How to Build Python 2.3.3 C/C++ Extensions in Windows Using Mingw32

Roger Binns rogerb at
Thu May 20 17:39:39 EDT 2004

C. Barnes wrote:
> 5. Patch distutils.  Locate
> \python\lib\distutils\, open
>    it, and find the following lines (around line 211):
>         if len (self.__paths) == 0:
>             raise DistutilsPlatformError, \
>                   ("Python was built with version %s
> of Visual Studio, "
>                    "and extensions need to be built
> with the same "
>                    "version of the compiler, but it
> isn't installed." % self.__version)
>    Delete these.

You don't need that.  Do this instead:

python build --compiler=mingw32 bdist_wininst


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