http encodings

John J. Lee jjl at
Mon May 31 08:42:05 EDT 2004

Manlio Perillo <NOmanlio_perilloSPAM at> writes:

> Hi.
> RFC 2068 (Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1), introduces 4
> encoding names: 
> identity
> gzip (x-gzip)
> compress (x-compress)
> deflate
> Actually identity codec is banal.
> -gzip: it is easy to implement using gzip module (I have written the
> encode and decode methods, but it should be possible to write also
> StreamWriter and StreamReader classes)

Would be good to have these.  Maybe this is useful:

> -deflate: codec is the same as zlib_codec?
> -compress: where can I find it?

Dunno, but section 3.5 of RFC 2616 (the latest HTTP/1.1 RFC) certainly
makes a distinction between the three encodings.


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