Newbie : Greek letters

asdf sdf asdf at
Thu May 6 23:52:36 EDT 2004

Oh Kyu Yoon wrote:
> Is there an easy way to include greek letter symbols in TextCtrl of
> wxPython?

this is only a idea.  no experience with it myself.  Try using SetFont 
to get Symbol font.  Symbol font is available on WinPCs.  Couldn't say 
about any other platforms though.

Just tried it and it works on my Win2000 machine in PyCrust.

frame = wx.Frame(None, -1, 'title')
tc = wx.TextCtrl(frame, -1, 'D')
tc.SetFont(wx.Font(10, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, face='SYMBOL'))

A window popped up showing a Delta.

Then in PyCrust with the window still showing, I did


and the frame updated to show a Gamma.

Man, I have hardly any gui experience, not to mention hardly any python 
experience, and I just started wxPython.

Bottom line:  wxPython is _easy_.  It's the lack of newbdoc that is the 

Epsilon looks pretty much the same as E, Rho looks like P.  Chi (X) is 
wierd looking.  Printing the rest of the alphabet is left as an exercise 
for the reader.

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