A simple xml.dom.minidom question

Paulo Pinto paulo.pinto at cern.ch
Fri May 7 05:55:26 EDT 2004

Thanks, that is what I ended up doing.

However it doesn't sound very clean, anyway it works
now. :)

Thanks everyone for your help

Peter Otten wrote:
> Paulo Pinto wrote:
>>There are a set of applications that use XML files
>>as their configuration mechanism. Inside these files
>>there is some data that isn't standard XML but it in
>>form expected by the tools.
>>For example
>>"value1" "value2"
>>Now, if I use writexml(), I get the following,
>>"value1" "value2"
>>Which I understand, because it is how it should be
>>in standard XML.
>>However I am really required to use the first form.
> Maybe you can get away with a tiny hack:
> import xml.dom.minidom as md
> import cStringIO
> def wd(writer, data):
>     data = data.replace("&", "&").replace("<", "<")
>     writer.write(data)
> md._write_data = wd
> d = md.parseString("""<values>"v1" "v2"</values>""")
> s = cStringIO.StringIO()
> d.writexml(s)
> print s.getvalue()
> Peter

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