing in Python
Peter Hansen
- Static Typing in Python
Peter Hansen
- Static Typing in Python
Peter Hansen
- newbie question: nop statement for try/except
Peter Hansen
- Is Python type safe?
Peter Hansen
- fox 1.2.x and FXPy
Peter Hansen
- Start and control an extern program
Peter Hansen
- Python & Linux, some questions (2)
Peter Hansen
- isinstance method
Peter Hansen
- wxPython "Frames within Frames"
Peter Hansen
- Send commads to printer
Peter Hansen
- Newbie Python (Game) Programming Question
Peter Hansen
- Result of ``a is b''
Peter Hansen
- Python behaviour with unrecognized string escapes (was Re: imaplib.IMAP4: Bug in implementation)
Peter Hansen
- simple http server
Peter Hansen
- Inconsistency in Python's Comparisons
Peter Hansen
- how to do non-blocking I/O
Peter Hansen
- '1' + 1 ==> True ???
Peter Hansen
- Hiding console window
Peter Hansen
- Slashes and Windows (was Re: New to Python.)
Peter Hansen
- tkinter, threads and asyncore together
Peter Hansen
- services
Peter Hansen
- services
Peter Hansen
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Peter Hansen
- translating "setattr" to C++
Peter Hansen
- anyone knew mysql
Peter Hansen
- Import a module from parent package
Peter Hansen
Peter Hansen
Peter Hansen
- Help getting the md5 module to work
Peter Hansen
- \r\n problem in cgi module?
Peter Hansen
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Peter Hansen
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Peter Hansen
- Time of Day
Peter Hansen
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Peter Hansen
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Peter Hansen
- Any module which can act as a BitSet?
Peter Hansen
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Peter Hansen
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Peter Hansen
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Peter Hansen
- PEP 318
Peter Hansen
- Neat Trick for Loading Modules with unknown Name
Peter Hansen
- In what python release was this introduced..
Peter Hansen
- What's missing from python?
Peter Hansen
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Peter Hansen
- Neat Trick for Loading Modules with unknown Name
Peter Hansen
- Python for large projects
Peter Hansen
- Wierd problem with replace
Peter Hansen
- Richards bench benchmark
Peter Hansen
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Peter Hansen
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Peter Hansen
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Peter Hansen
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Peter Hansen
- Richards bench benchmark
Peter Hansen
- Global name "userid" not defined??
Peter Hansen
- PyChecker and stdin
Peter Hansen
- The cgi module is no substitute for a dictionary.
Peter Hansen
- PyChecker and stdin
Peter Hansen
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Peter Hansen
- Python Documentation Blows!
Peter Hansen
- Python Documentation Blows!
Peter Hansen
- Python compiler -> py to C, py to ELF
Peter Hansen
- PyChecker and stdin
Peter Hansen
- Python Documentation Blows!
Peter Hansen
- Python Documentation Blows!
Peter Hansen
- Brent Ashley's JavaScript remote scripting (JSRS)
- Exiting Tkinter when using IDLE
Jason Harper
- Exiting Tkinter when using IDLE
Jason Harper
- Exiting Tkinter when using IDLE
Jason Harper
- Exiting Tkinter when using IDLE
Jason Harper
- Exiting Tkinter when using IDLE
Jason Harper
- Python/Tkinter - problem with "wm_attributes"
Jason Harper
- Exiting Tkinter when using IDLE
Jason Harper
- tkinter entry/text widget
Jason Harper
- Updating Widgets
Jason Harper
- Modifying Entry size
Jason Harper
- Module dependencies
Lee Harr
- Eric /Qt documentation / how-to?
Lee Harr
- curses bkgd problem
Lee Harr
- curses bkgd problem
Lee Harr
- psycopg problem
Lee Harr
- 3D apps in Python?
Lee Harr
- How to convert string to list without eval or exec
Peter Harris
- PEP318 alternate syntax idea
Peter Harris
- 3D apps in Python?
Peter Harris
- DCOracle2 and header files ??
Dave Harrison
- DCOracle2 and oracle headers
Dave Harrison
- PyQT under OpenBSD
Dave Harrison
- pysqlite
Dave Harrison
- how to "source" a file?
Mark Harrison
- how to "source" a file?
Mark Harrison
- Make 'def' and 'class' usable within expressions
Shane Hathaway
- Make 'def' and 'class' usable within expressions
Shane Hathaway
- Make 'def' and 'class' usable within expressions
Shane Hathaway
- Make 'def' and 'class' usable within expressions
Shane Hathaway
- Make 'def' and 'class' usable within expressions
Shane Hathaway
- Make 'def' and 'class' usable within expressions
Shane Hathaway
- Make 'def' and 'class' usable within expressions
Shane Hathaway
- Make 'def' and 'class' usable within expressions
Shane Hathaway
- Make 'def' and 'class' usable within expressions
Shane Hathaway
- Make 'def' and 'class' usable within expressions
Shane Hathaway
- Python conference slogan
Shane Hathaway
- wxpython appearance differs after py2exe
Chad Haynes
- services
John Hazen
- Parsing xml file using python
Tim Heaney
- A 'Python like' language
Jim Hefferon
- python.exe vs pythonw.exe difference?
Thomas Heller
- python.exe vs pythonw.exe difference?
Thomas Heller
- time.sleep()
Thomas Heller
- py2exe odbc:cannot import dbi module
Thomas Heller
- python.exe vs pythonw.exe difference?
Thomas Heller
- Speed Comparison Perl Python & C
Thomas Heller
- NT service (setting Description string)
Thomas Heller
- py2exe in Windowsxp
Thomas Heller
- py2exe odbc:cannot import dbi module
Thomas Heller
- py2exe in Windowsxp
Thomas Heller
- Windows NT Service and Sockets
Thomas Heller
- py2exe odbc:cannot import dbi module
Thomas Heller
- again py2exe and codecs
Thomas Heller
- Windows command-line length limitation (was Re: is perl better?)
Thomas Heller
- wxpython appearance differs after py2exe
Thomas Heller
- generating points on a grid - efficiently
Thomas Heller
- py2exe - COM Server problem
Thomas Heller
- How to implement a union (C data type) in Python?
Thomas Heller
- wrapping C++, how to wrap an object?
Thomas Heller
- py2exe - omitting DLLs (not Python extensions!) from the distribution
Thomas Heller
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
Thomas Heller
- py2exe - COM Server problem
Thomas Heller
- Using Pythonwin to poke at Windows apps?
Thomas Heller
- DLL version number
Thomas Heller
- Dispatch, DispatchWithEvents
Thomas Heller
- Dispatch, DispatchWithEvents
Thomas Heller
- py2exe win32all: Can write, but not read FileVersion ...
Thomas Heller
- Using Pythonwin to poke at Windows apps?
Thomas Heller
- compile exe with anydbm module
Thomas Heller
- py2exe win32all: Can write, but not read FileVersion ...
Thomas Heller
- Tkinter3000
Thomas Heller
- ConfigParser and Unicode
Thomas Heller
- translating "setattr" to C++
Thomas Heller
- py2exe 0.5.0 and data_files
Thomas Heller
- Problem using py2exe
Thomas Heller
- py2exe icon resource on win98
Thomas Heller
- Need Help Using Py2Exe
Thomas Heller
- py2exe icon resource on win98
Thomas Heller
- Problem using py2exe
Thomas Heller
- Decent way to trace resource leaks?
Thomas Heller
- Path Module and Py2exe
Thomas Heller
- py2exe question
Thomas Heller
- Python / COM / Word
Thomas Heller
- py2exe and activex controls
Thomas Heller
- Problems with py2exe 0.50 and win98se and win2k
Thomas Heller
- Make 'def' and 'class' usable within expressions
Thomas Heller
- Make 'def' and 'class' usable within expressions
Thomas Heller
- Problems with py2exe 0.50 and win98se and win2k
Thomas Heller
- doctest
Thomas Heller
- doctest
Thomas Heller
- HTMLParser and write
Kai I Hendry
- address a port
Erik Heneryd
- Advice needed: large OpenGL + Widgets Project for Molecular Graphics
Andrew Henshaw
- A 'Python like' language
Andrew Henshaw
- Python vs Perl (an example)
Chris Herborth
- 3D apps in Python?
Chris Herborth
- 3D apps in Python?
Chris Herborth
- Simple raster graphics ? How do I ...
Chris Herborth
- a desired python editor
Gary Herron
- Is Python Smart Enough to do Sorting like this?
Gary Herron
- A question about Python's API
Gary Herron
- String formatting with floats... can't get it!
Gary Herron
- sorting times
Gary Herron
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Gary Herron
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
Bernhard Herzog
- Handling geoTIFF files
Bernhard Herzog
- [Ann] Tutorial on discretizing time series with numarray
Magnus Lie Hetland
- csv bugs
Magnus Lie Hetland
- latin 1 in curses?
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Ruby like syntactic sugar
Raymond Hettinger
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Raymond Hettinger
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Raymond Hettinger
- "print" as function not statement
Raymond Hettinger
- mutable list iterators - a proposal
Raymond Hettinger
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Raymond Hettinger
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Raymond Hettinger
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Raymond Hettinger
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Raymond Hettinger
- mutable list iterators - a proposal
Raymond Hettinger
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Raymond Hettinger
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Raymond Hettinger
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Raymond Hettinger
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Raymond Hettinger
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Raymond Hettinger
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Raymond Hettinger
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Raymond Hettinger
- Split a string by length
Raymond Hettinger
- Semantics of ==
Raymond Hettinger
- Seeking advice on GUI code architecture
Lars Heuer
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Lars Heuer
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Lars Heuer
- ASP/JSP Python Equivalent
Brett Hicking
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Peter Hickman
- Python vs Perl (an example)
Peter Hickman
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Peter Hickman
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Peter Hickman
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Peter Hickman
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Peter Hickman
- put your money where your mouse is, or why I prefer Spanish to English: a proposal
Peter Hickman
- Static Typing in Python
Peter Hickman
- Static Typing in Python
Peter Hickman
- Static Typing in Python
Peter Hickman
- Static Typing in Python
Peter Hickman
- Static Typing in Python
Peter Hickman
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Peter Hickman
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Peter Hickman
- What's missing from python?
Peter Hickman
- What's missing from python?
Peter Hickman
- Python for large projects
Peter Hickman
- A 'Python like' language
Peter Hickman
- A 'Python like' language
Peter Hickman
- A 'Python like' language
Peter Hickman
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Peter Hickman
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Peter Hickman
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Peter Hickman
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Richie Hindle
- Python style guidelines
Richie Hindle
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Richie Hindle
- Independent interpreters in threads
Konrad Hinsen
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Charles Hixson
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Charles Hixson
- [Numeric] why is Float32 incorrect for ufuncs?
Tim Hochberg
- Speed Comparison Perl Python & C
Neil Hodgson
- Speed Comparison Perl Python & C
Neil Hodgson
- wxpython appearance differs after py2exe
Neil Hodgson
- Question concerning Unicode and or Shift-JIS
Neil Hodgson
- Python for large projects
Neil Hodgson
- Python for large projects
Neil Hodgson
- python-ldap and Sun ONE Directory server
Tim Hoffman
- Game programming and threads problem - 1 attachment
Albert Hofkamp
- question on charset conversion
Lukas Holcik
- store tag content with SGMLParser ... ?
Lukas Holcik
- View Talks - Buy 'Zen of Python' Tshirt - Free with PyCON by 17th
Steve Holden
- Why can't Lists be private variables in a class
Neal Holtz
- Why can't Lists be private variables in a class
Neal Holtz
- Simple Problem: Getting rid of {}
Neal Holtz
- what is a good intro book on python ?
Lutz Horn
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Stephen Horne
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Stephen Horne
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Stephen Horne
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Stephen Horne
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Stephen Horne
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Stephen Horne
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Stephen Horne
- Need better string methods
Stephen Horne
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Stephen Horne
- Need better string methods
Stephen Horne
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Stephen Horne
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Stephen Horne
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Stephen Horne
- Need better string methods
Stephen Horne
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Stephen Horne
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Stephen Horne
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Stephen Horne
- Need better string methods
Stephen Horne
- two flies in one hit: working around goto and grid point generation
Stephen Horne
- How to implement a union (C data type) in Python?
Stephen Horne
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
Stephen Horne
- generating points on a grid - efficiently
Stephen Horne
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Stephen Horne
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Stephen Horne
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Stephen Horne
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
Stephen Horne
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Stephen Horne
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Stephen Horne
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Stephen Horne
- Is Python Smart Enough to do Sorting like this?
Stephen Horne
- drowning newbie
Stephen Horne
- Is Python Smart Enough to do Sorting like this?
Stephen Horne
- Is reverse reading possible?
Stephen Horne
- Slow Python - what can be done?
Stephen Horne
- PEP 318
Stephen Horne
- PEP 318
Stephen Horne
- PEP 318
Stephen Horne
- PEP 318
Stephen Horne
- PEP 318
Stephen Horne
- PEP 318
Stephen Horne
- PEP 318
Stephen Horne
- PEP 318
Stephen Horne
- PEP 318
Stephen Horne
- The problem with "as" [was "Re: PEP 318"]
Stephen Horne
- PEP318 alternate syntax idea
Stephen Horne
- The problem with "as" [was "Re: PEP 318"]
Stephen Horne
- PEP318 alternate syntax idea
Stephen Horne
- PEP318 alternate syntax idea
Stephen Horne
- The problem with "as" [was "Re: PEP 318"]
Stephen Horne
- PEP 318
Stephen Horne
- The problem with "as" [was "Re: PEP 318"]
Stephen Horne
- The problem with "as" [was "Re: PEP 318"]
Stephen Horne
- The problem with "as" [was "Re: PEP 318"]
Stephen Horne
- Special symbols again (was Re: The problem with "as")
Stephen Horne
- The problem with "as" [was "Re: PEP 318"]
Stephen Horne
- The problem with "as" [was "Re: PEP 318"]
Stephen Horne
- A 'Python like' language
Stephen Horne
- PEP 318 : Def and Class in expressions
Stephen Horne
- A 'Python like' language
Stephen Horne
- A 'Python like' language
Stephen Horne
- A 'Python like' language
Stephen Horne
- A 'Python like' language
Stephen Horne
- A 'Python like' language
Stephen Horne
- [OT] Top posting is a PITA [was : Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes]
Stephen Horne
- [OT] Top posting is a PITA [was : Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes]
Stephen Horne
- Solaris knows I'm using pexpect!
Steve Horsley
- pymat strange behavior
John Houston
- ESR's redone in python - request for critique
Joakim Hove
- ESR's redone in python - request for critique
Joakim Hove
- address a port
John Howard
- address a port
John Howard
- Unit testing - suitable for all development?
Geoff Howland
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
Geoff Howland
- Type emulation issues with new style classes
Michael Hudson
- Thoughts on new vs traditional idioms
Michael Hudson
- Limitations of 30 Day Eval?
Michael Hudson
- Garbage collector and threads
Michael Hudson
- Speed Comparison Perl Python & C
Michael Hudson
- A 'raw' codec for binary "strings" in Python?
Michael Hudson
- E-mail account disabling warning.
Michael Hudson
- OT(Slightly): Thanks to Python.
Michael Hudson
- mimic -i from script
Michael Hudson
- PySequence_Check on class instance
Michael Hudson
- python bnf somewhere?
Michael Hudson
- OT(Slightly): Thanks to Python.
Michael Hudson
- Python style guidelines
Michael Hudson
- Deprecating reload() ???
Michael Hudson
- Deprecating reload() ???
Michael Hudson
- Deprecating reload() ???
Michael Hudson
- overloading __getattr__ and inheriting from dict
Michael Hudson
- Fatal Python error: Inconsistent interned string state
Michael Hudson
- Deprecating reload() ???
Michael Hudson
- Replace accented chars with unaccented ones
Michael Hudson
- newbie question: nop statement for try/except
Michael Hudson
- Semantics of ==
Michael Hudson
- problem with cjkcodecs on Mandrake linux
Michael Hudson
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Michael Hudson
- test for nan
Michael Hudson
- Sending binary data over CGI
Walter Huf
- Sending binary data over CGI
Walter Huf
- How to find size of file?
Walter Huf
- How to find size of file?
Walter Huf
- Sending binary data over CGI
Walter Huf
- Cgi: Print Text files with wordwrap!
Walter Huf
- Cgi: Print Text files with wordwrap!
Walter Huf
- Problem using smtplib.SMTP in a CGI program
David Hughes
- How does Ruby compare to Python?? How good is DESIGN of Ruby compared to Python?
Mark 'Kamikaze' Hughes
- Running insecure python code
Mark 'Kamikaze' Hughes
- Two newby's questions
Mark 'Kamikaze' Hughes
- Typecasting
Mark 'Kamikaze' Hughes
- Running insecure python code
Mark 'Kamikaze' Hughes
- "print" as function not statement
Mark 'Kamikaze' Hughes
- mimic -i from script
John Hunter
- building portable win32 extensions
John Hunter
- Numeric array of objects
John Hunter
- pymat strange behavior
John Hunter
- entropy
John Hunter
- PyGTK: creating a pixbuf from image data
John Hunter
- Advice needed: large OpenGL + Widgets Project for Molecular Graphics
John Hunter
- PyGTK: creating a pixbuf from image data
John Hunter
- PyGTK: creating a pixbuf from image data
John Hunter
- sorting the list by inner elements
John Hunter
- Simple raster graphics ? How do I ...
John Hunter
- sorting the list by inner elements
John Hunter
- Gtk / pyGtk: How to remove the close button at the top right corner of the dialog window?
John Hunter
- histogram type thingy for (unique) dict items
John Hunter
- test for nan
John Hunter
- Creating Charts
John Hunter
- PyCon BOF schedule
Jeremy Hylton
- Followup: big projects, games, reload
Jeremy Hylton
- Why Python?
Gerhard Häring
- Which Python module for PostgreSQL?
Gerhard Häring
- Gadfly ????
Gerhard Häring
- Gadfly ????
Gerhard Häring
- How to find size of file?
Gerhard Häring
- Gadfly ????
Gerhard Häring
- Gadfly ????
Gerhard Häring
- using MySQLdb module
Gerhard Häring
- zxJDBC driver error
Gerhard Häring
- using MySQLdb module
Gerhard Häring
- Lua Book
Roberto Ierusalimschy
- simple http server
Gelo Ilzi
- Image width, height.
Bob Ippolito
- Why Python?
Bob Ippolito
- Feature request: subclassing FunctionType [Was: Some language proposals]
Bob Ippolito
- time.sleep()
Bob Ippolito
- Speed Comparison Perl Python & C
Bob Ippolito
- Speed Comparison Perl Python & C
Bob Ippolito
- Group comment
Bob Ippolito
- mounting network drives in macosx
Bob Ippolito
- OT(Slightly): Thanks to Python.
Bob Ippolito
- Running insecure python code
Bob Ippolito
- Module dependencies
Bob Ippolito
- Upgrade 2.2.2 to 2.3.3: Keep my old 3rd party modules or rebuild them or
Bob Ippolito
- securely overwrite files with Python
Bob Ippolito
- securely overwrite files with Python
Bob Ippolito
- ELF object file analysis tool in Python?
Bob Ippolito
- machine control script ( parameterless method? )
Bob Ippolito
- Sending binary data over CGI
Bob Ippolito
- Socket Receive Buffer
Bob Ippolito
- How to implement a union (C data type) in Python?
Bob Ippolito
- [Python-Dev] PEP 318 - posting draft
Bob Ippolito
- the need for J2EE-like standards for Python
Max Ischenko
- Newbie question, Help needed!
Antti Isomursu
- How to use __getattribute__ to access a class attribute?
- what is a good intro book on python ?
- Download counter
- import vs from module import : any performance issue?
- Download
- typecasting: a string object to a dictionary object
- Is Python Smart Enough to do Sorting like this?
