What is good about Prothon?
has.temp2 at virgin.net
Sat May 1 11:44:19 EDT 2004
"Mark Hahn" <mark at prothon.org> wrote in message news:<cSBkc.44739$Qy.16585 at fed1read04>...
> Donn Cave wrote:
> > He's saying `language that tries to please everybody [by adding
> > features like copy instead of doing it right in the first place] ==
> > C++' He could have a point. (Is there going to be an optional
> > __copy__ method?)
> Yes, there already is a copy method. It solves the problem he posted of AS
> versus Prothon.
One: No, it does not. But it does prove _just how little_ of what I've
said you have actually understood.
Two: BTW, learn to differentiate between "ludicrous" and "hyperbole".
They are _not_ the same.
Three: You I was just giving you a hard time for the sake of it? I
wasn't; you asked for criticism, and I gave it. It just wasn't the
criticism you wanted. You want to hear what I say when asked to
critique something I think is a piece of piss but simply don't care
about enough to say? "Yes, that looks very nice/interesting. I'll be
very curious/interested to see how where it goes."
Four: You think it's just you? Obviously you've never seen me chewing
AppleScript a new one; it's such a fundamentally flawed language that
I'm now actually working actively against it. (MacPython-to-AEM
bridge, more hours spent critiquing and reading and learning than I
can shake a stick in, mystery language project in development; hey,
you do the math.)
Five: You think I don't give my own work this treatment? Obviously you
have never seen me spend weeks or months working at something, only to
throw it out the moment I've uncovered a flaw too deep or uneconomic
to fix, or simply discover a new and much simpler way to solve the
same problem, and take all that blood-sweat-and-tears effort and
postmortem then shitcan the lot of it without a second thought. So if
your only reaction to hard criticism is to run away or barricade your
mind to it, if you're not willing to make such sacrifices in the name
of the greater good, if you're not willing to at least entertain the
possibility that You Might Be Wrong Too; then I'm sorry to say but you
really have chosen the wrong line of work to get into, and I can find
much better things to devote all my attention to.
Six: As for what will make me happy? That I never again hear that
bloody Lieberman name used to deflect every criticism I offer. Because
that is so intellectually lazy of you it's actually insulting mine. I
have provided you with plenty of answers throughout; you simply choose
not to notice or accept them. And that is something I absolutely
_cannot_ help you on.
Therefore, I am finally willing to state: "Prothon looks very
nice/interesting. I'll be very curious/interested to see how where it
goes." May you find some fulfillment in that.
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