mod_python confusion

Kylotan kylotan at
Fri May 28 14:46:28 EDT 2004

I thought mod_python would be the answer to my CGI performance issue,
but I can't seem to make much sense out of it. All the examples are
too trivial to be of much use.

Given that I have an application consisting of several CGI scripts,
what is the simplest way to go about converting it to run on
mod_python, not using the CGI-handler which is allegedly slow and
buggy? Everything seems to suggest a major rewrite because I not only
need to shift from printing everything to calling req.write or
whatever, but I may also need to sort out some sort of dispatching
mechanism mapping URLs to functions if I use mod_python directly. PSP
doesn't work on my system as 3.1.2 gives me errors and the Win32
installer for 3.1.3 fails at the last step (finding the Apache
directory in the registry or something).

Ben Sizer

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