jython 2 cpython bridge

Irmen de Jong irmen at -nospam-remove-this-xs4all.nl
Mon May 24 16:27:18 EDT 2004

Randall Smith wrote:

> I would like to use a type 4 JDBC driver in my Python program.  I 
> believe I can use in with Jython.  Do you know of some way to 
> communicate between the Jython and Python processes so that the CPython 
> program can use the Jython JDBC database connection?

Create some form of IPC between the two, for instance using xmlrpc.


PS: I would have suggested to use Pyro, but:
  - Java/Jython doesn't have the select() system call that Pyro needs for a server,
  - There are bugs in Jython that make it crash when compiling Pyro's source.

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