- Python Script for Running a Python Program over Different Files inthe Directory
- Python Script for Running a Python Program over Different Files inthe Directory
- Spyce Users out there?
- Embedded WebDesign with Python
- Is reverse reading possible?
- Is reverse reading possible?
- Extending Python Syntax with @
- Neat Trick for Loading Modules with unknown Name
- Python in the laboratory
Zunbeltz Izaola
- Python in the laboratory
Zunbeltz Izaola
- Determining the encoding of a text file
- Setting wrap mode in wxStyledTextCtrl will significantly make the performance down
- How to send event to another window in wxPython?
- a desired python editor
- maximum element?
- Static Typing in Python
- Static Typing in Python
- Static Typing in Python
- Static Typing in Python
- explicit variable scoping
- Why '==' ??
- Why '==' ??
- Py Tic Tac Toe in action
Elaine Jackson
- Is there a map or graph module?
Elaine Jackson
- lambda trouble
Elaine Jackson
- name of 'name'
Elaine Jackson
- Random Number
Elaine Jackson
- saving a tkinter canvas
Elaine Jackson
- Is Python type safe?
Mark Jackson
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Mark Jackson
- import a modified module
Mark Jackson
- import a modified module
Mark Jackson
- New to Python; what about #include, extern and function prototypes
Bo Jacobsen
- New to Python; what about #include, extern and function prototypes
Bo Jacobsen
- New to Python; what about #include, extern and function prototypes
Bo Jacobsen
- Executing a system call
Jagarlamudi Jagadeesh
- Searching comp.lang.python
Richard James
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Richard James
- Ruby like syntactic sugar
F Jamitzky
- How does Ruby compare to Python?? How good is DESIGN of Ruby compared to Python?
- Python as replacement for PHP?
- OT(Slightly): Thanks to Python.
- OT(Slightly): Thanks to Python.
- urllib & browser proxy settings
- OT(Slightly): Thanks to Python.
- PEP 318
- What's missing from python?
- Python for large projects
- A 'Python like' language
- [OT] Top posting is a PITA [was : Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes]
- A 'raw' codec for binary "strings" in Python?
Bill Janssen
- A 'raw' codec for binary "strings" in Python?
Bill Janssen
- distutils & Java components: a JavaExtension for distutils?
Bill Janssen
- Slow Python - what can be done?
- Slow Python - what can be done?
- Gadfly ????
Frithiof Andreas Jensen
- Gadfly ????
Frithiof Andreas Jensen
- ESR's redone in python - request for critique
Adelein and Jeremy
- ESR's redone in python - request for critique
Adelein and Jeremy
- ESR's redone in python - request for critique
Adelein and Jeremy
- dictionary wart
- dictionary wart
- dictionary wart
- PEP318 alternate syntax idea
Jim Jewett
- PEP318 alternate syntax idea
Jim Jewett
- mounting network drives in macosx
- A 'Python like' language
- decimal point character
Bror Johansson
- decimal point character
Bror Johansson
- Release history ?
Bror Johansson
- Unicode and UrlEncode!
- Unicode and UrlEncode!
- best module for parsing a small xml file
Geiregat Jonas
- Python's equivalent of C++ std::multimap
Edward C. Jones
- SeeGramWrap, a C parser
Edward C. Jones
- OT: FTP sync program?
Jeremy Jones
- urllib2 and POST
Richard A. Jones
- [Tutor] Sightly off topic - download file name
Irmen de Jong
- How to find size of file?
Irmen de Jong
- is perl better?
Irmen de Jong
- attachment
Irmen de Jong
- Pushing file name to browser
Irmen de Jong
- New to Python; what about #include, extern and function prototypes
Irmen de Jong
- attachment
Irmen de Jong
- Pushing file name to browser
Irmen de Jong
- Fast way to send message between 2 child processes? (using a file is too slow?)
Irmen de Jong
- How to use __getattribute__ to access a class attribute?
Ruud de Jong
- reg exp and octal notation
Ruud de Jong
- Writing dictionary output to a file
Ruud de Jong
- CAN You help Re: Writing dictionary output to a file
Ruud de Jong
- CAN You help Re: Writing dictionary output to a file
Ruud de Jong
- CAN You help Re: Writing dictionary output to a file
Ruud de Jong
- fatal ImportError: No such file or directory
Ruud de Jong
- fatal ImportError: No such file or directory
Ruud de Jong
- fatal ImportError: No such file or directory
Ruud de Jong
- Basic Inheritance Question
Ruud de Jong
- Problem with threads and signals
Holger Joukl
- Problem with threads and signals
Holger Joukl
- strptime in 2.3.3
Holger Joukl
- strptime in 2.3.3
Holger Joukl
- study_hall
Reynold DeMarco Jr
- Python for large projects
Jussi Jumppanen
- Image width, height.
- "print" as function not statement
Leif K-Brooks
- "print" as function not statement
Leif K-Brooks
- Create static method dynamically
Leif K-Brooks
- Safety of pickle?
Leif K-Brooks
- Question please
Abe and Barb K.
- Python as replacement for PHP?
Peter KERR
- Can I access perl application API's from python
Chris Kacoroski
- Unicode (Japanese) fonts in Images
Kamus of Kadizhar
- creating lists question?
Jere Kahanpaa
- Thoughts on new vs traditional idioms
Kurt B. Kaiser
- Group comment
Kurt B. Kaiser
- comp.lang.python
Kurt B. Kaiser
- Exiting Tkinter when using IDLE
Kurt B. Kaiser
- Exiting Tkinter when using IDLE
Kurt B. Kaiser
- Exiting Tkinter when using IDLE
Kurt B. Kaiser
- Exiting Tkinter when using IDLE
Kurt B. Kaiser
- Exiting Tkinter when using IDLE
Kurt B. Kaiser
- Help on Tkinter installation
Kurt B. Kaiser
- automatic static types (metaclass), attribute-order extraction = python instead of XML-likes - and some RequestsForEnhancements
Kurt B. Kaiser
- FreeBSD or OpenBSD for Python?
Kurt B. Kaiser
- FreeBSD or OpenBSD for Python?
Kurt B. Kaiser
- FreeBSD or OpenBSD for Python?
Kurt B. Kaiser
- Idle won't start - Update
Kurt B. Kaiser
- os.popen() failing under ipython+cygwin, I'm stumped.
Thorsten Kampe
- os.popen() failing under ipython+cygwin, I'm stumped.
Thorsten Kampe
- Sending bulk email from a Python script
Peter van Kampen
- Accessing MS-Access DB from Linux
Peter van Kampen
- xmlrpclib timeouts
Ross M Karchner
- FreeBSD or OpenBSD for Python?
Ross M Karchner
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Jim Keenan
- Getting params in callback function.
Stephen Kellett
- ANNOUNCE: New Flow Tracing Product
Stephen Kellett
- calling python in emacs from a shell buffer doesn't make input/output.
Brian Kelley
- Graph Problems (was Re: Is there a map or graph module?)
Brian Kelley
- wxNotebook
Brian Kelley
- Python Script for Running a Python Program over Different Files in the Directory
Brett Kelly
- Python for email?
Brett Kelly
- vim & python
André Kelpe
- maximum element?
Robert Kern
- Statistical Techniques
Robert Kern
- detecting the operating system
James Kew
- Computing test methods in unittest.TestCase
James Kew
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Dale King
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Dale King
- read(): 1st argument can't be coerced to byte[]
Ype Kingma
- A 'Python like' language
Ype Kingma
- A 'Python like' language
Ype Kingma
- Graph Problems (was Re: Is there a map or graph module?)
Morten Kjeldgaard
- httplib and forcing IPv6.
Carl-Johan Kjellander
- vim & python
Tobias Klausmann
- Replacing base class
Alexey Klimkin
- Utterly OT:[Was Re: Need better string methods]
Garry Knight
- Question on loops
Garry Knight
- Regex Match Problem
Garry Knight
- Regex Match Problem
Garry Knight
- How to read one byte at a time in Python?
Garry Knight
- typecasting: a string object to a dictionary object
Garry Knight
- where can I find Paris Hilton video?
Garry Knight
- getting size of gif
Garry Knight
- getting size of gif
Garry Knight
- Stop code in python!!
Garry Knight
- new to programming: suggestion
Garry Knight
- Dictionary & data
Garry Knight
- Specific question about readlines versus xreadlines
Garry Knight
- [snip too-long subject]
Garry Knight
- Neat Trick for Loading Modules with unknown Name
Garry Knight
- Syntax of 'in' : searching a list for a string
Garry Knight
- Newbie Formatting Question
Garry Knight
- Python as Glue Language
Garry Knight
- Integer, 64 Bit, signed and unsigned
Garry Knight
- Britney Spears nude
Garry Knight
- Global name "userid" not defined??
Garry Knight
- ANN: SCons 0.95 supports Visual Studio 2003, Borland tools, "D" programming language
Steven Knight
- Scons help!
Steven Knight
- Python2.3 on RedHat 7.3
Sebastian Knoop-Troullier
- socket.gethostbyaddr() doesn't show existing aliases
Sibylle Koczian
- shutils.move lose files !
Sibylle Koczian
- mxDateTime function DateFromString gives wrong year
Sibylle Koczian
- mxDateTime function DateFromString gives wrong year
Sibylle Koczian
- mxDateTime function DateFromString gives wrong year
Sibylle Koczian
- python & mysql probelm
Sibylle Koczian
- python & mysql probelm
Sibylle Koczian
- Start and control an extern program
Axel Koehler
- Start and control an extern program
Axel Koehler
- Start and control an extern program
Axel Koehler
- how fast is Python code - another detail
Andrew Koenig
- Question please
Andrew Koenig
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Andrew Koenig
- strings question
Andrew Koenig
- Result of ``a is b''
Andrew Koenig
- Result of ``a is b''
Andrew Koenig
- Result of ``a is b''
Andrew Koenig
- Inconsistency in Python's Comparisons
Andrew Koenig
- Inconsistency in Python's Comparisons
Andrew Koenig
- Result of ``a is b''
Andrew Koenig
- Result of ``a is b''
Andrew Koenig
- Result of ``a is b''
Andrew Koenig
- No built-in swap function?
Andrew Koenig
- No built-in swap function?
Andrew Koenig
- Why '==' ??
Andrew Koenig
- Installing Python 2.3.3 on RH 7.3
Rien Kok
- How do I get the reference of window in DOM?
Sam Kong
- OT(Slightly): Thanks to Python.
Christopher Koppler
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Christopher Koppler
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Christopher Koppler
- a desired python editor
Christopher Koppler
- put your money where your mouse is, or why I prefer Spanish to English: a proposal
Christopher Koppler
- newbie question: nop statement for try/except
Wolfram Kraus
- Zope with Python
Wolfram Kraus
- ftp mget
Rich Krauter
- Regular expressions and sub
Rich Krauter
- PyQt database example
Leif B. Kristensen
- Why does my Tkinter GIF image disappear when inside a class?
Greg Krohn
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Greg Krohn
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Greg Krohn
- UNC paths in file object open
Peter Kropf
- mod_python exception catching, other repetitious per-page actions
Karl A. Krueger
- A 'Python like' language
Karl A. Krueger
- mod_python exception catching, other repetitious per-page actions
Karl A. Krueger
- mod_python exception catching, other repetitious per-page actions
Karl A. Krueger
- py2exe distribution wants internet access (DNS)
Otto Krüse
- Speed up loading and free memory...
Otto Krüse
- py2exe distribution wants internet access (DNS)
Otto Krüse
- Hiding console window
Otto Krüse
- TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
Atul Kshirsagar
- TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
Atul Kshirsagar
- Python 2.3 problem with extention-embedding in multi-threaded and multi sub-interpreter environment
Atul Kshirsagar
- optparse variable parsing?
CJ Kucera
- optparse variable parsing?
CJ Kucera
- optparse variable parsing?
CJ Kucera
- Ruby like syntactic sugar
A.M. Kuchling
- E-mail account disabling warning.
A.M. Kuchling
- Pushing file name to browser
A.M. Kuchling
- Pushing file name to browser
A.M. Kuchling
- "print" as function not statement
A.M. Kuchling
- Python Database Driven Web Development
A.M. Kuchling
- Unicode and rdf
A.M. Kuchling
- "The Python Robot" is going mad ?
A.M. Kuchling
- PyCon success stories wanted
A.M. Kuchling
- Creating Python Modules
Dave Kuhlman
- ANN: exportLiteral extension to
Dave Kuhlman
- Eingangsbestaetigung Ihrer Anfrage [Vorgang:#1141713303]
WEB.DE Kundenverwaltung
- python-ldap and Sun ONE Directory server
Michał Kurowski
- How to convert string to list without eval or exec
Oliver Kurz
- imaplib.IMAP4: Bug in implementation
Oliver Kurz
- imaplib.IMAP4: Bug in implementation
Oliver Kurz
- Base64 encoding/decoding
Oliver Kurz
- imaplib.IMAP4: Bug in implementation
Oliver Kurz
- Base64 encoding/decoding [solve]
Oliver Kurz
- Best way to convert string a to utf-*
Oliver Kurz
- Fork+Timeout
Oliver Kurz
- In what python release was this introduced..
Erno Kuusela
- Debugging Extensions using Visual Studio 7.1
Ju-Lian Kwan
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Kaz Kylheku
- Unit testing - suitable for all development?
- Unit testing - suitable for all development?
- Unit testing - suitable for all development?
- Unit testing - suitable for all development?
- Unit testing - suitable for all development?
- Python as Glue Language
Maurice LING
- Problems with unicode
James Laamnna
- Problem with parsing XML
James Laamnna
- Problems with py2exe 0.50 and win98se and win2k
James Laamnna
- Problems with py2exe 0.50 and win98se and win2k
James Laamnna
- Why Python?
Cameron Laird
- Is Eric S Raymond still a "Pythoneer"
Cameron Laird
- network servers
Cameron Laird
- Lua Book
Cameron Laird
- variable name using a for
Cameron Laird
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 3)
Cameron Laird
- WSDL in python?
Cameron Laird
- Python and Multi-Physics
Cameron Laird
- Unit testing - suitable for all development?
Cameron Laird
- Sending bulk email from a Python script
Cameron Laird
- Looking for general info on Python
Cameron Laird
- Sending bulk email from a Python script
Cameron Laird
- getting size of gif
Cameron Laird
- How to simulate a TTY with popen2?
Cameron Laird
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Cameron Laird
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Cameron Laird
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Cameron Laird
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Cameron Laird
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Cameron Laird
- More glossary items (was: Extending Python Syntax with @)
Cameron Laird
- root password in a .py script
Cameron Laird
- root password in a .py script
Cameron Laird
- root password in a .py script
Cameron Laird
- Python & the job market
Cameron Laird
- Python & the job market
Cameron Laird
- Tkinter3000
Cameron Laird
- Can python read up to where a certain pattern is matched?
Cameron Laird
- How to read between xml tags?
Cameron Laird
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 14)
Cameron Laird
- Extracting info from OS/hardware
Cameron Laird
- Tkinter3000
Cameron Laird
- Python and Microsoft Excel files
Cameron Laird
- Tkinter3000
Cameron Laird
- Tkinter3000
Cameron Laird
- Help on Tkinter installation
Cameron Laird
- running TCL from python
Cameron Laird
- batching script on the web
Cameron Laird
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 19)
Cameron Laird
- Python for large projects
Cameron Laird
- What's missing from python?
Cameron Laird
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Cameron Laird
- Python for large projects
Cameron Laird
- Python for large projects
Cameron Laird
- Python for large projects
Cameron Laird
- Decent way to trace resource leaks?
Cameron Laird
- module for terminal questions?
Cameron Laird
- Unit testing fundamentals (was: Python for large projects)
Cameron Laird
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 24)
Cameron Laird
- execute shell command pipeline
Cameron Laird
- Python in the laboratory
Cameron Laird
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Cameron Laird
- Beginner Threaded file reading access
Cameron Laird
- Python for email?
Cameron Laird
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Cameron Laird
- Tangent on embeddability (was: Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche)
Cameron Laird
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Cameron Laird
- Fundamental differences (was: Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche)
Cameron Laird
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Cameron Laird
- python-ldap and Sun ONE Directory server
Cameron Laird
- Combinatorics of dual-language use (was: Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche)
Cameron Laird
- Python for email?
Cameron Laird
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Cameron Laird
- Sermon on technique (was: Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche)
Cameron Laird
- Appreciation for the importance of readability (was: Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche)
Cameron Laird
- Regular Expressions
Cameron Laird
- os module question
Cameron Laird
- Python for large projects
Cameron Laird
- Minor observation on the programming enterprise (was: Python for large projects)
Cameron Laird
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 28)
Cameron Laird
- Getting both PID and output from a command
Cameron Laird
- How to make this speed up
Cameron Laird
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Cameron Laird
- image processing style (2D kernel) convolutions?
Kyler Laird
- Python bindings for lsh (lshg)?
Kyler Laird
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Kyler Laird
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Kyler Laird
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Kyler Laird
- Handling geoTIFF files
Kyler Laird
- Python for email?
Kyler Laird
- Sending bulk email from a Python script
Steve Lamb
- Sending bulk email from a Python script
Steve Lamb
- Sending bulk email from a Python script
Steve Lamb
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Steve Lamb
- Newbie Python (Game) Programming Question
Steve Lamb
- A 'Python like' language
Steve Lamb
- new python syntax: concatenation of functions
Bob Lancaster
- The cgi module is no substitute for a dictionary.
Rob Landley
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Nick Landsberg
- what is a good intro book on python ?
- Socket access to low numbered ports?
Tuure Laurinolli
- Parsing xml file using python
David LeBlanc
- Writing dictionary output to a file
David LeBlanc
- a desired python editor
David LeBlanc
- how to "source" a file?
David LeBlanc
- Recursive function always returns None
Patrick LeGresley
- CUPS or IPP in Python?
Russell Lear
- open default web browser using python
Gregor Leban
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Derek Ledbetter
- using a proxy with urllib2
Lee, Dustin
- examples of doing syadmin activities as a web app
Lee, Dustin
- examples of doing syadmin activities as a web app
Lee, Dustin
- Is Eric S Raymond still a "Pythoneer"
John J. Lee
- Mailing list hosting?
John J. Lee
- Examples of using the html parser
John J. Lee
- Unit testing - suitable for all development?
John J. Lee
- Mailing list hosting?
John J. Lee
- Mailing list hosting?
John J. Lee
- Mailing list hosting?
John J. Lee
- Unit testing - suitable for all development?
John J. Lee
- ANN: Python UK Conference, 16th - 17th April 2004
John J. Lee
- Britney Spears nude
John J. Lee
- No built-in swap function?
John J. Lee
- ANN: Python UK Conference, 16th - 17th April 2004
John J. Lee
- Pymat
- Incompatibility between psyco 1.2 and pythonwin?
David Lees
- Incompatibility between psyco 1.2 and pythonwin?
David Lees
- SHA-based subclass for Random module
David Lees
- where can I find Paris Hilton video?
Philipp Lenssen
- [ANNOUNCE] e4Graph 1.0a11
Jacob Levy
- [ANNOUNCE] e4Graph 1.0a11
Jacob Levy
- List append help
David Lewis
- Multi-user quiz show game
Alex Li
- Multi-user quiz show game
Alex Li
- Multi-user quiz show game
Alex Li
- py2exe - omitting DLLs (not Python extensions!) from the distribution
Chris Liechti
- simple py2exe import os error
Mark Light
- Is there a map or graph module?
- Graph Problems (was Re: Is there a map or graph module?)
- Graphing problems (was: Re: Is there a map or graph module?)
- Graph Problems (was Re: Is there a map or graph module?)
- Python database access questions
- Generating salt for crypt
Florian Lindner
- how fast is Python code - another detail
Gregor Lingl
- how fast is Python code - another detail
Gregor Lingl
- how fast is Python code - another detail
Gregor Lingl
- IDLE and turtle
Gregor Lingl
- Richards bench benchmark
Duncan Lissett
- Richards bench benchmark
Duncan Lissett
- Richards bench benchmark
Duncan Lissett
- Can python read up to where a certain pattern is matched?
