Unification of Methods and Functions
Antoon Pardon
apardon at forel.vub.ac.be
Tue May 25 03:08:37 EDT 2004
Op 2004-05-22, David MacQuigg schreef <dmq at gain.com>:
> On Sat, 22 May 2004 18:28:33 -0000, "Donn Cave" <donn at drizzle.com>
> wrote:
> This is OK for the first example. I would leave the __init__ methods
> to the second example, but either way it will take about 8 pages to
> comfortably explain OOP ( maybe ten if I include the "robust
> programming" examples that JM says I must ). I would like students to
> understand Python at the level they can follow what is going on in a
> real program, and maybe write a few classes themselves.
>>Then I would go over that, showing what happens and why, until the
>>concepts introduced above seem to be clear for everyone. That would
>>conclude my treatment of classes. As an elementary language, there
>>are some slightly hard things to learn about Python, but this isn't
>>going to be one of them unless you make it hard.
> If you are saying we can totally ignore the different method forms, I
> think you are wrong. Bound and unbound methods, for example, will be
> needed in almost any sizable program. The need for static methods
> will arise when the student first writes a method that needs to work
> without a current instance.
He doesn't need a method for that. He can just write a function.
Why do you want to write a method in circumstances that call for
a function?
Antoon Pardon
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