function causing core dump

Peter Otten __peter__ at
Tue May 11 04:13:47 EDT 2004

Xaver Hinterhuber wrote:

> I don't show you codeString because it is a real string variable.

You could show an _example_ codeString, though. That would have greatly
simplified the diagnosis.

> And yes, its uncompiled.
> The user in my program enters a python program in this variable without a
> def statement
> and then the code is executed and the result returned.
> Maybe you can help me to add a "def f():" to the codeString, take care of
> the
> indentation and then execute the code?
> I really don't know how to handle the indentation thing. A "def
> f():\n"+codeString is easy, but this doesn't solve
> this issue.

Maybe you can get away with a simple expression:

>>> from math import *
>>> codeString = "sin(0.5) + 23"
>>> eval(codeString)

If not, try

>>> codeString2 = "a=0.5\nb=23\nreturn sin(a) + b"
>>> funcString = "def f():\n    " + "\n    ".join(codeString2.split("\n"))
>>> funcString
'def f():\n    a=0.5\n    b=23\n    return sin(a) + b'
>>> exec funcString
>>> f()


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