Anthony Liu
- Problem processing Chinese character with Python
Anthony Liu
- Can python read up to where a certain pattern is matched?
Anthony Liu
- Problem processing Chinese character with Python
Anthony Liu
- [python-chinese] Linux上 # -*- coding: cp936 -*- 出 错
Anthony Liu
- How to read between xml tags?
Anthony Liu
- What is wrong? The minidom or the XML file?
Anthony Liu
- What is wrong? The minidom or the XML file?
Anthony Liu
- Does python's minidom support Chinese?
Anthony Liu
- How to read between xml tags?
Anthony Liu
- What is wrong? The minidom or the XML file?
Anthony Liu
- What is wrong? The minidom or the XML file?
Anthony Liu
- What is wrong? The minidom or the XML file?
Anthony Liu
- v # invalid expression ?
Anthony Liu
- How to add pairs to a dict?
Anthony Liu
- How to add pairs to a dict, typo corrected in this one.
Anthony Liu
- Unicode is driving me nuts!
Anthony Liu
- How to read one byte at a time in Python?
Anthony Liu
- How to read one byte at a time in Python?
Anthony Liu
- Unicode is driving me nuts!
Anthony Liu
- Is reverse reading possible?
Anthony Liu
- Is reverse reading possible?
Anthony Liu
- Is reverse reading possible?
Anthony Liu
- problem with cjkcodecs on Mandrake linux
Anthony Liu
- [python-chinese] cjkcodecs on mandrake, a problem
Anthony Liu
- problem with cjkcodecs on Mandrake linux
Anthony Liu
- problem with cjkcodecs on Mandrake linux
Anthony Liu
- problem with cjkcodecs on Mandrake linux +++
Anthony Liu
- problem with cjkcodecs on Mandrake linux
Anthony Liu
- problem with cjkcodecs on Mandrake linux
Anthony Liu
- problem with cjkcodecs on Mandrake linux
Anthony Liu
- problem with cjkcodecs on Mandrake linux +++
Anthony Liu
- The range of Chinese characters
Anthony Liu
- (newbie)Problems while testing SioModule22
- PEP 318
Eyal Lotem
- explicit variable scoping
Eyal Lotem
- explicit variable scoping
Eyal Lotem
- Split a string by length
Eyal Lotem
- Why Python?
Hung Jung Lu
- DLL version number
Hung Jung Lu
- DLL version number
Hung Jung Lu
- Deprecating reload() ???
Hung Jung Lu
- Deprecating reload() ???
Hung Jung Lu
- Deprecating reload() ???
Hung Jung Lu
- Package name with '.' in them: Python Bug ?
Hung Jung Lu
- Package name with '.' in them: Python Bug ?
Hung Jung Lu
- Package name with '.' in them: Python Bug ?
Hung Jung Lu
- PEP 318
Hung Jung Lu
- How do i cast a string to be used as a module?
Hung Jung Lu
- Python for large projects
Hung Jung Lu
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Hung Jung Lu
- Tkinter: how to refresh a canvas without duplicates?
Fredrik Lundh
- Tkinter3000
Fredrik Lundh
- Scaling an ImageTk.PhotoImage
Fredrik Lundh
- getting size of gif
Fredrik Lundh
- getting size of gif
Fredrik Lundh
- insertion in lists
- insertion in lists
- thank you all
- Prothon, metaclasses, Zope [Was: A 'Python like' language]
Roberto Lupi
- A 'Python like' language
Magnus Lyck?
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Magnus Lyck?
- urllib & browser proxy settings
Chris Lyon
- building Python under Services for Unix (SFU)
"Martin v. Löwis"
- 2.3.3 on Solaris 10
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Replace accented chars with unaccented ones
"Martin v. Löwis"
- tuples or lists
"Martin v. Löwis"
- problem with cjkcodecs on Mandrake linux
"Martin v. Löwis"
- problem with cjkcodecs on Mandrake linux
"Martin v. Löwis"
- uid_t, gid_t issue in python tests?
"Martin v. Löwis"
- ConfigParser and Unicode
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Need better string methods
Max M
- Zippping a directory recursively from Python script on Windows
Max M
- Zippping a directory recursively from Python script on Windows
Max M
- Zippping a directory recursively from Python script on Windows
Max M
- Zippping a directory recursively from Python script on Windows
Max M
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Max M
- getting size of gif
Max M
- Semantics of ==
Max M
- imaplib.IMAP4: Bug in implementation
Max M
- cgi lib question
Max M
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Max M
- [OT] Top posting is a PITA [was : Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes]
Max M
- asking for python community opinion about groovy
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Fred Ma
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Fred Ma
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Fred Ma
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Fred Ma
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Fred Ma
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Fred Ma
- Tangent on embeddability (was: Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche)
Fred Ma
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Fred Ma
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Fred Ma
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Fred Ma
- Sermon on technique (was: Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche)
Fred Ma
- Combinatorics of dual-language use
Fred Ma
- Appreciation for the importance of readability (was: Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche)
Fred Ma
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Fred Ma
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Fred Ma
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Fred Ma
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Fred Ma
- Python as replacement for PHP?
Peter Maas
- Converting office files to PDF
Peter Maas
- Python as replacement for PHP?
Peter Maas
- Calling C programs
Peter Maas
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Peter Maas
- How to catch a generic exception?
Peter Maas
- How to catch a generic exception?
Peter Maas
- Python as replacement for PHP?
Peter Maas
- exiting Python
Peter Maas
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Peter Maas
- name of this python program
Peter Maas
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Peter Maas
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Peter Maas
- How to add pairs to a dict?
Peter Maas
- Static Typing in Python
Peter Maas
- Static Typing in Python
Peter Maas
- Static Typing in Python
Peter Maas
- '1' + 1 ==> True ???
Peter Maas
- float problem
Peter Maas
- '1' + 1 ==> True ???
Peter Maas
- '1' + 1 ==> True ???
Peter Maas
- '1' + 1 ==> True ???
Peter Maas
- question on charset conversion
Peter Maas
- mod_python and unicode
Peter Maas
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Peter Maas
- PyPerl 1.0.1 [requires Visual Studio compiler?]
Peter Maas
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Peter Maas
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Peter Maas
- The range of Chinese characters
Peter Maas
- Python compiler -> py to C, py to ELF
Peter Maas
- proper use of braces in Python
Peter Maas
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Andrew MacIntyre
- PyPerl 1.0.1 [requires Visual Studio compiler?]
Andrew MacIntyre
- emergent/swarm/evolutionary systems etc
Peter MacKenzie
- emergent/swarm/evolutionary systems etc
Peter MacKenzie
- How does Ruby compare to Python?? How good is DESIGN of Ruby compared to Python?
David MacQuigg
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
David MacQuigg
- Ruby like syntactic sugar
David MacQuigg
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
David MacQuigg
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
David MacQuigg
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
David MacQuigg
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
David MacQuigg
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
David MacQuigg
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
David MacQuigg
- Need better string methods
David MacQuigg
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
David MacQuigg
- ready to use python, need help with GUI decision
David MacQuigg
- ready to use python, need help with GUI decision
David MacQuigg
- Need better string methods
David MacQuigg
- Need better string methods
David MacQuigg
- Need better string methods
David MacQuigg
- Need better string methods
David MacQuigg
- Utterly OT:[Was Re: Need better string methods]
David MacQuigg
- "print" as function not statement
David MacQuigg
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
David MacQuigg
- "print" as function not statement
David MacQuigg
- Regex Match Problem
David MacQuigg
- Extending Python Syntax with @
David MacQuigg
- Extending Python Syntax with @
David MacQuigg
- Extending Python Syntax with @
David MacQuigg
- Extending Python Syntax with @
David MacQuigg
- Extending Python Syntax with @
David MacQuigg
- Extending Python Syntax with @
David MacQuigg
- Extending Python Syntax with @
David MacQuigg
- Extending Python Syntax with @
David MacQuigg
- Extending Python Syntax with @
David MacQuigg
- Extending Python Syntax with @
David MacQuigg
- Extending Python Syntax with @
David MacQuigg
- backquote
David MacQuigg
- Extending Python Syntax with @
David MacQuigg
- Deprecating reload() ???
David MacQuigg
- loop scope
David MacQuigg
- Deprecating reload() ???
David MacQuigg
- Deprecating reload() ???
David MacQuigg
- loop scope
David MacQuigg
- Deprecating reload() ???
David MacQuigg
- loop scope
David MacQuigg
- Deprecating reload() ???
David MacQuigg
- Deprecating reload() ???
David MacQuigg
- Deprecating reload() ???
David MacQuigg
- Reload() Confusion
David MacQuigg
- Deprecating reload() ???
David MacQuigg
- Deprecating reload() ???
David MacQuigg
- Deprecating reload() ???
David MacQuigg
- Deprecating reload() ???
David MacQuigg
- Deprecating reload() ???
David MacQuigg
- Deprecating reload() ???
David MacQuigg
- Deprecating reload() ???
David MacQuigg
- Deprecating reload() ???
David MacQuigg
- loop scope
David MacQuigg
- Deprecating reload() ???
David MacQuigg
- Deprecating reload() ???
David MacQuigg
- Deprecating reload() ???
David MacQuigg
- Result of ``a is b''
David MacQuigg
- Deprecating reload() ???
David MacQuigg
- Deprecating reload() ???
David MacQuigg
- Deprecating reload() ???
David MacQuigg
- Deprecating reload() ???
David MacQuigg
- Result of ``a is b''
David MacQuigg
- Result of ``a is b''
David MacQuigg
- Deprecating reload() ???
David MacQuigg
- Deprecating reload() ???
David MacQuigg
- Result of ``a is b''
David MacQuigg
- Deprecating reload() ???
David MacQuigg
- Result of ``a is b''
David MacQuigg
- loop scope
David MacQuigg
- Idle won't start - Update
David MacQuigg
- Installing SIP with QT Enabled for Python Applications
David MacQuigg
- Reload() Confusion
David MacQuigg
- SHA-based subclass for random module
David MacQuigg
- explicit variable scoping
David MacQuigg
- PyQt database example
David MacQuigg
- SHA-based subclass for random module
David MacQuigg
- SHA-based subclass for random module
David MacQuigg
- explicit variable scoping
David MacQuigg
- The problem with "as" [was "Re: PEP 318"]
David MacQuigg
- Idle won't start - Update
David MacQuigg
- IDLE won't launch, and other frustrations
David MacQuigg
- Tips on
David MacQuigg
- IDLE won't launch, and other frustrations
David MacQuigg
- The problem with "as" [was "Re: PEP 318"]
David MacQuigg
- The problem with "as" [was "Re: PEP 318"]
David MacQuigg
- Split a string by length
David MacQuigg
- The problem with "as" [was "Re: PEP 318"]
David MacQuigg
- Special symbols again (was Re: The problem with "as")
David MacQuigg
- Variable scope in classes
David MacQuigg
- The problem with "as" [was "Re: PEP 318"]
David MacQuigg
- import a modified module
David MacQuigg
- A 'Python like' language
David MacQuigg
- A 'Python like' language
David MacQuigg
- import a modified module
David MacQuigg
- A 'Python like' language
David MacQuigg
- A 'Python like' language
David MacQuigg
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
David MacQuigg
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
David MacQuigg
- import a modified module
David MacQuigg
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
David MacQuigg
- Getting both PID and output from a command
Hugh Macdonald
- Getting both PID and output from a command
Hugh Macdonald
- Getting both PID and output from a command
Hugh Macdonald
- Invalid character in os.system call...
Hugh Macdonald
- Getting both PID and output from a command
Hugh Macdonald
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Hugh Macdonald
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Hugh Macdonald
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Hugh Macdonald
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Hugh Macdonald
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Hugh Macdonald
- vim & python
Mikolaj Machowski
- root password in a .py script
Mahrt, Dallas
- Semantics of ==
Fred Mailhot
- Your favorite Python-related (X)Emacs thingamajiks?
Edvard Majakari
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Andrew Malcolmson
- new python syntax: concatenation of functions
Sagiv Malihi
- Large Data with SOAP
- Syntax of 'in' : searching a list for a string
- root password in a .py script
Craig Markwardt
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Joe Marshall
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Joe Marshall
- uid_t, gid_t issue in python tests?
John Marshall
- Help needed with gettext.install
Eric Martel
- Help needed with gettext.install (solved)
Eric Martel
- emai - Multiple recipenets in "To:"
Aurelio Martin
- A 'Python like' language
D Martin
- J2EE/EJB and Python
Silvana Di Martino
Maru, Mulugeta
Maru, Mulugeta
- Python Database Driven Web Development
Maru, Mulugeta
- Python Database Driven Web Development
Maru, Mulugeta
- Searching comp.lang.python
Mulugeta Maru
- win32com.client.Dispatch returns CLSID different than makepy
Stefano Masini
- win32com.client.Dispatch returns CLSID different than makepy
Stefano Masini
- win32com.client.Dispatch returns CLSID different than makepy
Stefano Masini
- Why can't Lists be private variables in a class
Joe Mason
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Joe Mason
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Joe Mason
- A GOTO example (was question: numarray c extension...)
Joe Mason
- Performance penalty for using properties?
Joe Mason
- Static Typing in Python
Joe Mason
- Static Typing in Python
Joe Mason
- Static Typing in Python
Joe Mason
- Swig-Python problems
Joe Mason
- Is Python type safe?
Joe Mason
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Joe Mason
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Joe Mason
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Joe Mason
- The problem with "as" [was "Re: PEP 318"]
Joe Mason
- The problem with "as" [was "Re: PEP 318"]
Joe Mason
- Decorators for paramters (was Re: The problem with "as")
Joe Mason
- The problem with "as" [was "Re: PEP 318"]
Joe Mason
- [Slightly OT] Re: Voting (was Re: PEP 318
Joe Mason
- Traceback (most recent call last):
Joe Mason
- PEP 318
Joe Mason
- [Slightly OT] Re: Voting (was Re: PEP 318
Joe Mason
- declaring multimethods [Was: Re: PEP 318]
Joe Mason
- Python for large projects
Joe Mason
- [Slightly OT] Re: Voting (was Re: PEP 318
Joe Mason
- [Slightly OT] Re: Voting (was Re: PEP 318
Joe Mason
- Special symbols again (was Re: The problem with "as")
Joe Mason
- Make 'def' and 'class' usable within expressions
Joe Mason
- Make 'def' and 'class' usable within expressions
Joe Mason
- [Way OT] Condorcet vs. IRV (was [Slightly OT] Re: Voting)
Joe Mason
- The problem with "as" [was "Re: PEP 318"]
Joe Mason
- [Way OT] Condorcet vs. IRV
Joe Mason
- A 'Python like' language
Joe Mason
- A 'Python like' language
Joe Mason
- Make 'def' and 'class' usable within expressions
Joe Mason
- initialize a class
Joe Mason
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Joe Mason
- Newbie Class Questions
Joe Mason
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Joe Mason
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Joe Mason
- Prothon, metaclasses, Zope [Was: A 'Python like' language]
Joe Mason
- Newbie Class Questions
Joe Mason
- Prothon, metaclasses, Zope [Was: A 'Python like' language]
Joe Mason
- Newbie Class Questions
Joe Mason
- Newbie Class Questions
Joe Mason
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Joe Mason
- Minor observation on the programming enterprise (was: Python for large projects)
Joe Mason
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Joe Mason
- A 'Python like' language
Joe Mason
- Prothon, metaclasses, Zope [Was: A 'Python like' language]
Joe Mason
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Joe Mason
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Joe Mason
- Looking for example of brilliant python code showing off its features
Joe Mason
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Joe Mason
- Statistical Techniques
Harald Massa
- changing the python executable icon
Harald Massa
- Python in the laboratory
Harald Massa
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Harald Massa
- sorting times
- Python for large projects
- Python for large projects
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
Dieter Maurer
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
Dieter Maurer
- J2EE/EJB and Python
Dieter Maurer
- Threads and SIGSEGV
Dieter Maurer
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
Dieter Maurer
- mechanics to specify an interface
Uwe Mayer
- index out of range with slice object
Uwe Mayer
- new python syntax: concatenation of functions
Uwe Mayer
- call up, notify down
Uwe Mayer
- PyTable?
Chris McAvoy
- file.tell() ?
Chris McAvoy
- Is this the correct way to implement TestSuite?
Lol McBride
- Is Eric S Raymond still a "Pythoneer"
Paddy McCarthy
- Is Eric S Raymond still a "Pythoneer"
Paddy McCarthy
- Need better string methods
Paddy McCarthy
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Paddy McCarthy
- Performance penalty for using properties?
Kenneth McDonald
- Question on making names visible in packages
Kenneth McDonald
- Any way to get information from fun objects about their parameters?
Kenneth McDonald
- Question on making names visible in packages
Mark McEahern
- best module for parsing a small xml file
Mark McEahern
- execute shell command pipeline
Mark McEahern
- How to import a module based on an argument
Mark McEahern
- shelve module on a gentoo/amd64 machine
Buster McFadden
- Why Python?
Paul McGuire
- Installing a python program without full distribution - minimal requirements...
Paul McGuire
- Regular Expressions in Python
Paul McGuire
- Reading selected data from text files
Paul McGuire
- Regular Expressions in Python
Paul McGuire
- xmlrpclib timeouts
Paul McGuire
- best way to read a configuration file
Paul McGuire
- best way to read a configuration file
Paul McGuire
- best way to read a configuration file
Paul McGuire
- best way to read a configuration file
Paul McGuire
- How to convert string to list without eval or exec
Paul McGuire
- sorting a list
Paul McGuire
- Okay Heres the problem: in Index
Paul McGuire
- Tips on calling Matlab from Python
Paul McGuire
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Paul McGuire
- [ANN] Updated releases of pyparsing - 1.1.1
Paul McGuire
- backquote
Paul McGuire
- 2D List comprehension & replace
Paul McGuire
- 2D List comprehension & replace
Paul McGuire
- put your money where your mouse is, or why I prefer Spanish to English: a proposal
Paul McGuire
- Compare recursively objects
Paul McGuire
- Compare recursively objects
Paul McGuire
- Slow Python - what can be done?
Paul McGuire
- parsing emails
Paul McGuire
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Paul McGuire
- store tag content with SGMLParser ... ?
Paul McGuire
- proper use of braces in Python (was: Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes)
Paul McGuire
- ready to use python, need help with GUI decision
Jonathon McKitrick
- ready to use python, need help with GUI decision
Jonathon McKitrick
- Fresh Python for Rotting Web Hosts
David McNab
- ready to use python, need help with GUI decision
David McNab
- ANN: pyshaper - for easy traffic-shaping
David McNab
- ANN: pyshaper - for easy traffic-shaping
David McNab
- Python & the job market
David McNab
- How to move and then use an installed python?
David McNab
- PyPI Enhancements
David McNab
- Split a string by length
David McNab
- pythonservice -register
Olaf Meding
- Windows NT Service and Sockets
Olaf Meding
- backquote
Olaf Meding
- PyChecker and stdin
Olaf Meding
- PyChecker and stdin
Olaf Meding
- PyChecker and stdin
Olaf Meding
- function arguments passed by reference
Josef Meile
- Python style guidelines
Josef Meile
- Python style guidelines
Josef Meile
- Generating images on-the-fly
Josef Meile
- Hiding console window
Josef Meile
- Hiding console window
Josef Meile
- creating lists question?
Josef Meile
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
- destructuring tuple and list
Sebastien de Menten
- py2exe win32all: Can write, but not read FileVersion ...
Werner Merkl
- where can I find Paris Hilton video?
Harlan Messinger
- Want to build an interactive TopLevel for Javascript
- Python style guidelines
- Python style guidelines
- Problem with threads and signals
Sebastian Meyer
- Problem with threads and signals
Sebastian Meyer
- Problem with threads and signals
Sebastian Meyer
- Problem with threads and signals
Sebastian Meyer
- Parsing xml file using python
Tony Meyer
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Tony Meyer
- where can I find Paris Hilton video?
