Guess My Number Game
moma at
Sat May 15 13:54:29 EDT 2004
EAS wrote:
> Hey, I'm new to python (and programming in general) so I'll prolly be around
> here a lot...
> Anyways, I've found out how to make a "guess my number game" where the
> player guesses a number between 1 and 100, but I want to switch things
> around. I want to be able to put in my own number and have the computer
> guess it. I already know how to make it guess (by using randrange) but I'm
> having a hard time making it smarter. (Like guessing higher or lower based
> on what it's told it needs to do.) Here's the code I have right now:
> __________________________________________________________
> import random
> guess = 0
> tries = 0
> number = input("Pick a number between 1 and 100 for the computer to guess:
> ")
> while number > 100 or number < 1:
> number = input("Pick a number between 1 and 100 for the computer to guess:
> ")
> while guess != number:
> guess = random.randrange(101)
> print "The computer guessed", guess
> tries += 1
> past = guess
> while guess < number:
> guess = random.randrange(guess, 101)
> print "The computer guessed", guess
> tries += 1
> while guess > number:
> guess = random.randrange(0, guess)
> print "The computer guessed", guess
> tries += 1
> print "The computer guessed your number after", tries, "tries."
> raw_input("Press enter to exit.")
> ____________________________________________________________
> As you can see, I've already made it a little smarter but I think I could
> still mae it better. Any ideas?
> Also, does anyone know a really popular python forum?
Hello all,
I^am also traing Python. Veeery newbie in Python.
Here is a variant of your guessing game.
# Do not forget those TABS or SPACES !
# Thee seems to be important.
# --- Beg -----------------------------
# Name
maxnum = 100
minnum = 1
number = 0
while number > maxnum+1 or number < minnum:
number = input("Pick a number between 1 and 100 for the computer to
# guess = int(raw_input('Enter an integer : '))
done = False
guess = tries = 0
guess = (maxnum - minnum + 1) / 2
while not done:
print "My guess is ", guess
if guess > number:
print "It`s less than ", guess
maxnum = guess
guess = maxnum - (maxnum - minnum + 1) / 2
elif guess < number:
print "It`s more than ", guess
minnum = guess
guess = minnum + (maxnum - minnum + 1) / 2
print "Knowing you knowing me, I guessed right !"
done = True
tries = tries + 1
print "The computer guessed your number after", tries, "tries."
raw_input("Press enter to exit.")
# --- End -----------------------------
// moma :: newbie links at the top
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