I need newbie help

Nick Vargish nav+posts at bandersnatch.org
Fri May 14 10:43:11 EDT 2004

Paul McNett <p at ulmcnett.com> writes:

> What's the matter with using if...elif...else:

In the example, I think the advantage is that the dictionary lookup is
data driven. If you want to add a new location, you just extend the
dictionary, which is cleaner than adding another clause to an
if...elif block.

Also, if you want to change the name of a location, you just change
the relevant data -- not the code.

#  sigmask  ||  0.2  ||  20030107  ||  public domain  ||  feed this to a python
print reduce(lambda x,y:x+chr(ord(y)-1),' Ojdl!Wbshjti!=obwAcboefstobudi/psh?')

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