Loop and the list
Krzysztof Szynter
dygimailNo at SPAMpoczta.fm
Fri May 14 09:46:46 EDT 2004
Hi all
Have got a big problem. This is my code:
#stale programowe
G = 6.67E-11
Mz = 6E+24
Rz = 6.37E+6
TX = range(10,780,2)
TY = []
def skoknatezenia(ilpkt):
"Oblicza skok"
dr = ((2*Rz)-Rz)/ilpkt
return dr
def natezeniep(TX,TY,dr):
"Liczy natezenie w przedziale <Rz,2*Rz>"
cnt = 0
for i in range(0,2*Rz,dr):
cnt = cnt + dr
return TY
def maxvalue(TY): #gets an index of the max value in the TY list
max = 0
for i in range(0,len(TY)):
if (max<TY[i]):
max = i
print TY[i],max
return max
def normowanie(TY): #normalize the TY list items
for i in range(0,len(TY)-1):
TY[i] = TY[i]/float(TY[0]) #for example '0', should be 'max'
return TY
Koniec = False
while Koniec <> True:
Koniec2 = False
while Koniec2 <> True:
ilpkt = raw_input("Podaj ilosc punktow do wykreslenia 200):\t")
ilpkt = int(ilpkt)
Koniec2 = True
print "Ilosc punktow musi byc liczba calkowita!\t"
Koniec = True
print "Nieoczekiwany blad. Sprobuj jeszcze raz."
dr = skoknatezenia(ilpkt)
TY = natezeniep(TX,TY,dr)
print TY #first main point
max = maxvalue(TY)
print "max =",max
TY = normowanie(TY) #normalize the function
print TY
I don't understand why function maxvalue returns "9". When i start a
program and check TY list in 'first main point', the max value has an index
0'. Then putting the list into the function maxvalue, gives me the index
'9'. ;--/
Where is the mistake?
Apologise for the Polish text's, in the code. I'll answer for any question.
Krzysztof Szynter :'''. :. : *
Dygi GG 1027078 :...' ..... : : : ..... . . . . . .....
http://newbie.friko.pl : : :.... : : : :.... :: :: :.. : :....
dygimail(at)poczta(dot)fm :...' :.... : ': :.... : : :..' : :....
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