r'\' - python parser bug?

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Mon May 24 10:53:24 EDT 2004

[Konstantin Veretennicov]
> ActivePython 2.3.2 Build 232
> >>> '\\'
> '\\'
> >>> r'\'
>   File "<stdin>", line 1
>     r'\'
>        ^
> SyntaxError: EOL while scanning single-quoted string
> Is this a known issue?

Yes, and a documented one:  an r-string cannot end with an odd number of
backslashes.  Note that your first expression ('\\') did create a string
with a single backslash, although the repr of that string may have fooled
you into thinking you got two backslashes.

>>> '\\'
>>> len('\\')
>>> print '\\'

> Should i submit a bug report to development?

Nope:  it's not a bug, and won't change.

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