py2exe setup script problem

Philipp Kruse spam at
Sun May 23 16:53:45 EDT 2004

I am trying to create an executable version of a python script using 
py2exe 0.5 (Python 2.3.4c1). The basic script looks something like this:

	windows = [ 'src/',
                 {   'script': 'src/',
                     'icon_resources': [(1, "data/small.ico")]}

After running py2exe I try to execute the created .exe file and - 
nothing happens.

However, I tried changing the script to this:

	console = ['src/'],

Suddenly everything works fine. Even so, I simply need to get rid of 
that console window.

I tried reading through the wiki and searched this group but found 
nothing that could solve the problem.

Does anyone have an idea?


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