Some Newbie Questions
Slawomir Nowaczyk
slawek at
Wed May 26 18:34:44 EDT 2004
On Wed, 26 May 2004 12:56:21 +0200
Leopold Schwinger <leoel at> wrote:
#> (2) Is there any way to dynamically import modules, where the name
#> of the module is not known during implementation but can be defined
#> during scipt execution?
Python 2.3.3 (#51, Dec 18 2003, 20:22:39) [MSC v.1200 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
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>>> exec("import socket")
>>> socket.socket()
<socket._socketobject object at 0x00952750>
Best wishes,
Slawomir Nowaczyk
( Slawomir.Nowaczyk at )
Write your questions down on the back of $20 dollar bill and send them to me.
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