terminological obscurity
ajsiegel at optonline.com
Fri May 28 01:44:02 EDT 2004
On Fri, 28 May 2004 04:28:00 -0000, "Donn Cave" <donn at drizzle.com>
>Note that
>the passage above describes a slightly different homogeneity.
Why if Martin was consciously using the terminolgy differently than it
had been used before - which is one of the possbilities I had
identified - would he choose not to disclose the fact. If some kind of
purposeful mystification was not at least an unconscious motivation.
>This list still contains a module and a None, but now some
>arrangement has been made to give them each the same type, when
>before they were of completely disparate types (and still are.)
>Well, I'm not really sure what he has in mind there, so there
>is some ambiguity for students of homogeneity such as ourselves.
I have concluded that one needs a post-doc in ambiguity as a
prerequisite to becoming a student of homogeneity. :)
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