Tony Meyer
- imaplib.IMAP4: Bug in implementation
Tony Meyer
- imaplib.IMAP4: Bug in implementation
Tony Meyer
- Running inproc COM-components in a surrogate process using win32com
Patrick Mezenberg
- Why Python?
- Python Database Driven Web Development
- Is Eric S Raymond still a "Pythoneer"
- problems with MySQLdb
- [Fwd: Re: examples of doing syadmin activities as a web app]
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
- Where to offer simple apps
- [Fwd: Re: examples of doing syadmin activities as a web app]
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
- Tabbing probs
- tabbing probs (was: Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes)
- Tabbing probs
- tabbing probs
- tabbing probs
- PyPerl 1.0.1 [requires Visual Studio compiler?]
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
- Python Documentation Blows!
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
- proper use of braces in Python (was: Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes)
- [OT] about OO concepts
- Python Documentation Blows!
- tabbing probs
- Python Documentation Blows!
- Python Documentation Blows!
- wxPython information
- [OT] Top posting is a PITA [was : Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes]
- proper use of braces in Python
- python & mysql probelm
- [OT] Top posting is a PITA [was : Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes]
- [OT] Top posting is a PITA [was : Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes]
- wxPython book (was Re: Python Documentation Blows!)
- [OT] Top posting is a PITA
- Python Documentation Blows!
- Python Documentation Blows!
- Eric /Qt documentation / how-to?
Stewart Midwinter
- Socket Receive Buffer
Stewart Midwinter
- How do I define a __del__ method for an object?
Stewart Midwinter
- Final Project - GUI front-end - Accessing and returning data from a file
Stewart Midwinter
- Tkinter3000
Stewart Midwinter
- ftplib - uploading files using transfercmd?
Stewart Midwinter
- Package name with '.' in them: Python Bug ?
Stewart Midwinter
- Getting both PID and output from a command
Stewart Midwinter
- Socket Help
Stewart Midwinter
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
- Palm Desktop Syncs with Outlook
Jeff Mikels
- A Byte of Python - Python Book / Tutorial
- Where to offer simple apps
- how to use activex in wxpython with event support
Paul H. Milenkovic
- vim & python
Frank Miles
- vim & python
Frank Miles
- Deprecating reload() ???
Paul Miller
- 4Suite Domlette and Unicode - does it work?
Paul Miller
- ANN: numarray-0.9
Todd Miller
- Tkinter focus under windows
Todd Miller
- Your favorite Python-related (X)Emacs thingamajiks?
Peter Milliken
- Image width, height.
Nelson Minar
- Image width, height.
Nelson Minar
- '1' + 1 ==> True ???
Nicola Mingotti
- '1' + 1 ==> True ???
Nicola Mingotti
- '1' + 1 ==> True ???
Nicola Mingotti
- '1' + 1 ==> True ???
Nicola Mingotti
- shutils.move lose files !
Nicola Mingotti
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
- strings question
Faheem Mitha
- strings question
Faheem Mitha
- creating array of python objects
Faheem Mitha
- creating array of python objects
Faheem Mitha
- creating array of python objects
Faheem Mitha
- indexing question
Faheem Mitha
- indexing question
Faheem Mitha
- [PyQT] QSocketNotifier problem
Axel Mittendorf
Andrzej Mleczko
Andrzej Mleczko
- wrapping C++, how to wrap an object?
Torsten Mohr
- wrapping C++, how to wrap an object?
Torsten Mohr
- wrapping C++, how to wrap an object?
Torsten Mohr
- Interfacing a C++ class, example
Torsten Mohr
- Integer, 64 Bit, signed and unsigned
Torsten Mohr
- Newbie Formatting Question
Ray Molacha
- Newbie Formatting Question
Ray Molacha
- Simple raster graphics ? How do I ...
Ray Molacha
- Simple raster graphics ? How do I ...
Ray Molacha
- Lua Book
Klaus Momberger
- is perl better?
Klaus Momberger
- is perl better?
Klaus Momberger
- Determining the encoding of a text file
Skip Montanaro
- Group comment
Skip Montanaro
- Image width, height.
Skip Montanaro
- csv bugs
Skip Montanaro
- Which Python module for PostgreSQL?
Skip Montanaro
- Jython Debugger?
Skip Montanaro
- E-mail account disabling warning.
Skip Montanaro
- Backing up objects in db file
Skip Montanaro
- function arguments passed by reference
Skip Montanaro
Skip Montanaro
- Backing up objects in db file
Skip Montanaro
- how fast is Python code - another detail
Skip Montanaro
- Howl & ZeroConf
Skip Montanaro
- "Virtual" file system mock object - replacing stuff in __builtins__
Skip Montanaro
- Threading of messages in the list?
Skip Montanaro
- securely overwrite files with Python
Skip Montanaro
- securely overwrite files with Python
Skip Montanaro
- Split a sentence by punctuations using Python
Skip Montanaro
- securely overwrite files with Python
Skip Montanaro
- python bnf somewhere?
Skip Montanaro
- Introspection at the module level?
Skip Montanaro
- Need better string methods
Skip Montanaro
- getting size of gif
Skip Montanaro
- Searching comp.lang.python
Skip Montanaro
- Reading from stdin
Skip Montanaro
- Python style guidelines
Skip Montanaro
- backquote
Skip Montanaro
- backquote
Skip Montanaro
- Xemacs syntax highlighting
Skip Montanaro
- Python on Mac OS X doesn't have gdbm
Skip Montanaro
- Deprecating reload() ???
Skip Montanaro
- Xemacs syntax highlighting
Skip Montanaro
- Xemacs syntax highlighting
Skip Montanaro
- Xemacs syntax highlighting
Skip Montanaro
- Deprecating reload() ???
Skip Montanaro
- Deprecating reload() ???
Skip Montanaro
- Deprecating reload() ???
Skip Montanaro
- Unicode is driving me nuts!
Skip Montanaro
- How to read one byte at a time in Python?
Skip Montanaro
- Deprecating reload() ???
Skip Montanaro
- root password in a .py script
Skip Montanaro
- Unicode is driving me nuts!
Skip Montanaro
- Deprecating reload() ???
Skip Montanaro
- A question about Python's API
Skip Montanaro
- Deprecating reload() ???
Skip Montanaro
- Safety of pickle?
Skip Montanaro
- Python & the job market
Skip Montanaro
- Deprecating reload() ???
Skip Montanaro
- Deprecating reload() ???
Skip Montanaro
- Deprecating reload() ???
Skip Montanaro
- Deprecating reload() ???
Skip Montanaro
- Deprecating reload() ???
Skip Montanaro
- random.random - Interpreter works, Script doesn't?
Skip Montanaro
- Timeouts with urllib2
Skip Montanaro
- Deprecating reload() ???
Skip Montanaro
- Result of ``a is b''
Skip Montanaro
- Deprecating reload() ???
Skip Montanaro
- Is Python type safe?
Skip Montanaro
- Deprecating reload() ???
Skip Montanaro
- Is Python type safe?
Skip Montanaro
- Result of ``a is b''
Skip Montanaro
- Deprecating reload() ???
Skip Montanaro
- Timeouts with urllib2
Skip Montanaro
- Is Python type safe?
Skip Montanaro
- Deprecating reload() ???
Skip Montanaro
- problem with cjkcodecs on Mandrake linux
Skip Montanaro
- problem with cjkcodecs on Mandrake linux +++
Skip Montanaro
- problem with cjkcodecs on Mandrake linux
Skip Montanaro
- Perceived optparse shortcomings
Skip Montanaro
- Encoded file
Skip Montanaro
- dictionary wart
Skip Montanaro
- Slow Python - what can be done?
Skip Montanaro
- Reload() Confusion
Skip Montanaro
- Timeout on a UDP Socket
Skip Montanaro
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Skip Montanaro
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Skip Montanaro
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Skip Montanaro
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Skip Montanaro
- PEP 318
Skip Montanaro
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Skip Montanaro
- PEP 318
Skip Montanaro
- What's missing from python?
Skip Montanaro
- PEP 318
Skip Montanaro
- What's missing from python?
Skip Montanaro
- PEP 318
Skip Montanaro
- PEP 318
Skip Montanaro
- The problem with "as" [was "Re: PEP 318"]
Skip Montanaro
- PEP 318
Skip Montanaro
- Voting (was Re: PEP 318
Skip Montanaro
- pyOpenSSL is dead or not?
Skip Montanaro
- PEP 318
Skip Montanaro
- The problem with "as" [was "Re: PEP 318"]
Skip Montanaro
- "The Python Robot" is going mad ?
Skip Montanaro
- PEP 318 - posting draft
Skip Montanaro
- "The Python Robot" is going mad ?
Skip Montanaro
- PEP318 alternate syntax idea
Skip Montanaro
- python-mode in emacs under OSX
Skip Montanaro
- PEP 318
Skip Montanaro
- declaring multimethods [Was: Re: PEP 318]
Skip Montanaro
- PEP 318 - posting draft
Skip Montanaro
- PEP 318
Skip Montanaro
- PEP 318
Skip Montanaro
- Way OT [was: Re: [Slightly OT] Re: Voting (was Re: PEP 318)]
Skip Montanaro
- String formatting with floats... can't get it!
Skip Montanaro
- portable /dev/null again
Skip Montanaro
- portable /dev/null again
Skip Montanaro
- declaring multimethods [Was: Re: PEP 318]
Skip Montanaro
- portable /dev/null again
Skip Montanaro
- Make 'def' and 'class' usable within expressions
Skip Montanaro
- A 'Python like' language
Skip Montanaro
- examples of doing syadmin activities as a web app
Skip Montanaro
- Python for email?
Skip Montanaro
- xmlrpc, httplib and SSL
Skip Montanaro
- A 'Python like' language
Skip Montanaro
- A 'Python like' language
Skip Montanaro
- A 'Python like' language
Skip Montanaro
- examples of doing syadmin activities as a web app
Skip Montanaro
- [Fwd: Re: examples of doing syadmin activities as a web app]
Skip Montanaro
- xmlrpc, httplib and SSL
Skip Montanaro
- xmlrpc, httplib and SSL
Skip Montanaro
- xmlrpc, httplib and SSL
Skip Montanaro
- tabbing probs
Skip Montanaro
- xmlrpc, httplib and SSL
Skip Montanaro
- CSV to Browser Bookmark file
Skip Montanaro
- test for nan
Skip Montanaro
- class problem with Embedded Python
Ing Giuseppe Monteleone
- Python vs Perl (an example)
Nick Monyatovsky
- py2exe - omitting DLLs (not Python extensions!) from the distribution
Paul Moore
- py2exe - omitting DLLs (not Python extensions!) from the distribution
Paul Moore
- [OT] Top posting is a PITA
Didier Morandi
- [OT] Top posting is a PITA
Didier Morandi
- [OT] Top posting is a PITA
Didier Morandi
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
Rocco Moretti
- Python style guidelines
Rocco Moretti
- python-dev Summary for 2004-02-01 through 2004-02-29
Rocco Moretti
- Fatal Python error: Inconsistent interned string state
Byron Morgan
- typecasting: a string object to a dictionary object
Byron Morgan
- values within quotes
Guyon Morée
- finding used modules
Guyon Morée
- Problem using py2exe
Sarah Mount
- Problem using py2exe
Sarah Mount
- Problem using py2exe
Sarah Mount
- Problem using py2exe
Sarah Mount
- xml.minidom and threads
Sunil Movva
- xml.minidom and threads
Sunil Movva
- shelve problem
Michael Mulcahy
- Zippping a directory recursively from Python script on Windows
Gerrit Muller
- Exiting Tkinter when using IDLE
Gerrit Muller
- Advice needed: large OpenGL + Widgets Project for Molecular Graphics
Rick Muller
- Advice needed: large OpenGL + Widgets Project for Molecular Graphics
Rick Muller
- Advice needed: large OpenGL + Widgets Project for Molecular Graphics
Rick Muller
- Advice needed: large OpenGL + Widgets Project for Molecular Graphics
Rick Muller
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
Anders J. Munch
- Voting (was Re: PEP 318
Anders J. Munch
- Newbie question about attachment
Robin Munn
- Getting both PID and output from a command
Robin Munn
- Import a module from parent package
Robin Munn
- Need recommendations for installer setup tool
Robin Munn
- Need advice on choosing skills.
Robin Munn
- Need advice on choosing skills.
Robin Munn
- Need recommendations for installer setup tool
Robin Munn
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Robin Munn
- read(): 1st argument can't be coerced to byte[]
Etienne Antoniutti Di Muro
- Why Python?
Ed Murphy
- Odd cgi.FieldStorage behavior
Fred Murray
- "Virtual" file system mock object - replacing stuff in __builtins__
Ralf Muschall
- is perl better?
Ralf Muschall
- Slow Python - what can be done?
Ralf Muschall
- Extending Python Syntax with @
- QuickTimeTcl and Python/Tkinter crash
- Norton AntiVirus detected a virus in a message you sent. The infected attachment was deleted.
- Python scripting for GNumeric
- Python & Linux, some questions
Nai Namae
- Question on loops
Daniel H Neilson
- Question on loops
Daniel H Neilson
- newbie question: data structure for book indexing
Peter Nelson
- time.sleep()
Bart Nessux
- securely overwrite files with Python
Bart Nessux
- securely overwrite files with Python
Bart Nessux
- root password in a .py script
Bart Nessux
- root password in a .py script
Bart Nessux
- root password in a .py script
Bart Nessux
- root password in a .py script
Bart Nessux
- root password in a .py script
Bart Nessux
- root password in a .py script
Bart Nessux
- root password in a .py script
Bart Nessux
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Jon Nicoll
- [ANN] python-dateutil 0.4
Gustavo Niemeyer
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Gustavo Niemeyer
- PyGTK: creating a pixbuf from image data
Gustavo Niemeyer
- Pushing file name to browser
Hakan Nilsson
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Mike Nishizawa
- Replace accented chars with unaccented ones
- Start and control an extern program
- Replace accented chars with unaccented ones
- Select on Win XP
- FreeBSD or OpenBSD for Python?
- Getting both PID and output from a command
- popen problem
- Need recommendations for installer setup tool
- Need recommendations for installer setup tool
- monitoring a directory
- os.execlp and stdout
- Why Python?
- testing - please ignore
- New to Python.
- feval similar to Matlab
- feval similar to Matlab
- Python Documentation Blows!
- Image width, height.
Afonso Fernández Nogueira
- Beginner Threaded file reading access
Jesse Noller
- Package name with '.' in them: Python Bug ?
Stephen Robert Norris
- PyCrypto and RSA
Carmine Noviello
- [ANN]PyCrash 0.4pre1 released
Carmine Noviello
- MVC-type Framework in Python
Carmine Noviello
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Carmine Noviello
- destructuring tuple and list
Hans Nowak
- how to "source" a file?
Hans Nowak
- asking for python community opinion about groovy
Hans Nowak
- PyProtocols question
Hans Nowak
- Orders of magnitude
Buck Nuggets
- Orders of magnitude
Buck Nuggets
- Orders of magnitude
Buck Nuggets
- Python for large projects
Jay O'Connor
- Python for large projects
Jay O'Connor
- Shameless OT Plug
Jay O'Connor
- Python for large projects
Jay O'Connor
- HTMLPrinter
Paramjit Oberoi
- Newbie question on wxNotebook
Klaus Oberpichler
- The LOOP macro
T. Ogawa
- .lstrip().rstrip() -> .strip() and other String/Unicode suggestions
Uche Ogbuji
- Does python's minidom support Chinese?
Uche Ogbuji
- xml.minidom and threads
Uche Ogbuji
- pyXML beginner questions
Uche Ogbuji
- An XML parser is an XML parser. Period.
Uche Ogbuji
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Camilo Olarte
- pyrex+Numeric
Pawel Oleksik
- ftplib - uploading files using transfercmd?
Kevin Ollivier
- ftplib - uploading files using transfercmd?
Kevin Ollivier
- SOLVED: Re: ftplib - uploading files using transfercmd?
Kevin Ollivier
- dictionary wart
Jesper Olsen
- Is there a map or graph module?
Jesper Olsen
- no inline comments
Lawrence Oluyede
- no inline comments
Lawrence Oluyede
- [OT] C unit testing suite
Lawrence Oluyede
- wxWindows changes name
Piet van Oostrum
- cmdline args to a piped python prog
Piet van Oostrum
- Gadfly ????
Piet van Oostrum
- Zippping a directory recursively from Python script on Windows
Piet van Oostrum
- Cgi: Print Text files with wordwrap!
Piet van Oostrum
- Python and serverless/flat DBs
Piet van Oostrum
- root password in a .py script
Piet van Oostrum
- Any known bitmap/resource/image collection for a Spanish card deck?
Piet van Oostrum
- Python for large projects
Piet van Oostrum
- Python for large projects
Piet van Oostrum
- OT: FTP sync program?
Piet van Oostrum
- Using the __builtins__ module to assign new global variables
- Determining the encoding of a text file
David Opstad
- Problems with unicode
David Opstad
- How to catch a generic exception?
Denis S. Otkidach
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
Denis S. Otkidach
- RuntimeError: cannot unmarshal code objects in restricted execution mode
Denis S. Otkidach
- RuntimeError: cannot unmarshal code objects in restricted execution mode
Denis S. Otkidach
- Deprecating reload() ???
Denis S. Otkidach
- Thoughts on new vs traditional idioms
Peter Otten
- Thoughts on new vs traditional idioms
Peter Otten
- Thoughts on new vs traditional idioms
Peter Otten
- Computing test methods in unittest.TestCase
Peter Otten
- variable name using a for
Peter Otten
- Replacing base class
Peter Otten
- Sending binary data over CGI
Peter Otten
- How to catch a generic exception?
Peter Otten
- how fast is object-oriented Python code?
Peter Otten
- python classes
Peter Otten
- python classes
Peter Otten
- how fast is Python code - another detail
Peter Otten
- tkFileDialog.askopenfilename
Peter Otten
- python classes
Peter Otten
- how fast is Python code - another detail
Peter Otten
- Modifying Entry widget diabledforeground in Tkinter...
Peter Otten
- Tkinter main window needs to disappear
Peter Otten
- reg exp and octal notation
Peter Otten
- How to process Chinese using Python?
Peter Otten
- function to return a list of all methods for an object
Peter Otten
- Split a sentence by punctuations using Python
Peter Otten
- import vs from module import : any performance issue?
Peter Otten
- Null-terminated strings with struct module?
Peter Otten
- Writing dictionary output to a file
Peter Otten
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Peter Otten
- How do I define a __del__ method for an object?
Peter Otten
- Initializing Member Variables
Peter Otten
- How to convert string to list without eval or exec
Peter Otten
Peter Otten
- Is this a bug?
Peter Otten
- sorting a list
Peter Otten
- Searching comp.lang.python
Peter Otten
- trap attributeError from inside a dict ?
Peter Otten
- "print" as function not statement
Peter Otten
- How to convert string to list without eval or exec
Peter Otten
- Nice way of getting items from two lists
Peter Otten
- index out of range with slice object
Peter Otten
- index out of range with slice object
Peter Otten
- Iterating over tuple entries in a list
Peter Otten
- Python style guidelines
Peter Otten
- Optparse: Detecting if option or option-arg is specified or not
Peter Otten
- subclassing list and adding other variables ?
Peter Otten
- Create static method dynamically
Peter Otten
- Optparse: Detecting if option or option-arg is specified or not
Peter Otten
- Newbie question, Help needed!
Peter Otten
- Performance penalty for using properties?
Peter Otten
- Interpreting \ escape sequences in strings
Peter Otten
- Interpreting \ escape sequences in strings
Peter Otten
- Performance penalty for using properties?
