Why a class when there will only be one instance?

Vineet Jain vineet at eswap.com
Thu May 27 18:28:59 EDT 2004

> Just a little observation:
> If you really want the class and the instance to be the same,
> well, you can take a module.
> In a sense, this *is* a class and the only instance.

I need to use BASIC language like scripting in a python application. The 
users are not programmers and the scripting interface needs to be 
as simple as possible. The script would have a init section
a run section a close section and some other parts as well. I 
have these sections defined as functions in a class (the class inherits
from a base class) currently but have a feeling that I'm going to have 
to simplify things. Am not sure how users will handle class, functions, 
self, import, etc.

I was thinking of using a module, but can I repeatedly call the module. 
If so how would I call it? Would I keep reloading it? Where does a module
store it's state information between calls? I was thinking of supporting 
different sections by setting different variables which the user would 
access it:

if init:
	do init code here

if run:
	do run here

if close:
	do close here

Any other ideas? I'm trying to keep the scripting interface as simple as
possible but at the same time give the users the power of python.


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