bit shifting question
Michael Hudson
mwh at
Mon May 17 15:22:33 EDT 2004
"David Stockwell" <winexpert at> writes:
> Hi,
> My background is c/c++ and java. I'm learning python at this point.
> My question is does python share java's peculiar mode of bit shifting,
> or does python adhere closer to c's bit shifting?
The right shift in Python is arithmetic, i.e. preserves the sign bit.
> in java there are 3 kinds of bit shifts:
> << (shift left)
> >> (preserve the sign bit as we move right )
> >>> (0 filled on the left as we move right)
> In C, the behavior is
> << (shift left)
> >> (shift right , 0 filled (like java's >>>'))
Have you tried this recently? I believe that whether >> sign fills is
undefined by the C standard but most of the time it dos.
> I tried looking around but haven't really got an answer yet. I guess
> I need to write a mini python script.
No you don't! If you haven't realized that you can do
$ python
Python 2.2.2 (#1, Feb 24 2003, 19:13:11)
[GCC 3.2.2 20030222 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.2-4)] on linux2
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>>> (-1) >> 3
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