Distributing a Python App

Miki Tebeka miki.tebeka at zoran.com
Tue May 4 02:59:35 EDT 2004

Hello Allan,

> I'm looking to records detailing network status, which will be updated 
> frequently.  I then want to be able to retrieve and sort the data to 
> present reports based on that data.
If you want a minimal database try metakit 
(http://www.equi4.com/metakit.html) which has good Python bindings and 
it's only one dll.

> I'm guessing I could use some sort of tool to package the 
> python app and PySQLite into one nice tidy package which the end user 
> could then install?
py2exe, cx_Freeze, Installer ...
IMO py2exe seems to be the most active.


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