Peter Otten
- Interpreting \ escape sequences in strings
Peter Otten
- Interpreting \ escape sequences in strings
Peter Otten
- random.random - Interpreter works, Script doesn't?
Peter Otten
- how best to iterate i times ?
Peter Otten
- Slow Python - what can be done?
Peter Otten
- problem with a css cycler
Peter Otten
- Slow Python - what can be done?
Peter Otten
- splitString output as argument to string format fails?
Peter Otten
- Globbing in List Search?
Peter Otten
- Split a string by length
Peter Otten
- Split a string by length
Peter Otten
- Split a string by length
Peter Otten
- Calling function keywords from a dictionary
Peter Otten
- Newbie Class Questions
Peter Otten
- Newbie Class Questions
Peter Otten
- pysqlite
Peter Otten
- How To capture an id into an array..
Peter Otten
- Orders of magnitude
Peter Otten
- How To capture an id into an array..
Peter Otten
- Integer, 64 Bit, signed and unsigned
Peter Otten
- ESR's redone in python - request for critique
Peter Otten
- ESR's redone in python - request for critique
Peter Otten
- ESR's redone in python - request for critique
Peter Otten
- ESR's redone in python - request for critique
Peter Otten
- Using bound variables in Tkinter events
Peter Otten
- Result of ``a is b''
Ronald Oussoren
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Ronald Oussoren
- PEP 318
Ronald Oussoren
- PEP 318
Ronald Oussoren
- State of Python scripting on Mac OS X?
Ronald Oussoren
- Make 'def' and 'class' usable within expressions
Ronald Oussoren
- detecting the operating system
Russell E. Owen
- tkFileDialog.askdirectory root directory ?
Russell E. Owen
- [Numeric] why is Float32 incorrect for ufuncs?
Russell E. Owen
- tkFileDialog.askopenfilename
Russell E. Owen
- Getting definition list
Russell E. Owen
- question: numarray c extension error handling?
Russell E. Owen
- question: numarray c extension error handling?
Russell E. Owen
- PEP 318 : Def and Class in expressions
- Orders of magnitude
- Tabbing probs
- Need better string methods
William Park
- Need better string methods
William Park
- Can python read up to where a certain pattern is matched?
William Park
- Need better string methods
William Park
- Sending bulk email from a Python script
William Park
- How to convert string to list without eval or exec
William Park
- strings question
William Park
- need optimizing help
William Park
- Decoding numerical and name based HTML entities
William Park
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
William Park
- Fetching websites with Python
William Park
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Tassilo v. Parseval
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Tassilo v. Parseval
- Split a string by length
- easy verbose in functions
- Calling C programs
Bjoern Paschen
- Syntax of 'in' : searching a list for a string
Bjoern Paschen
- 3D apps in Python?
Bjoern Paschen
- Package importing question
Nick Patavalis
- Package importing question
Nick Patavalis
- Package name with '.' in them: Python Bug ?
Yannick Patois
- Package name with '.' in them: Python Bug ?
Yannick Patois
- Package name with '.' in them: Python Bug ?
Yannick Patois
- Package name with '.' in them: Python Bug ?
Yannick Patois
- Package name with '.' in them: Python Bug ?
Yannick Patois
- Package name with '.' in them: Python Bug ?
Yannick Patois
- Package name with '.' in them: Python Bug ?
Yannick Patois
- py2exe - COM Server problem
- py2exe - COM Server problem
- execute shell command pipeline
- odd behaviour with embedded python and omniorb
- MVC-type Framework in Python
Andreas Pauley
- Sending ICMP Packets
Andreas Pauley
- Sending ICMP Packets
Andreas Pauley
- IDLE on Windows; save files as UNIX?
- wxWindows Themes
Kenneth Payne
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Lou Pecora
- A GOTO example (was question: numarray c extension...)
Lou Pecora
- [OT] Top posting is a PITA
Mike Pelletier
Zhi Peng
- anyone knew mysql
Zhi Peng
- Python and Multi-Physics
Fernando Perez
- Best way to run ipython inside of emacs shell?
Fernando Perez
- os.popen() failing under ipython+cygwin, I'm stumped.
Fernando Perez
- os.popen() failing under ipython+cygwin, I'm stumped.
Fernando Perez
- os.popen() failing under ipython+cygwin, I'm stumped.
Fernando Perez
- os.popen() failing under ipython+cygwin, I'm stumped.
Fernando Perez
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Jon Perez
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Jon Perez
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Jon Perez
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Jon Perez
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Jon Perez
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Jon Perez
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Jon Perez
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Jon Perez
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Jon Perez
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Jon Perez
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Jon Perez
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Jon Perez
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Jon Perez
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Jon Perez
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Jon Perez
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Jon Perez
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Jon Perez
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Jon Perez
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Jon Perez
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Jon Perez
- Britney Spears nude
Jon Perez
- Pure Python HTTPS Server
Trevor Perrin
- ANN: TLS Lite 0.3.0
Trevor Perrin
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Trevor Perrin
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Trevor Perrin
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Trevor Perrin
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Trevor Perrin
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Trevor Perrin
- pyOpenSSL is dead or not?
Trevor Perrin
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Trevor Perrin
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Trevor Perrin
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Trevor Perrin
- Python for Information Visualization
Umesh Persad
- Python for Information Visualization
Umesh Persad
- Py Tic Tac Toe in action
Mike Peters
- python.exe vs pythonw.exe difference?
Tim Peters
- python.exe vs pythonw.exe difference?
Tim Peters
- python.exe vs pythonw.exe difference?
Tim Peters
- E-mail account disabling warning.
Tim Peters
- Question please
Tim Peters
- Fatal Python error: Inconsistent interned string state
Tim Peters
- where can I find Paris Hilton video?
Tim Peters
- mutable list iterators - a proposal
Tim Peters
- Inconsistency in Python's Comparisons
Tim Peters
- Inconsistency in Python's Comparisons
Tim Peters
- Release history ?
Tim Peters
- Result of ``a is b''
Tim Peters
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Tim Peters
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Tim Peters
- import, functions, and threading
Tim Peters
- difflib + object sequences
Tim Peters
- IDLE won't launch, and other frustrations
Tim Peters
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Tim Peters
- No built-in swap function?
Tim Peters
- Why '==' ??
Tim Peters
- doctest
Tim Peters
- NT Services and EventLog problems
F. Petitjean
- function to return a list of all methods for an object
F. Petitjean
- machine control script ( parameterless method? )
F. Petitjean
- Can python read up to where a certain pattern is matched?
F. Petitjean
- Can python read up to where a certain pattern is matched?
F. Petitjean
- new python syntax: concatenation of functions
F. Petitjean
- values within quotes
F. Petitjean
- httplib throw a proxy
F. Petitjean
- Vector math
F. Petitjean
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
- Passing items of a lsit as arguments
Tobias Pfeiffer
- Efficiently test for positive re.match then use the result?
Karl Pflästerer
- sorting a list
Karl Pflästerer
- lambda trouble
Karl Pflästerer
- Passing items of a lsit as arguments
Karl Pflästerer
- Modifying escape sequences in strings
Thomas Philips
- Threading of messages in the list?
Adriano Varoli Piazza
- Extracting info from OS/hardware
Adriano Varoli Piazza
- problem with a css cycler
Adriano Varoli Piazza
- problem with a css cycler
Adriano Varoli Piazza
- Multi-user quiz show game
- Multi-user quiz show game
- Python Documentation Blows!
- Number formats in wxpython
- Regular expressions help
Marcello Pietrobon
- function arguments passed by reference
Marcello Pietrobon
- function arguments passed by reference
Marcello Pietrobon
- Which Python module for PostgreSQL?
Rene Pijlman
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Rene Pijlman
- Image width, height.
Premshree Pillai
- An explanation for the uninitiated
Premshree Pillai
- Python for Beginners
Premshree Pillai
- Python for Beginners
Premshree Pillai
- Python Event in India ..
Premshree Pillai
- Image width, height.
Premshree Pillai
- Python vs Perl (an example)
Premshree Pillai
- Python vs Perl (an example)
Premshree Pillai
- Static Typing in Python
Premshree Pillai
- Static Typing in Python
Premshree Pillai
- Static Typing in Python
Premshree Pillai
- Static Typing in Python
Premshree Pillai
- Static Typing in Python
Premshree Pillai
- Static Typing in Python
Premshree Pillai
- Static Typing in Python
Premshree Pillai
- Static Types in Python
Premshree Pillai
- Static Typing in Python
Premshree Pillai
- Static Typing in Python
Premshree Pillai
- Static Typing in Python
Premshree Pillai
- getting size of gif
Premshree Pillai
- getting size of gif
Premshree Pillai
- Static Typing in Python
Premshree Pillai
- Static Typing in Python
Premshree Pillai
- Static Typing in Python
Premshree Pillai
- Static Typing in Python
Premshree Pillai
- Static Typing in Python
Premshree Pillai
- Static Typing in Python
Premshree Pillai
- Static Typing in Python
Premshree Pillai
- Static Typing in Python
Premshree Pillai
- Is Python type safe?
Premshree Pillai
- Static Typing in Python
Premshree Pillai
- Python Tic Tac Toe
Premshree Pillai
- Py Tic Tac Toe in action
Premshree Pillai
- vim & python
François Pinard
- vim & python
François Pinard
- vim & python
François Pinard
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
François Pinard
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
François Pinard
- 3D apps in Python?
François Pinard
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
François Pinard
- A 'Python like' language
François Pinard
- asyncore deficiencies
Alain Pointdexter
- I can't use me.
Oleg Popov
- heapq iteration?
Etienne Posthumus
- MSScriptControl objects
Andrew Powell
- "print" as function not statement
Paul Prescod
- Unicode and rdf
Paul Prescod
- Combinatorics of dual-language use
Paul Prescod
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Paul Prescod
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Paul Prescod
- Python as Glue Language
Paul Prescod
- Pyrex talks from Pycon
Paul Prescod
- Pyrex talks from Pycon
Paul Prescod
- Overriding builtin types
Lonnie Princehouse
- Any module which can act as a BitSet?
Senthoorkumaran Punniamoorthy
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Claudio Puviani
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Michael Pyle
- Seeking advice on GUI code architecture
- Seeking advice on GUI code architecture
- How to connect multiple class instances to 1 Twisted factory?
- How to connect multiple class instances to 1 Twisted factory?
- Python conference slogan
- Vancouver Zope and Python User Group: Meeting Annoucement
Brian Quinlan
- Neat Trick for Loading Modules with unknown Name
Brian Quinlan
- xmlrpc, httplib and SSL
Brian Quinlan
- Which Python module for PostgreSQL?
Ganesan R
- Which Python module for PostgreSQL?
Ganesan R
- network servers
Sridhar R
- marshalling python data structures in php
Sridhar R
- How To capture an id into an array..
- FreeMindLicense - Used with Pyples (Interactive Python Examples)
- Britney Spears nude
- Britney Spears nude
- Hiding console window
Lucas Raab
- Hiding console window
Lucas Raab
- win32 COM
Lucas Raab
- wrestling with unittest paths..needs suggestions
Raaijmakers, Vincent (GE Infrastructure)
- Python for large projects
Raaijmakers, Vincent (GE Infrastructure)
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- Stop code in python!!
The Radiator
- Accessing MS-Access DB from Linux
Gustavo Rahal
- Accessing MS-Access DB from Linux
Gustavo Rahal
- F_GETLK Working?
- Determining the encoding of a text file
- Determining the encoding of a text file
- best way to read a configuration file
Karthikesh Raju
- best way to read a configuration file
Karthikesh Raju
- os module question
- Python Event in India ..
Anand K Rayudu
- how import works
Anand K Rayudu
- Python & COM
Anand K Rayudu
- Python & COM
Anand K Rayudu
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Edward K. Ream
- Decent way to trace resource leaks?
Edward K. Ream
- Gadfly ????
Chris Reay
- win gui thoughts? perhaps a non-Pythonic approach?
Chris Reay
- win gui thoughts? perhaps a non-Pythonic approach?
Chris Reay
- python + Xml + GnuCash
Dave Reed
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Dave Reed
- Mouse wheel?
Eric Reed
- help with mouse problems
Eric Reed
- The python bindings for gconf (gnome-python2-gconf) could not be found.
Jeremy C. Reed
- The python bindings for gconf (gnome-python2-gconf) could not be found.
Jeremy C. Reed
- Feature request: subclassing FunctionType [Was: Some languageproposals]
Terry Reedy
- Escape problem
Terry Reedy
- Ruby like syntactic sugar
Terry Reedy
- Especialized generator
Terry Reedy
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Terry Reedy
- how fast is Python code - another detail
Terry Reedy
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Terry Reedy
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Terry Reedy
- self for modules
Terry Reedy
- is perl better?
Terry Reedy
- is perl better?
Terry Reedy
- is perl better?
Terry Reedy
- Introspection at the module level?
Terry Reedy
- ready to use python, need help with GUI decision
Terry Reedy
- Need better string methods
Terry Reedy
- Sending bulk email from a Python script
Terry Reedy
- Recursive function always returns None
Terry Reedy
- Unit testing - suitable for all development?
Terry Reedy
- How to send event to another window in wxPython?
Terry Reedy
- While: else: (was Re: Working around a lack of 'goto' in python)
Terry Reedy
- "Virtual" file system mock object - replacing stuff in__builtins__
Terry Reedy
- While: else: (was Re: Working around a lack of 'goto' in python)
Terry Reedy
- Explane File modes please --
Terry Reedy
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Terry Reedy
- Is there any example code to read WMA format?
Terry Reedy
- The Order Of Dictionary Entries
Terry Reedy
- loop scope
Terry Reedy
- loop scope
Terry Reedy
- loop scope
Terry Reedy
- Static Typing in Python
Terry Reedy
- Python Script for Running a Python Program over Different Files inthe Directory
Terry Reedy
- Deprecating reload() ???
Terry Reedy
- Python & the job market
Terry Reedy
- creating array of python objects
Terry Reedy
- mutable list iterators - a proposal
Terry Reedy
- Static Typing in Python
Terry Reedy
- Deprecating reload() ???
Terry Reedy
- Semantics of ==
Terry Reedy
- Semantics of ==
Terry Reedy
- Result of ``a is b''
Terry Reedy
- New to Python.
Terry Reedy
- attributes of Python classes
Terry Reedy
- Result of ``a is b''
Terry Reedy
- Python doesn't know class of function ? : class C:def f():pass; l=[f]; print C.l[0].im_class
Terry Reedy
- Package name with '.' in them: Python Bug ?
Terry Reedy
- lambda trouble
Terry Reedy
- Package name with '.' in them: Python Bug ?
Terry Reedy
- Package name with '.' in them: Python Bug ?
Terry Reedy
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Terry Reedy
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Terry Reedy
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Terry Reedy
- PEP 318
Terry Reedy
- Semantics of ==
Terry Reedy
- Prothon, metaclasses, Zope [Was: A 'Python like' language]
Terry Reedy
- Breakdown of approaches to PEP318
Terry Reedy
- How To capture an id into an array..
Terry Reedy
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Terry Reedy
- A 'Python like' language
Terry Reedy
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Terry Reedy
- Semantics of ==
Terry Reedy
- A 'Python like' language
Terry Reedy
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Terry Reedy
- [OT] Top posting is a PITA
Terry Reedy
- Followup: big projects, games, reload
Terry Reedy
- problem
Maarten van Reeuwijk
- Vector math
Maarten van Reeuwijk
- Vector math
Maarten van Reeuwijk
- Slow Python - what can be done?
Michael Ressler
- Problems wrapping FreeImage with SWIG on win32
- Unicode (Japanese) fonts in Images
- Unicode (Japanese) fonts in Images
- Debugging Extensions using Visual Studio 7.1
- Best way to run ipython inside of emacs shell?
Sean Richards
- Group comment
Bengt Richter
- Group comment
Bengt Richter
- python.exe vs pythonw.exe difference?
Bengt Richter
- tkFileDialog.askdirectory root directory ?
- multiple items selection in tkinter tree
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Jorge Rivera
- wxpython appearance differs after py2exe
- Tkinter3000
- Tkinter3000
- Python doesn't know class of function ? : class C:def f():pass; l=[f]; print C.l[0].im_class
- Python doesn't know class of function ? : class C:def f():pass; l=[f]; print C.l[0].im_class
- webbrowser.open_new alternatives for Windows
- webbrowser.open_new alternatives for Windows (Mozialla, IE, Netscape..)
- "The Python Robot" is going mad ?
- "The Python Robot" is going mad ?
- threading crashes application
- threading crashes application
- Python as replacement for PHP?
Phil Roberts
- A 'raw' codec for binary "strings" in Python?
Tim Roberts
- Odd cgi.FieldStorage behavior
Tim Roberts
- Sending binary data over CGI
Tim Roberts
- Sending binary data over CGI
Tim Roberts
- Gadfly or gadfly or Gadfly.gadfly() or _?
Tim Roberts
- a desired python editor
Tim Roberts
- wine as a platform independent GUI toolkit
Tim Roberts
- random.random - Interpreter works, Script doesn't?
Tim Roberts
- Beginner Threaded file reading access
Tim Roberts
- address a port
Tim Roberts
- mxDateTime function DateFromString gives wrong year
Tim Roberts
- simple script using CGIHTTPServer?
Tim Roberts
- 3 weeks to go until Python UK!
Andy Robinson
- Beginner Threaded file reading access
Andy Robinson
- monitoring a directory
Guy Robinson
- confused with xml and minidom
Guy Robinson
- py2exe question
Guy Robinson
- monitoring a directory
Guy Robinson
- monitoring a directory
Guy Robinson
- How to catch a generic exception?
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- Curiosity question on signatures
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- new python syntax: concatenation of functions
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- Static Typing in Python
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- where can I find Paris Hilton video?
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- loop scope
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- Any way to get information from fun objects about their parameters?
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- PyProtocols question
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- get notepad on windows to front via tcp-server
- get notepad on windows to front via tcp-server SOLUTION: TweakUI
- what is a good intro book on python ?
Bud Rogers
- Group comment
Diez B. Roggisch
- Multi-user quiz show game
Diez B. Roggisch
- Function calling another function
Diez B. Roggisch
- read(): 1st argument can't be coerced to byte[]
Diez B. Roggisch
- ready to use python, need help with GUI decision
Diez B. Roggisch
- input from sdtin or file...
Diez B. Roggisch
- Calling C programs
Diez B. Roggisch
- Redirecting stdout and stdin
Diez B. Roggisch
- Almost Done: Need some Help in Generating FEATURE VECTORS
Diez B. Roggisch
- ImportError when trying to import own C++ module
Diez B. Roggisch
- dynamic names
Diez B. Roggisch
- How to implement a union (C data type) in Python?
Diez B. Roggisch
- dynamic names
Diez B. Roggisch
- (no subject)
Diez B. Roggisch
- destructuring tuple and list
Diez B. Roggisch
- Problem with threads and signals
Diez B. Roggisch
- destructuring tuple and list
Diez B. Roggisch
- Python for large projects
Diez B. Roggisch
- new style classes in omniorb
Diez B. Roggisch
- marshalling python data structures in php
Diez B. Roggisch
- Why '==' ??
Diez B. Roggisch
- variable name using a for
Sean Ross
- variable name using a for
Sean Ross
- Introspection at the module level?
Sean Ross
- Introspection at the module level?
Sean Ross
- Question on loops
Sean Ross
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
Sean Ross
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
Sean Ross
- backquote
Sean Ross
- Static Typing in Python
Sean Ross
- Question on making names visible in packages
Sean Ross
- New to Python.
Sean Ross
- New to Python.
