I need newbie help

Paul McNett p at ulmcnett.com
Fri May 14 01:26:56 EDT 2004

Sean Berry writes:

> You have to read the whole page to understand why.
> The title is: Python style switches.
> Python does not have a swith statement like many other
> languages. A switch statement could look like this:
> switch (a)
>     case 1:    do something
>     case 2:    do something else
>     case 3:    do something else
>     default:    do something else
> It evaluates a and checks to see if there is a matching case.
>  If there is, it executes the code for that case.  So if
> a==1, it would "do something."

What's the matter with using if...elif...else:

if case1: # do something
elif case2: # do something else
elif case3: # do something else
else: # do the default something else


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