Stackless python and microthreads
Matt Leslie
matthewleslie at
Fri May 21 17:50:08 EDT 2004
>> Now instead of a tedious kind of state machine, you're writing an plain,
>> ordinary function that sends messages to its peer and looks at the
>> response,
>> as though that were all synchronous, and it's so much simpler. Yet the
>> execution underneath that isn't synchronous at all, because your
>> computation
>> is suspended in between your send and the response. It really does
>> return
>> every time it sends a message, it just starts up next time where it left
>> off.
Infact this is also similar to what I'm trying to do, except I'm doing
it back to front. I want to write a package to help simulate distributed
systems, making what would be simple synchronous method calls
asynchronous. I do this by intercepting method calls between threads,
and passing them on only after a simulated network delay - they are held
in an event queue and basically only executed when there is nothing
scheduled to happen 'before' it. It boils down to a similar structure, I
Anyway, stackless would be good for this because I need lots of threads
so simulate large scale P2P systems. The thing is although there was a
fair amount of documentation on microthreads I can find nothing usefull
on tasklets! Can anyone point me at some? Please? The stackless mailing
list has turned up nothing so far...
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