Sean Ross
- explicit variable scoping
Sean Ross
- explicit variable scoping
Sean Ross
- explicit variable scoping
Sean Ross
- explicit variable scoping
Sean Ross
- sorting the list by inner elements
Sean Ross
- Meta-class fun with PEP 318 [was Re: PEP 318 - posting draft]
Sean Ross
- Meta-class fun with PEP 318 [was Re: PEP 318 - posting draft]
Sean Ross
- Meta-class fun with PEP 318 [was Re: PEP 318 - posting draft]
Sean Ross
- PEP 318 : Def and Class in expressions
Sean Ross
- Breakdown of approaches to PEP318
Sean Ross
- Breakdown of approaches to PEP318
Sean Ross
- Breakdown of approaches to PEP318
Sean Ross
- Breakdown of approaches to PEP318
Sean Ross
- A 'Python like' language
Sean Ross
- A 'Python like' language
Sean Ross
- A 'Python like' language
Sean Ross
- PyCON: Pre-registration ends in one week!
Guido van Rossum
- Pass pointer from C++ class to Boost Python script ?!!!
David Rostowsky
- Novice [].append Help
John Roth
- MVC-type Framework in Python
John Roth
- function arguments passed by reference
John Roth
- OT(Slightly): Thanks to Python.
John Roth
- Unit testing - suitable for all development?
John Roth
- no inline comments
John Roth
- no inline comments
John Roth
- dynamic names
John Roth
- "print" as function not statement
John Roth
- Unit testing - suitable for all development?
John Roth
- How to implement a union (C data type) in Python?
John Roth
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
John Roth
- "Virtual" file system mock object - replacing stuff in __builtins__
John Roth
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
John Roth
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
John Roth
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
John Roth
- Extending Python Syntax with @
John Roth
- Extending Python Syntax with @
John Roth
- Extending Python Syntax with @
John Roth
- Extending Python Syntax with @
John Roth
- Python style guidelines
John Roth
- Extending Python Syntax with @
John Roth
- backquote
John Roth
- Deprecating reload() ???
John Roth
- Extending Python Syntax with @
John Roth
- Extending Python Syntax with @
John Roth
- Static Typing in Python
John Roth
- Deprecating reload() ???
John Roth
- Deprecating reload() ???
John Roth
- Static Typing in Python
John Roth
- Python Script for Running a Python Program over Different Files inthe Directory
John Roth
- Static Typing in Python
John Roth
- Performance penalty for using properties?
John Roth
- converting %20 to spaces
John Roth
- Question about the email package
John Roth
- Deprecating reload() ???
John Roth
- Seeking advice on GUI code architecture
John Roth
- Deprecating reload() ???
John Roth
- Deprecating reload() ???
John Roth
- Tkinter3000
John Roth
- Result of ``a is b''
John Roth
- Semantics of ==
John Roth
- python-dev Summary for 2004-02-01 through 2004-02-29
John Roth
- Newbie Python (Game) Programming Question
John Roth
- Extending Python Syntax with @
John Roth
- python-dev Summary for 2004-02-01 through 2004-02-29
John Roth
- Python doesn't know class of function ? : class C:def f():pass; l=[f]; print C.l[0].im_class
John Roth
- static variables?
John Roth
- Package name with '.' in them: Python Bug ?
John Roth
- Package name with '.' in them: Python Bug ?
John Roth
- Package name with '.' in them: Python Bug ?
John Roth
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
John Roth
- New restrain builtin function?
John Roth
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
John Roth
- PEP 318
John Roth
- PEP 318
John Roth
- Package name with '.' in them: Python Bug ?
John Roth
- PEP 318
John Roth
- name of 'name'
John Roth
- static information...
John Roth
- Voting (was Re: PEP 318
John Roth
- py files includings each others
John Roth
- PEP 318
John Roth
- [Slightly OT] Re: Voting (was Re: PEP 318
John Roth
- Voting (was Re: PEP 318
John Roth
- [Slightly OT] Re: Voting (was Re: PEP 318
John Roth
- Make 'def' and 'class' usable within expressions
John Roth
- Make 'def' and 'class' usable within expressions
John Roth
- Inheriting Classes Across Files
John Roth
- Inheriting Classes Across Files
John Roth
- A 'Python like' language
John Roth
- A 'Python like' language
John Roth
- Converting IBM Floats..Help..
John Roth
- Make 'def' and 'class' usable within expressions
John Roth
- PEP 318 : Def and Class in expressions
John Roth
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
John Roth
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
John Roth
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
John Roth
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
John Roth
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
John Roth
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
John Roth
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
John Roth
- Breakdown of approaches to PEP318
John Roth
- Breakdown of approaches to PEP318
John Roth
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
John Roth
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
John Roth
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
John Roth
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
John Roth
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
John Roth
- tabbing probs (was: Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes)
John Roth
- Integer, 64 Bit, signed and unsigned
John Roth
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
John Roth
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
John Roth
- Why '==' ??
John Roth
- Tabs and spaces
John Roth
- proper use of braces in Python (was: Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes)
John Roth
- [OT] Top posting is a PITA
John Roth
- Using bound variables in Tkinter events
John Roth
- import vs from module import : any performance issue?
Pierre Rouleau
- import vs from module import : any performance issue?
Pierre Rouleau
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Pierre Rouleau
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Pierre Rouleau
- Swig-Python problems
Pierre Rouleau
- New restrain builtin function?
Pierre Rouleau
- New restrain builtin function?
Pierre Rouleau
- New restrain builtin function?
Pierre Rouleau
- New restrain builtin function?
Pierre Rouleau
- webbrowser.open_new alternatives for Windows
Pierre Rouleau
- wxNotebook
Pierre Rouleau
- Newbie: "ImportError: DLL load failed:"
Sebastien Routier
- Debugging Python extensions
Mike Rovner
- wxpython appearance differs after py2exe
Mike Rovner
- how best to iterate i times ?
Mike Rovner
- Can I access perl application API's from python
Mike Rovner
- tkFileDialog.askopenfilename
Sonia Rovner
- tkFileDialog.askopenfilename
Sonia Rovner
- getting size of gif
Bill Rubenstein
- Simple file line reading
Bill Rubenstein
- Python for large projects
Bill Rubenstein
- Python for large projects
Bill Rubenstein
- Speed Comparison Perl Python & C
Paul Rubin
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Paul Rubin
- Speed Comparison Perl Python & C
Paul Rubin
- Speed Comparison Perl Python & C
Paul Rubin
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Paul Rubin
- Python as replacement for PHP?
Paul Rubin
- Python as replacement for PHP?
Paul Rubin
- i'm lost in list manipulation
Paul Rubin
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Paul Rubin
- Python as replacement for PHP?
Paul Rubin
- Python as replacement for PHP?
Paul Rubin
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Paul Rubin
- Null-terminated strings with struct module?
Paul Rubin
- securely overwrite files with Python
Paul Rubin
- Fast way to send message between 2 child processes? (using a file is too slow?)
Paul Rubin
- Fast way to send message between 2 child processes? (using a file is too slow?)
Paul Rubin
- PEP 328: Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
Paul Rubin
- Fast way to send message between 2 child processes? (using a file is too slow?)
Paul Rubin
- Speed up loading and free memory...
Paul Rubin
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Paul Rubin
- How to add pairs to a dict, typo corrected in this one.
Paul Rubin
- root password in a .py script
Paul Rubin
- root password in a .py script
Paul Rubin
- root password in a .py script
Paul Rubin
- root password in a .py script
Paul Rubin
- Sorting Driving Crazy: URGENT: PLEASE HELP
Paul Rubin
- Safety of pickle?
Paul Rubin
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Paul Rubin
- SHA-based subclass for Random module
Paul Rubin
- SHA-based subclass for Random module
Paul Rubin
- SHA-based subclass for Random module
Paul Rubin
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Paul Rubin
- dictionary wart
Paul Rubin
- [snip too-long subject]
Paul Rubin
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Paul Rubin
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Paul Rubin
- Help getting the md5 module to work
Paul Rubin
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Paul Rubin
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Paul Rubin
- Socket access to low numbered ports?
Paul Rubin
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Paul Rubin
- PEP 318
Paul Rubin
- PEP 318
Paul Rubin
- PEP 318
Paul Rubin
- PEP 318
Paul Rubin
- Python for large projects
Paul Rubin
- What's missing from python?
Paul Rubin
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Paul Rubin
- What's missing from python?
Paul Rubin
- Python for large projects
Paul Rubin
- Python for large projects
Paul Rubin
- Python for large projects
Paul Rubin
- The problem with "as" [was "Re: PEP 318"]
Paul Rubin
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Paul Rubin
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Paul Rubin
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Paul Rubin
- PEP 318
Paul Rubin
- What's missing from python?
Paul Rubin
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Paul Rubin
- Random Number
Paul Rubin
- A 'Python like' language
Paul Rubin
- Orders of magnitude
Paul Rubin
- Orders of magnitude
Paul Rubin
- A 'Python like' language
Paul Rubin
- A 'Python like' language
Paul Rubin
- A 'Python like' language
Paul Rubin
- A 'Python like' language
Paul Rubin
- Orders of magnitude
Paul Rubin
- A 'Python like' language
Paul Rubin
- Orders of magnitude
Paul Rubin
- Nodenet availability ?
Philip Rubini
- Nodenet availability ?
Philip Rubini
- Unsubscibe
Willy Ruff
- Decent way to trace resource leaks?
David Rushby
- galagASCII
Lincoln Rutledge
- Slow Python - what can be done?
Chris S.
- twisted.protocols.sip
- Updating Widgets
- Updating Widgets
- Logging with callers filename and line number
Tero Saarni
- Automatic response to your mail
Scott Sackett
- logging messages in imported modules not showing up
Vinay Sajip
- [(J)Python] embedding python
vincent Salaun
- using MySQLdb module
vincent Salaun
- zxJDBC driver error
vincent Salaun
- DB-API 2.0 compliant modules
vincent Salaun
- DB-API 2.0 compliant modules
vincent Salaun
- extending dbexts
vincent Salaun
- import a module from an archive ?
vincent Salaun
- Python style guidelines
Andy Salnikov
- Python vs Perl (an example)
- Create static method dynamically
- Create static method dynamically
- Create static method dynamically
- Plotting modules
Jeremy Sanders
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Yuri Schaeffer
- self for modules
Bertram Scharpf
- self for modules
Bertram Scharpf
- NumPy (numarray) problem with C code
Marc Schellens
- NumPy (numarray) problem with C code
Marc Schellens
- embed python
Marc Schellens
- embed python
Marc Schellens
- problem embedding numpy
Marc Schellens
- embedding python with numarray
Marc Schellens
- warning: "_POSIX_C_SOURCE" redefined
Marc Schellens
- Tkinter default bindings
Phil Schmidt
- ready to use python, need help with GUI decision
Lothar Scholz
- Python Database Driven Web Development
Lothar Scholz
- "Virtual" file system mock object - replacing stuff in __builtins__
Lothar Scholz
- "Virtual" file system mock object - replacing stuff in __builtins__
Lothar Scholz
- fox 1.2.x and FXPy
Lothar Scholz
- Slow Python - what can be done?
Lothar Scholz
- Python for large projects
Lothar Scholz
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Lothar Scholz
- fox 1.2.x and FXPy
Lothar Scholz
- Python for large projects
Lothar Scholz
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Lothar Scholz
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Roel Schroeven
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Roel Schroeven
- test for nan
Roel Schroeven
- Python & COM
Stefan Schukat
- Python & COM
Stefan Schukat
- Upgrade 2.2.2 to 2.3.3: Keep my old 3rd party modules or rebuild them or reinstall from scratch?
Ray Schumacher
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Jeff Schwaber
- Python / COM / Word
Peter Schwalm
- Python database
Leopold Schwinger
- vim & python
Antony Scriven
- python.exe vs pythonw.exe difference?
Tres Seaver
- Fast way to send message between 2 child processes? (using a file is too slow?)
Christian Seberino
- python.exe vs pythonw.exe difference?
Emile van Sebille
- python.exe vs pythonw.exe difference?
Emile van Sebille
- Little explanation
Angelo Secchi
- How to find size of file?
Iñigo Serna
- wxPython information
Axium Computer Services
- Slow Python - what can be done?
Jason Sewall
- Slow Python - what can be done?
Jason Sewall
- Slow Python - what can be done?
Jason Sewall
- Slow Python - what can be done? LONG, CODE
Jason Sewall
- shutils.move lose files !
- XML-RPC server framework
Cillian Sharkey
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
David Shaw
- How to downgrade/remove ZODB (or any other module)?
Richard Shea
- How to downgrade/remove ZODB (or any other module)?
Richard Shea
- J2EE/EJB and Python
Richard Shea
- ZODB for beginners - the most simple example ?
Richard Shea
- ZODB for beginners - the most simple example ?
Richard Shea
- ZODB for beginners - the most simple example ?
Richard Shea
- Installing SIP with QT Enabled for Python Applications
Benjamin Sher
- Select on Win XP
D. Shifflett
- Select on Win XP
D. Shifflett
- Lua Book
Pete Shinners
- name of this python program
Pete Shinners
- how to get EXIF data from a jpg
- PyCon 2004 call for volunteers
Itamar Shtull-Trauring
- Python Shopping Cart
Norma Silva
- Feature request: subclassing FunctionType [Was: Some language proposals]
Michele Simionato
- Feature request: subclassing FunctionType [Was: Some language proposals]
Michele Simionato
- Feature request: subclassing FunctionType [Was: Some language proposals]
Michele Simionato
- Thoughts on new vs traditional idioms
Michele Simionato
- Feature request: subclassing FunctionType [Was: Some language proposals]
Michele Simionato
- E-mail account disabling warning.
Michele Simionato
- new python syntax: concatenation of functions
Michele Simionato
- parsing emails
Michele Simionato
- lambda trouble
Michele Simionato
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Michele Simionato
- lambda trouble
Michele Simionato
- PEP 318
Michele Simionato
- Voting (was Re: PEP 318
Michele Simionato
- PEP318 yet an alternate syntax idea
Michele Simionato
- PEP 318
Michele Simionato
- PEP 318 - posting draft
Michele Simionato
- declaring multimethods [Was: Re: PEP 318]
Michele Simionato
- [Slightly OT] Re: Voting (was Re: PEP 318
Michele Simionato
- A 'Python like' language
Michele Simionato
- A 'Python like' language
Michele Simionato
- A 'Python like' language
Michele Simionato
- A 'Python like' language
Michele Simionato
- Prothon, metaclasses, Zope [Was: A 'Python like' language]
Michele Simionato
- Appreciation for the importance of readability (was: Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche)
Michele Simionato
- Prothon, metaclasses, Zope [Was: A 'Python like' language]
Michele Simionato
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Michele Simionato
- Newbie Class Questions
Michele Simionato
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Michele Simionato
- Examples of using the html parser
Ng Pheng Siong
- Generating images on-the-fly
Ng Pheng Siong
- Generating images on-the-fly
Ng Pheng Siong
- FreeBSD or OpenBSD for Python?
Ng Pheng Siong
- FreeBSD or OpenBSD for Python?
Ng Pheng Siong
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Ng Pheng Siong
- pyOpenSSL is dead or not?
Ng Pheng Siong
- pyOpenSSL is dead or not?
Ng Pheng Siong
- [Announce] M2Crypto 0.13
Ng Pheng Siong
- Help on Tkinter installation
John Slimick
- Help on Tkinter installation
John Slimick
- [Numeric] why is Float32 incorrect for ufuncs?
Duncan Smith
- dislin / PIL / cropping EPS
Duncan Smith
- Python / COM / Word
Duncan Smith
- Python / COM / Word
Duncan Smith
- Timeout on a UDP Socket
Josh Smith
- Newbie Help with IMAPLIB Module
Josh Smith
- how best to iterate i times ?
Randall Smith
- how best to iterate i times ?
Randall Smith
- Need advice on choosing skills.
Randall Smith
- debian config not working
Randall Smith
- debian config not working
Randall Smith
- Need advice on choosing skills.
Randall Smith
- Neat Trick for Loading Modules with unknown Name
Randall Smith
- Null-terminated strings with struct module?
Roy Smith
- Introspection at the module level?
Roy Smith
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Roy Smith
- Introspection at the module level?
Roy Smith
- Unit testing - suitable for all development?
Roy Smith
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Roy Smith
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Roy Smith
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Roy Smith
- Unit testing - suitable for all development?
Roy Smith
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Roy Smith
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Roy Smith
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Roy Smith
- Python Equivalent??
Roy Smith
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Roy Smith
- Xemacs syntax highlighting
Roy Smith
- Xemacs syntax highlighting
Roy Smith
- Is Python type safe?
Roy Smith
- Is Python type safe?
Roy Smith
- Is Python type safe?
Roy Smith
- Is Python type safe?
Roy Smith
- attributes of Python classes
Roy Smith
- New to Python.
Roy Smith
- New to Python.
Roy Smith
- New to Python.
Roy Smith
- A 'Python like' language
Roy Smith
- A 'Python like' language
Roy Smith
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Roy Smith
- Parsing xml file using python
Sam Smith
- Optparse: Detecting if option or option-arg is specified or not
Sam Smith
- Optparse: Detecting if option or option-arg is specified or not
Sam Smith
- ANNOUNCE: Pymqi 0.5 MQ Interface released
Les Smithson
- Time of Day
Sam Snead
- Converting IBM Floats..Help..
Ian Sparks
- [SPAM-Bayes] - Re: Converting IBM Floats..Help.. - Bayesian Filter detected spam
Ian Sparks
- win gui thoughts? perhaps a non-Pythonic approach?
Ian Sparks
- [SPAM-Bayes] - Re: Converting IBM Floats..Help.. - BayesianFilter detected spam
Ian Sparks
- A Byte of Python - Python Book / Tutorial
Calvin Spealman
- Python installing on Debian
Ryan Spencer
- Python installing on Debian
Ryan Spencer
- Python installing on Debian
Ryan Spencer
- windows ce
- Why '==' ??
Vrai Stacey
- Why '==' ??
Vrai Stacey
- a desired python editor
Cousin Stanley
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Cousin Stanley
- 3D apps in Python?
Cousin Stanley
- measure module running time
Cousin Stanley
- Extreme Newbie, HELP! :)
Ken Starks
- Swig-Python problems
Armin Steinhoff
- Concatenated numerical literals
Per Erik Stendahl
- pre-processing source from distutils
Michael Stenner
- pre-processing source from distutils
Michael Stenner
- Modifying Entry widget diabledforeground in Tkinter...
Rod Stephenson
- Postgres BYTEA problems
- popen from inside a thread not working!
- new python syntax: concatenation of functions
- Postgres BYTEA problems
- Result of ``a is b''
- creating lists question?
- creating lists question?
- easy verbose in functions
- no inline comments
Tomasz Stochmal
- float problem
Tomasz Stochmal
- Calling a constructor in a default argument.
Bram Stolk
- [Spambayes] RE: E-mail account disabling warning.
Tim Stone
- Unit testing fundamentals (was: Python for large projects)
Simon Strandgaard
- Calling function keywords from a dictionary
Alexander Straschil
- Calling function keywords from a dictionary
Alexander Straschil
- root password in a .py script
Kirk Strauser
- root password in a .py script
Kirk Strauser
- root password in a .py script
Kirk Strauser
- New to Python.
Kirk Strauser
- Decent way to trace resource leaks?
Kirk Strauser
- embed python
Peter Strempel
- embed python
Peter Strempel
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Peter Strempel
- Cgi: Print Text files with wordwrap!
Dale Strickland-Clak
- Using Oracle on Solaris
Dale Strickland-Clak
- Using Oracle on Solaris
Dale Strickland-Clark
- wxpython appearance differs after py2exe
Wolfgang Strobl
- wxpython appearance differs after py2exe
Wolfgang Strobl
- ANN: python-ldap-2.0.0pre20
Michael Ströder
- ANN: python-ldap-2.0.0pre21
Michael Ströder
- vim & python
Brian Sturk
- Reg invoking winrrunner
Meenakshi Sundaram
- Python as replacement for PHP?
Dag Sunde
- SMS with python
Michael G. A. Sung
- Sending X KeyPress events with Xlib?
