Transparent PNG and PIL

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Wed May 26 14:13:17 EDT 2004

R.Marquez wrote:

> It would seem that using PIL would make this simmilarly simple, but so
> far I have not found a simple clear explanation of how to do this.  If
> someone has figured this out could you post it for the benefit of
> mankind. ;)

if you have an 8-bit palette image (mode "P"), you can specify the
transparency color (as a color index) when you save the image:, transparency=0)

for RGB images, you can use the putalpha methods to add a transparency
layer to the image (turning into a mode "RGBA" image).

> Does it do this by in effect creating a proprietary PNG format?

iirc, IE supports transparency masks for 8-bit palette images (mode "P"),
but it does not support transparency with true color images ("RGBA").

unless you use IE-specific filters, that is:


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