http file post

Tim Roberts timr at
Mon May 31 20:37:54 EDT 2004

Dave <xgote at> wrote:
>Ive been trying to figure out how I can write to a file from an HTTP 
>post while it is being uploaded.  So far ive realized that my script 
>isn't getting the data until the browser is done uploading.  What I want 
>to accomplish is a way to track the progress of a file upload. 

This IS possible, but you'll have to do some work.

I assume this is a CGI script, and that you're using cgi.FieldStorage() to
fetch the POST contents.  The key problem for you is that
cgi.FieldStorage() (and, more specifically, cgi.FieldStorage.read_binary)
does not return until the entire transmission is complete.

Now that you know that, your path should be clear: all you need to do is
make your own custom version of FieldStorage that updates a status variable
somewhere.  Piece of cake!
- Tim Roberts, timr at
  Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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