Ed Suominen
- Globbing in List Search?
Ed Suominen
- Globbing in List Search?
Ed Suominen
- Globbing in List Search?
Ed Suominen
- Newbie Class Questions
Ed Suominen
- Regular Expressions
Ed Suominen
- Regular Expressions
Ed Suominen
- Tkinter tree widget and multiple items selection
- Python & Linux, some questions
Luca T.
- Python & Linux, some questions
Luca T.
- Python & Linux, some questions
Luca T.
- Python & Linux, some questions (2)
Luca T.
- Python & Linux, some questions (2)
Luca T.
- Python & Linux, some questions (2)
Luca T.
- Debugging Python extensions
Gus Tabares
- Python 2.3.2 spawn problem
Jim Tanner
- Python 2.3.2 spawn problem
Jim Tanner
- Status of Installer?
Miki Tebeka
- Minimal distro requirements for standalone python program....
Miki Tebeka
- ELF object file analysis tool in Python?
Miki Tebeka
- design pattern
Miki Tebeka
- ready to use python, need help with GUI decision
Miki Tebeka
- Backing up objects in db file
Miki Tebeka
- Examples of using the html parser
Miki Tebeka
- Especialized generator
Miki Tebeka
- Calling C programs
Miki Tebeka
- Backing up objects in db file
Miki Tebeka
- pdb help...
Miki Tebeka
- Calling a constructor in a default argument.
Miki Tebeka
- How to implement a union (C data type) in Python?
Miki Tebeka
- os.popen() failing under ipython+cygwin, I'm stumped.
Miki Tebeka
- a desired python editor
Miki Tebeka
- How to send event to another window in wxPython?
Miki Tebeka
- emai - Multiple recipenets in "To:"
Miki Tebeka
- Okay Heres the problem: in Index
Miki Tebeka
- Any Python Hackers Wanna Beta Test????
Miki Tebeka
- How to read between xml tags?
Miki Tebeka
- Any Python Hackers Wanna Beta Test????
Miki Tebeka
- [OT] C unit testing suite
Miki Tebeka
- Scope question
Miki Tebeka
- wrestling with unittest paths..needs suggestions
Miki Tebeka
- Start and control an extern program
Miki Tebeka
- Python database
Miki Tebeka
- Python database
Miki Tebeka
- Python database
Miki Tebeka
- List append help
Miki Tebeka
- root password in a .py script
Miki Tebeka
- Static Typing in Python
Miki Tebeka
- new to programming: suggestion
Miki Tebeka
- Slow Python - what can be done?
Miki Tebeka
- shutils.move lose files !
Miki Tebeka
- os module question
Miki Tebeka
- easy verbose in functions
Miki Tebeka
- OT: FTP sync program?
Miki Tebeka
- How to run another .py file w/o exec command?
Miki Tebeka
- [Python/C] Help me.. How to passa dictionary to C function?
- Fetching websites with Python
- Python conference slogan
- New to Python
- Learnt from Python
- calling python in emacs from a shell buffer doesn't make input/output.
Keel Thaan
- a desired python editor
Keel Thaan
- finding used modules
Sylvain Thenault
- wrapping C++, how to wrap an object?
Mike Thompson
- A chat ...
Mike Thompson
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Mike Thompson
- ANN: PyQt v3.11 Released (Python Bindings for Qt)
Phil Thompson
- Redirecting stdout and stdin
Matthew Thorley
- Can't connect Postgres to Python
John D. Tiedeman
- Can't connect Postgres to Python
John D. Tiedeman
- Python-list Digest, Vol 6, Issue 162
John D. Tiedeman
- Can't connect Postgres to Python
John D. Tiedeman
- Can't connect Postgres to Python
John D. Tiedeman
- Newbie Python (Game) Programming Question
- Newbie Python (Game) Programming Question
- Inheriting Classes Across Files
- Inheriting Classes Across Files
- A Byte of Python - Python Book / Tutorial
Oren Tirosh
- new python syntax: concatenation of functions
Oren Tirosh
- Troll Alert: OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
E. Robert Tisdale
- os.popen() failing under ipython+cygwin, I'm stumped.
Jason Tishler
- os.popen() failing under ipython+cygwin, I'm stumped.
Jason Tishler
- os.popen() failing under ipython+cygwin, I'm stumped.
Jason Tishler
- is perl better?
Christian Tismer
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Christian Tismer
- Need better string methods
Christian Tismer
- Need better string methods
Christian Tismer
- ready to use python, need help with GUI decision
Christian Tismer
- ready to use python, need help with GUI decision
Christian Tismer
- Package name with '.' in them: Python Bug ?
Christian Tismer
- Package name with '.' in them: Python Bug ?
Christian Tismer
- Slow Python - what can be done?
Christian Tismer
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Christian Tismer
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Christian Tismer
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Christian Tismer
- [Windows] Pygtk2 incompatible with Stackless
Christian Tismer
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Christian Tismer
- Tabbing probs (was: Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes)
Christian Tismer
- import a module from an archive ?
Christian Tismer
- Tabbing probs
Christian Tismer
- How To capture an id into an array..
Christian Tismer
- No built-in swap function?
Christian Tismer
- Orders of magnitude
Christian Tismer
- Orders of magnitude
Christian Tismer
- Orders of magnitude
Christian Tismer
- Orders of magnitude
Christian Tismer
- Orders of magnitude
Christian Tismer
- Orders of magnitude
Christian Tismer
- Orders of magnitude
Christian Tismer
- Orders of magnitude
Christian Tismer
- Orders of magnitude
Christian Tismer
- Orders of magnitude
Christian Tismer
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Isaac To
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Isaac To
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Isaac To
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Isaac To
- loop scope
Isaac To
- A GOTO example
Isaac To
- '1' + 1 ==> True ???
Isaac To
- '1' + 1 ==> True ???
Isaac To
- PEP 318
Isaac To
- Semantics of ==
Isaac To
- Semantics of ==
Isaac To
- An XML parser is an XML parser. Period.
Richard Tobin
- Sorting Driving Crazy: URGENT: PLEASE HELP
- converting a python module wrapping flash to .exe -- help
Lam Tran
- edit_modified() bug in Tkinter?
George Trojan
- how to detect connection closed by server?
Jacek Trzmiel
- CGI with python help newbie
Jacek Trzmiel
- how to detect connection closed by server?
Jacek Trzmiel
- CGI with python help newbie
Jacek Trzmiel
- Python for large projects
Jacek Trzmiel
- Mod_python
Jacek Trzmiel
- Mod_python
Jacek Trzmiel
- mod_python exception catching, other repetitious per-page actions
Jacek Trzmiel
- Unicode and rdf
Neil Turner
- PySequence_Check on class instance
Sebastian Tusk
- Python for large projects
- win32 COM
- splitString output as argument to string format fails?
- splitString output as argument to string format fails?
- [Way OT] Condorcet vs. IRV
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
- Best way to create a Dictionary from file of Key-Value pairs?
Equis Uno
- Best way to run ipython inside of emacs shell?
Equis Uno
- pdb help...
Equis Uno
- pdb help...
Equis Uno
- DLL version number
Roger Upole
- DLL version number
Roger Upole
- py2exe win32all: Can write, but not read FileVersion ...
Roger Upole
- Twisted/Woven threading?
Patrick Useldinger
- network servers
Patrick Useldinger
- how best to iterate i times ?
Patrick Useldinger
- FreeBSD or OpenBSD for Python?
Patrick Useldinger
- FreeBSD or OpenBSD for Python?
Patrick Useldinger
- debian packages
Debian User
- Is Eric S Raymond still a "Pythoneer"
Ville Vainio
- Python as replacement for PHP?
Ville Vainio
- Python as replacement for PHP?
Ville Vainio
- OT(Slightly): Thanks to Python.
Ville Vainio
- is perl better?
Ville Vainio
- ready to use python, need help with GUI decision
Ville Vainio
- [OT] GP, Qt (was Re: ready to use python, need help with GUI decision
Ville Vainio
- Python scripting for GNumeric
Ville Vainio
- Xemacs syntax highlighting
Ville Vainio
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Ville Vainio
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Ville Vainio
- Xemacs syntax highlighting
Ville Vainio
- OT(Slightly): Thanks to Python.
Ville Vainio
- PEP 318 (wrappers), multimethods, strict typechecking (was Re: OT(Slightly): Thanks to Python.
Ville Vainio
- Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions
Ville Vainio
- PEP 318
Ville Vainio
- Voting (was Re: PEP 318
Ville Vainio
- Python for large projects
Ville Vainio
- PEP318 alternate syntax idea
Ville Vainio
- PEP318 alternate syntax idea
Ville Vainio
- PEP 318
Ville Vainio
- PEP 318
Ville Vainio
- Python for large projects
Ville Vainio
- PEP 318
Ville Vainio
- declaring multimethods [Was: Re: PEP 318]
Ville Vainio
- declaring multimethods [Was: Re: PEP 318]
Ville Vainio
- Python for large projects
Ville Vainio
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Ville Vainio
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Ville Vainio
- Python Documentation Blows!
Ville Vainio
- [OT] Top posting is a PITA
Ville Vainio
- a desired python editor
Nick Vargish
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Nick Vargish
- Newbie Help with IMAPLIB Module
- py2exe in Windowsxp
- py2exe in Windowsxp
- services
Laurent Vincelette
- os.popen() failing under ipython+cygwin, I'm stumped.
Norman Vine
- Can I access perl application API's from python
Timo Virkkala
- easy verbose in functions
Timo Virkkala
- Reading from stdin
Christian Vogel
- Extracting info from OS/hardware
Tauno Voipio
- Twisted/Woven threading?
Ivan Voras
- Impersonation
Ivan Voras
- maximum element?
Ivan Voras
- Postgres BYTEA problems
Ivan Voras
- maximum element?
Ivan Voras
- wxpython appearance differs after py2exe
Ivan Voras
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Ivan Voras
- Bug in socket module?
Koen Vossen
- two flies in one hit: working around goto and grid point generation
Anton Vredegoor
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Anton Vredegoor
- Advice needed: large OpenGL + Widgets Project for Molecular Graphics
Anton Vredegoor
- Advice needed: large OpenGL + Widgets Project for Molecular Graphics
Anton Vredegoor
- SHA-based subclass for Random module
Anton Vredegoor
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Anton Vredegoor
- newbie question: data structure for book indexing
Anton Vredegoor
- SHA-based subclass for random module
Anton Vredegoor
- [OT] Static typing and split brains research
Anton Vredegoor
- Split a string by length
Anton Vredegoor
- Converting IBM Floats..Help..
Anton Vredegoor
- Converting IBM Floats..Help..
Anton Vredegoor
- How to make this speed up
Anton Vredegoor
- A 'Python like' language
Anton Vredegoor
- where can I find Paris Hilton video?
Mike W.
- securely overwrite files with Python
Mathias Waack
- securely overwrite files with Python
Mathias Waack
- Python & Linux, some questions
Mathias Waack
- Python & Linux, some questions
Mathias Waack
- Is Python type safe?
Mathias Waack
- popen problem
Mathias Waack
- how to "source" a file?
Mathias Waack
- Invalid character in os.system call...
Mathias Waack
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Russell Wallace
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Russell Wallace
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Russell Wallace
- os.execlp and stdout
Melissa Wallis
- py2exe 0.5.0 doesn't find modules, 0.4.2 did
Sebastian Wangnick
- win32com.client.Dispatch returns CLSID different than makepy
Markus Wankus
- PythonCOM - How to get (LPDISPATCH) of myself?
Markus Wankus
- PythonCOM - How to get (LPDISPATCH) of myself?
Markus Wankus
- DispatchWithEvents when have internal COM interfaces
Markus Wankus
- PythonCOM - How to get (LPDISPATCH) of myself?
Markus Wankus
- PythonCOM - How to get (LPDISPATCH) of myself?
Markus Wankus
- [OT] Top posting is a PITA [was : Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes]
Markus Wankus
- [OT] Top posting is a PITA [was : Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes]
Markus Wankus
- testing - please ignore
Barry Warsaw
- FreeBSD or OpenBSD for Python?
- i'm lost in list manipulation
Paul Watson
- Interpreting \ escape sequences in strings
Paul Watson
- Interpreting \ escape sequences in strings
Paul Watson
- execute script everywhere
Paul Watson
- Interpreting \ escape sequences in strings
Paul Watson
- Encoded file
Paul Watson
- IronPython Status?
Mark Watts
- process wrapper?
Steve at Waypath
- process wrapper?
Steve at Waypath
- process wrapper?
Steve at Waypath
- process wrapper?
Steve at Waypath
- process wrapper?
Steve at Waypath
- process wrapper?
Steve at Waypath
- Using Pythonwin to poke at Windows apps?
Henrik Weber
- Using Pythonwin to poke at Windows apps?
Henrik Weber
- Using Pythonwin to poke at Windows apps?
Henrik Weber
- Extracting info from OS/hardware
Thomas Weholt
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Thomas Weidenfeller
- New to Python.
Bryan Weingarten
- Simple file line reading
Jeroen Wenting
- Simple Problem: Getting rid of {}
Jeroen Wenting
- where can I find Paris Hilton video?
Jeroen Wenting
- Unicode and rdf
Richard West
- Unicode and rdf
Richard West
- Perceived optparse shortcomings
Hans-Joachim Widmaier
- Perceived optparse shortcomings
Hans-Joachim Widmaier
- Perceived optparse shortcomings
Hans-Joachim Widmaier
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Charlton Wilbur
- Python Tic Tac Toe
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
- Python for large projects
Andrew Wilkinson
- strptime in 2.3.3
Jon Willeke
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Jon Willeke
- zlib - compression
Colin J. Williams
- Announcement - PyMatrix
Colin J. Williams
- xreadlines() being used with file.tell() and
Pernell Williams
- Specific question about readlines versus xreadlines
Pernell Williams
- Sending bulk email from a Python script
Simon Willison
- Sending bulk email from a Python script
Simon Willison
- Sending bulk email from a Python script
Simon Willison
- Sending bulk email from a Python script
Simon Willison
- Python as replacement for PHP?
David M. Wilson
- Python as replacement for PHP?
David M. Wilson
- os.popen varies return type depending on exit status?
David M. Wilson
- getting size of gif
David M. Wilson
- OT(Slightly): Thanks to Python.
David M. Wilson
- PEP 318
David M. Wilson
- PEP 318
David M. Wilson
- asyncore deficiencies
David M. Wilson
- asyncore deficiencies
David M. Wilson
- variable name using a for
Mel Wilson
- Unicode operators?
Mel Wilson
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
Mel Wilson
- is perl better?
Mel Wilson
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Mel Wilson
- dynamic names
Mel Wilson
- loop scope
Mel Wilson
- Deprecating reload() ???
Mel Wilson
- Python style guidelines
Mel Wilson
- TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
Mel Wilson
- loop scope
Mel Wilson
- loop scope
Mel Wilson
- [snip too-long subject]
Mel Wilson
- Reload() Confusion
Mel Wilson
- values within quotes
Mel Wilson
- Reload() Confusion
Mel Wilson
- creating lists question?
Mel Wilson
- A 'Python like' language
Mel Wilson
- ESR's redone in python - request for critique
Mel Wilson
- [Zope] Zope + Python thread safety
Chris Withers
- Speed Comparison Perl Python & C
Simon Wittber
- Speed Comparison Perl Python & C
Simon Wittber
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
Simon Wittber
- put your money where your mouse is, or why I prefer Spanish to English: a proposal
Simon Wittber
- Orders of magnitude
Simon Wittber
- Orders of magnitude
Simon Wittber
- Basic Inheritance Question
Bruce Wolk
- lambda trouble
Bruce Wolk
- how to detect connection closed by server?
Joe Wong
- how to detect connection closed by server?
Joe Wong
- Unit testing - suitable for all development?
Lidor Wyssocky
- how to do non-blocking I/O
J. Xu
- NT service (setting Description string)
Phipps Xue
- Is there any example code to read WMA format?
Phipps Xue
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Phipps Xue
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
Phipps Xue
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
- Extending Python Syntax with @
- Short program to dis-allow CVS commits if no comment is supplied
- [OT] Top posting is a PITA [was : Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes]
- Free references
Pablo Yabo
- Ast tree and python code
- Ast tree and python code
- How to find size of file?
- Nice way of getting items from two lists
- attributes of Python classes
- attributes of Python classes
- Split a string by length
- PyPI Enhancements
- Split a string by length
- Split a string by length
- How do i cast a string to be used as a module?
- Python compiler -> py to C, py to ELF
- Why '==' ??
- Problem embedding python in C
- sorting a list
Daniel Yoo
- lambda trouble
Daniel Yoo
- entropy
Oh Kyu Yoon
- Iterating over tuple entries in a list
George Yoshida
- Result of ``a is b''
George Yoshida
- PyGTK: creating a pixbuf from image data
Edwin Young
- PyGTK: creating a pixbuf from image data
Edwin Young
- PyGTK: creating a pixbuf from image data
Edwin Young
- list inheritance or delegation?
George Young
- Controlling .idlerc
Robert D. Young
- Creating WBMPs with PIL
- Replace text with value form dictionary (regexp)
Mirko Zeibig
- ready to use python, need help with GUI decision
Jarek Zgoda
- Mysql-python installation problems....
Jarek Zgoda
- Mysql-python installation problems....
Jarek Zgoda
- Newby Question: Generic Database Object Interface Needed
Jarek Zgoda
- ready to use python, need help with GUI decision
Jarek Zgoda
- wx delivery queshun
Jarek Zgoda
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Jarek Zgoda
- Problems with unicode
Jarek Zgoda
- Python for large projects
Jarek Zgoda
- Iterating over tuple entries in a list
Dirk Zimmermann
- A 'Python like' language
- Python Database Driven Web Development
Eric at Zomething
- A Byte of Python - Python Book / Tutorial
Eric at Zomething
- Gadfly or gadfly or Gadfly.gadfly() or _?
Eric at Zomething
- How to open a file, read from it, and retrieve information from it?
Eric at Zomething
- Python & the job market
Eric at Zomething
- Python & the job market
Eric at Zomething
- Python and Microsoft Excel files
Eric at Zomething
- new to programming: suggestion
Eric at Zomething
- heapq iteration?
Eric at Zomething
- asking for python community opinion about groovy
Eric at Zomething
- problem with a css cycler
Eric at Zomething
- "The Python Robot" is going mad ?
Eric at Zomething
- Python for large projects
Eric at Zomething
- Can this be done with python?
Eric at Zomething
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
Eric at Zomething
- PyPerl 1.0.1 [requires Visual Studio compiler?]
Eric at Zomething
- Python Documentation Blows!
Eric at Zomething
- py2exe and urllib(2) errors
Mike Zupan
- py2exe and urllib(2) errors
Mike Zupan
- Mysql-python installation problems....
google account
- Gtk / pyGtk: How to remove the close button at the top right corner of the dialog window?
- Handling geoTIFF files
- Handling geoTIFF files
- ftp mget
- OT(Slightly): Thanks to Python.
CaptainN at
- How to run another .py file w/o exec command?
CaptainN at
- Does py2exe work with Tkinter?
CaptainN at
- how can I strip it?
- Raw write/read file descriptor
- KinterBasDB problems in Linux
fowlertrainer at
- KinterBasDB problems in Linux
fowlertrainer at
- KinterBasDB problems in Linux
fowlertrainer at
- Start Mozilla Chat under Windows
fowlertrainer at
- Sürgős - Unikód elnyomása
fowlertrainer at
- Zope + Python thread safety
fowlertrainer at
- Interesting problem - wxTextCtrl
fowlertrainer at
- Python compiler -> py to C, py to ELF
fowlertrainer at
- Speed Comparison Perl Python & C
beliavsky at
- default print format for floats
beliavsky at
- Speed Comparison Perl Python & C
beliavsky at
- Numeric array of objects
beliavsky at
- how fast is object-oriented Python code?
beliavsky at
- exiting Python
beliavsky at
- how fast is Python code - another detail
beliavsky at
- Python style guidelines
beliavsky at
- Python style guidelines
beliavsky at
- tuples or lists
beliavsky at
- attributes of Python classes
beliavsky at
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
beliavsky at
- Integer, 64 Bit, signed and unsigned
beliavsky at
- Handling 16-bit .WAV audio files
nigel at
- HOWTO: Python 2.3 on Fedora Core 1 Linux
- HOWTO: Python 2.3 on Fedora Core 1 Linux
- Regex Match Problem
- Python and Microsoft Excel files
- python xslt
- tkinter entry/text widget
- ConfigParser and Unicode
thehaas at
- ConfigParser and Unicode
thehaas at
- ConfigParser and Unicode
thehaas at
- getting size of gif
- installing PIL without jpeg?
- looping over a class attribute
- Python,mysql question
james blair
- Error handling in smtp
james blair
- python & mysql probelm
james blair
- python & mysql probelm
james blair
- Random Number
james blair
- Error handling in smtp
james blair
- Front end python backend php
james blair
- OT: Re: Extreme Newbie, HELP! :)
- mounting network drives in macosx
- Multi-user quiz show game
- Question please
- Python & Linux, some questions
- ZODB for beginners - the most simple example ?
- Reading 'received' headers: Email Headers Parsing
dont bother
- Program not Stripping Headers from Email though Working fine
dont bother
- Program not Stripping Headers from Email though Working fine
dont bother
- Almost Done: Need some Help in Generating FEATURE VECTORS
dont bother
- Almost Done: Need some Help in Generating FEATURE VECTORS
dont bother
- Enumerating words and Adding integer, character and string
dont bother
- Writing dictionary output to a file
dont bother
- Writing dictionary output to a file
dont bother
- Writing dictionary output to a file
dont bother
- CAN You help Re: Writing dictionary output to a file
dont bother
- CAN You help Re: Writing dictionary output to a file
dont bother
dont bother
- Okay Heres the problem: in Index
dont bother
- Okay Heres the problem: in Index
dont bother
- Concatenating numerical and string attributes
dont bother
- Simple Problem: Getting rid of {}
dont bother
- typecasting: a string object to a dictionary object
dont bother
- typecasting: a string object to a dictionary object
dont bother
- Sorting Driving Crazy: URGENT: PLEASE HELP
dont bother
- Statistical Techniques
dont bother
- is perl better?
jon c
- is perl better?
jon c
- is perl better?
jon c
- is perl better?
jon c
- is perl better?
jon c
- [Newbie]Trouble with string method
- [Newbie]Trouble with string method
- [Python Win32] Accessing Python COM objects
"Charles Krug" at
- DB logging module for Python logging package available
Robert.Schmitt at
- Your message to gpul-traduccion awaits moderator approval
gpul-traduccion-bounces at
- Parsing xml file using python
- Parsing xml file using python
- Parsing xml file using python
- How to process Chinese using Python?
- Split a sentence by punctuations using Python
- How to implement a union (C data type) in Python?
- How to implement a union (C data type) in Python?
- How to implement a union (C data type) in Python?
- How to implement a union (C data type) in Python?
- Regular Expression AND mach
- FreeBSD or OpenBSD for Python?
- Python Script for Running a Python Program over Different Files in the Directory
Shalen chhabra
- Python Script for Running a Python Program over Different Filesinthe Directory
Shalen chhabra
- Is Python Smart Enough to do Sorting like this?
shalendra chhabra
- Is Python Smart Enough to do Sorting like this?
shalendra chhabra
- Socket Receive Buffer
- How do I define a __del__ method for an object?
- isinstance method
niurka.perez at
- static variables?
niurka.perez at
- static information...
niurka.perez at
- class methods and variables
niurka.perez at
- new style classes
niurka.perez at
- >"Jeff Bond" <jbond at> wrote in message
- Lua Book
- Speed Comparison Perl Python & C
- monitoring a directory
- http request doesn't work!
bart3rNOSPAM at
- Jython Debugger?
- Jython Debugger?
- best way to read a configuration file
- DELIVERY FAILURE -- Detected a violation of the email-filter ruleset
- RE Do you?
mis-viruswarn at
- batching script on the web
- publicfile's ftpd and urllib2
mw at
- Unicode and rdf
- Python,mysql question
- urllib2 and POST
- odd behaviour with embedded python and omniorb
- extending python
- loop scope
user at domain.invalid
- Deprecating reload() ???
user at domain.invalid
- sorting a list
P at
- Reading from stdin
P at
- ESR's redone in python - request for critique
P at
- GUI Frameworks in Python?
P at
- New to Python.
- New to Python.
- New to Python.
- New to Python.
- Grok It
- monitoring a directory
- Efficiently test for positive re.match then use the result?
- Efficiently test for positive re.match then use the result?
- doing my pipe between 2 process
- Source compile newbie: trying to build Ming (Flash) libs
allena29 at elsol.zwan
- py2exe distribution wants internet access (DNS)
allena29 at elsol.zwan
- ANN: pyshaper - for easy traffic-shaping
allena29 at elsol.zwan
- Thanks!
geospack at
- Remembered arguments to a function
wruuqr ewfjbc
- http request doesn't work!
- file.readline() after a seek() breaking up lines
- Statistical Techniques
- drowning newbie
elizabeth fletcher
- drowning newbie
elizabeth fletcher
- drowning newbie
elizabeth fletcher
- How to downgrade/remove ZODB (or any other module)?
bdecker at
- Regular Expressions in Python
- Why can't Lists be private variables in a class
- design pattern
- again - after probs with database: DESIGN PATTERN
- Send commads to printer
free free
- vim & python
- Unicode (Japanese) fonts in Images
- Unicode (Japanese) fonts in Images
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
- Python for large projects
- Python for large projects
- Python/Tkinter - problem with "wm_attributes"
- Start
- MSSQL Help
Lindstrom Greg - glinds
- Socket Help
Lindstrom Greg - glinds
- DispatchWithEvents when have internal COM interfaces
- DispatchWithEvents when have internal COM interfaces
- pythoncom, CoUninitialize & references
- problem with wxtextctrl
- setting up a wiki instance
- Your message to xml awaits moderator approval
xml-admin at
- Your message to xml awaits moderator approval
xml-admin at
- Your message to xml-bindings awaits moderator approval
xml-bindings-admin at
- Your message to xml-bindings awaits moderator approval
xml-bindings-admin at
- Your message to xslt awaits moderator approval
xslt-admin at
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
- Stop code in python!!
yaipa h.
- Python and Microsoft Excel files
yaipa h.
- Pyrex talks from Pycon
yaipa h.
- Tkinter on RedHat Linux 9.0
rich hammett
- SSH using Paramiko
- Python as replacement for PHP?
- State of Python scripting on Mac OS X?
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
- problem with wxtextctrl
- jpg, jpeg metadata
william hicks
- How to run another .py file w/o exec command?
r holland
- Breakdown of approaches to PEP318
phil hunt
- is that your beast?
guille at
virusscan at
- Looking for example of brilliant python code showing off its features
- How to use Sockets with wxPython?
- How to use Sockets with wxPython?
- Minimal distro requirements for standalone python program....
- Source compile newbie: trying to build Ming (Flash) libs
- Source compile newbie: trying to build Ming (Flash) libs
- Python for email?
- detecting the operating system
eltronic at
- rlght click menu missing in most Tk apps
eltronic at
- Symantec AVF detected a repairable/quarantined virus in a message you sent
ExchangeAV at
- Newby Question: Generic Database Object Interface Needed
- Newby Question: Generic Database Object Interface Needed
- DCOracle2
- Newby Question: Python and A Nested Dictionary
- Newby Question: Python and A Nested Dictionary
- Python & the job market
- Python & the job market
- Python & the job market
- Python & the job market
- Dictionary & data
- Dictionary & data
- Fml status report (Kuser ML)
Kuser-admin at
- pyOpenSSL is dead or not?
webmaster at
- [ANN]PyCrash 0.4pre1 released
max khesin
- Jython Debugger?
max khesin
- Jython Debugger?
max khesin
- Jython Debugger?
max khesin
- Examples of using the html parser
max khesin
- changing the python executable icon
sarmin kho
- Need a Progress Bar/Meter for Tkinter
- DB module tutorial
- Readonly attributes ...
- Iterating over tuple entries in a list
- How to stop a listening socket.accept()?
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
- how to get EXIF data from a jpg
- how to get EXIF data from a jpg
- calling python in emacs from a shell buffer doesn't make input/output.
- cmdline args to a piped python prog
- name of this python program
- ta (was Re: cmdline args to a piped python prog)
- newbie question: nop statement for try/except
- module for terminal questions?
- how to "touch" a file
- wxPython "Frames within Frames"
francois lepoutre
- Python Documentation Blows!
francois lepoutre
- Your message to ko awaits moderator approval
ko-admin at
- Failure (python-list at
zh at
- received your email
gstein at
- RAV AntiVirus scan results
RAV at
- An email has been blocked Re: Mail System (dfauth at
mailscan1-admin at
- python + apache consulting needed
Michael at
- Swig-Python problems
- reg : invoking winrunner from python
- Can this be done with python?
- Can this be done with python?
- win32: using postdata and safearray
- Graphing library for Tkinter / Pmw?
- Why does my Tkinter GIF image disappear when inside a class?
- Curiosity question on signatures
- Split a sentence by punctuations using Python
- A Byte of Python - Python Book / Tutorial
- A Byte of Python - Python Book / Tutorial
- drowning newbie
- drowning newbie
- typecasting: a string object to a dictionary object
- xreadlines() being used with file.tell() and
- Extracting info from OS/hardware
os moma
- where can I find Paris Hilton video?
- Python Documentation Blows!
anton muhin
- Your message to Tcsh-Bugs awaits moderator approval
tcsh-bugs-bounces at
- execute script everywhere
- (no subject)
- measure module running time
- import a modified module
- initialize a class
- How to make this speed up
- Mailing lists have changed
- vim & python
demian neidetcher
- Encoded file
pengz1 at
- How does Ruby compare to Python?? How good is DESIGN of Ruby compared to Python?
Greg Ewing (using
- How does Ruby compare to Python?? How good is DESIGN of Ruby compared to Python?
Greg Ewing (using
- How does Ruby compare to Python?? How good is DESIGN of Rubycompared to Python?
Greg Ewing (using
- wxWindows changes name
Greg Ewing (using
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
Greg Ewing (using
- i'm lost in list manipulation
Greg Ewing (using
- insertion in lists
Greg Ewing (using
- Unit testing - suitable for all development?
Greg Ewing (using
- More glossary items
Greg Ewing (using
- Extending Python Syntax with @
Greg Ewing (using
- Python style guidelines
Greg Ewing (using
- 2D List comprehension & replace
Greg Ewing (using
- Xemacs syntax highlighting
Greg Ewing (using
- Newby Question: Python and A Nested Dictionary
Greg Ewing (using
- Python style guidelines
Greg Ewing (using
- loop scope
Greg Ewing (using
- Deprecating reload() ???
Greg Ewing (using
- put your money where your mouse is, or why I prefer Spanish to English: a proposal
Greg Ewing (using
- How to add pairs to a dict, typo corrected in this one.
Greg Ewing (using
- Is Python type safe?
Greg Ewing (using
- Semantics of ==
Greg Ewing (using
- New restrain builtin function?
Greg Ewing (using
- PEP 318
Greg Ewing (using
- PEP 318
Greg Ewing (using
- PEP 318
Greg Ewing (using
- PEP 318
Greg Ewing (using
- [OT] Compilable Python-like language?
Greg Ewing (using
- Regular Expression AND mach
Greg Ewing (using
- Syntax of 'in' : searching a list for a string
Greg Ewing (using
- A 'Python like' language
Greg Ewing (using
- A 'Python like' language
Greg Ewing (using
- Prothon, metaclasses, Zope [Was: A 'Python like' language]
Greg Ewing (using
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Greg Ewing (using
- A 'Python like' language
Greg Ewing (using
- A 'Python like' language
Greg Ewing (using
- A 'Python like' language
Greg Ewing (using
- Prothon, metaclasses, Zope [Was: A 'Python like' language]
Greg Ewing (using
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Greg Ewing (using
- Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes
Greg Ewing (using
- Problem using MinGW to compile extension module
Greg Ewing (using
- OFF-TOPIC:: Why Lisp is not my favorite programming language
- fatal ImportError: No such file or directory
- fatal ImportError: No such file or directory
- fatal ImportError: No such file or directory
- fatal ImportError: No such file or directory
- fatal ImportError: No such file or directory
- NAV detected a virus in a document you authored.
- Your message to Blitz-dev awaits moderator approval
blitz-dev-bounces at
- ***Symantec Anti-Virus detected a repairable/quarantined virus in a message you sent
virusalert at
- xmlrpclib timeouts
- xmlrpclib timeouts
- help in Vpython needed...
- histogram type thingy for (unique) dict items
kevin parks
- can anybody tell me how to compile the C code with embedded python.
vipul parmar
- simple script using CGIHTTPServer?
- new to programming: suggestion
- Writing dictionary output to a file
simon place
- generating points on a grid - efficiently
simon place
- machine control script ( parameterless method? )
simon place
- machine control script ( parameterless method? )
simon place
- vim & python
- vim & python
- Extracting info from OS/hardware
- Python at
- [Tutor] Sightly off topic - download file name
- Pushing file name to browser
- Pushing file name to browser
- Pushing file name to browser
- Pushing file name to browser
- Explane File modes please --
- Explane File modes please --
- Not clear on what documentation means here [pxlpluker]
- using CGI to open a progress window for file upload [pxlpluker]
- Notify about using the e-mail account.
noreply at
- All mailing lists hosed
webmaster at
- httplib HTTPConnection request problem
- need optimizing help
- insertion in lists
- Symantec Mail Security detected an unrepairable virus in a message you sent (SYM:30676531662079819383)
savexchadmin at
- splitString output as argument to string format fails?
gabriele renzi
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
- Again: Please hear my plea: print without softspace
- Lua Book
- Utterly OT:[Was Re: Need better string methods]
- Utterly OT:[Was Re: Need better string methods]
- mxDateTime function DateFromString gives wrong year
- tabbing probs (was: Prothon Prototypes vs Python Classes)
- pyalamode tips
- vim & python
- vim & python
- vim & python
- wx delivery queshun
- Need a Progress Bar/Meter for Tkinter
benjamin schollnick
- Need a Progress Bar/Meter for Tkinter
benjamin schollnick
- Need a Progress Bar/Meter for Tkinter
benjamin schollnick
- Need better string methods
benjamin schollnick
- Working around a lack of 'goto' in python
benjamin schollnick
- optparse variable parsing?
benjamin schollnick
- Speed up loading and free memory...
benjamin schollnick
- Python Equivalent??
- Python Equivalent??
- httplib HTTPConnection request problem
- win gui thoughts? perhaps a non-Pythonic approach?
asdf sdf
- win gui thoughts? perhaps a non-Pythonic approach?
asdf sdf
- win gui thoughts? perhaps a non-Pythonic approach?
asdf sdf
- win gui thoughts? perhaps a non-Pythonic approach?
asdf sdf
- How do i cast a string to be used as a module?
- Python for email?
- Python for email?
- os module question
- A couple of Python CGI questions
- A couple of Python CGI questions
- A couple of Python CGI questions
- A couple of Python CGI questions
- Searching comp.lang.python
- new to programming: suggestion
- Which Python module for PostgreSQL?
- ready to use python, need help with GUI decision
- Import config into global space?
- Import config into global space?
- Internationalisation (i8n) of messages
- Import config into global space?
- Fetching websites with Python
- machine control script ( parameterless method? )
- [wopronet] Your confirmation is needed to join the Group
wopronet-subscribe-conf-1080784105.hgkjbmmdhhngpkhjgmkj at
- Fast way to send message between 2 child processes? (using a file is too slow?)
seberino at
- creating lists question?
- creating lists question?
- !!Virus gefunden!!
savieg at
- study_hall
- read/enter text based on cursor position
- extracting order of class' attribute setting = statement execution or keyword assignments?
- automatic static types (metaclass), attribute-order extraction = python instead of XML-likes - and some RequestsForEnhancements
- Newbie trying to use HTTPS, pls help
- [MailServer Notification] To External Sender: a virus was found a nd action taken.
Surveillance du système
- not getting SimpleXMLRPCServer with allow_none to work
- ^_^ meay-meay!
jceasar at
- Nice way of getting items from two lists
SBrunning at
- asking for python community opinion about groovy
SBrunning at
- asking for python community opinion about groovy
SBrunning at
- SMS with python
SBrunning at
- problem
ciccio at
- Need Help Using Py2Exe
- tkinter, threads and asyncore together
duane voth
- The best antedepressfant
ienaga at
- Timeout on a UDP Socket
- Suitability of python to specific project
hyperbob at
- Python for large projects
assaf__ at
- Novice [].append Help
- Novice [].append Help
- default print format for floats
vincent wehren
- default print format for floats
vincent wehren
- Unicode & mx.ODBC module
vincent wehren
- how fast is Python code - another detail
vincent wehren
- what is a good intro book on python ?
vincent wehren
- Debugging Python extensions
vincent wehren
- Getting definition list
vincent wehren
- How do i cast a string to be used as a module?
vincent wehren
- how to write python server page by using mod_python?
- how to write python server page by using mod_python?
- i'm lost in list manipulation
wes weston
- insertion in lists
wes weston
- problem connecting to oracle database
wes weston
- Question please
wes weston
- Help on Tkinter installation
wes weston
- Help on Tkinter installation
wes weston
- Help on Tkinter installation
wes weston
- newbie question: data structure for book indexing
wes weston
- creating lists question?
wes weston
- Python newbie asking for help
wes weston
- indexing question
wes weston
- python & mysql probelm
wes weston
- Wierd problem with replace
wes weston
- Python2.3 on RedHat 7.3
wes weston
- Using bound variables in Tkinter events
wes weston
- Fetching websites with Python
wes weston
- python win32/excel problem
justin worrall
- Need Help Using py2exe
kschnee at
- "Need Help Using py2exe" -- Update
kschnee at
- drowning newbie
- Sorting Driving Crazy: URGENT: PLEASE HELP
- Regular Expressions
achaljalan at
- IDLE and turtle
dbrown2 at
- IDLE and turtle
dbrown2 at
- Group comment
ketulp_baroda at
- Escape problem
ketulp_baroda at
- Escape problem
ketulp_baroda at
- attachment
ketulp_baroda at
- Reports
ketulp_baroda at
- attachment
ketulp_baroda at
- attachment
ketulp_baroda at
- Reports
ketulp_baroda at
- attachment
ketulp_baroda at
- sorting a list
ketulp_baroda at
- sorting a list
ketulp_baroda at
- Newbie question about attachment
ketulp_baroda at
- converting %20 to spaces
ketulp_baroda at
- converting string to dictionary
ketulp_baroda at
- Any reportlab user here??
ketulp_baroda at
- sorting the list by inner elements
ketulp_baroda at
- sorting the list by inner elements
ketulp_baroda at
- sorting the list by inner elements
ketulp_baroda at
- Static Typing in Python
srijit at
- Is Python type safe?
srijit at
- Statistical Techniques
srijit at
- problem connecting to oracle database
markusjais at
- list inheritance or delegation?
george young
- Pythonic control of VMware -- ctypes does not provide access to 'menu' gui-control.
- Pythonic control of VMware -- ctypes does not provide access to 'menu' gui-control.
- Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche
- Group comment
- Jython Debugger?
- Jython Debugger?
- How to install pyGTK(2)
- How to move and then use an installed python?
Baz ¤Ñª°
- [Python/C] Help me.. How to passa dictionary to C function?
Last message date:
Wed Mar 31 23:25:43 EST 2004
Archived on: Sun Oct 27 18:27:21 EDT 2019
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).