alter / modify a list as well as iterate on its items / objects

Peter Otten __peter__ at
Wed May 26 05:04:29 EDT 2004

Derek Basch wrote:

> Can anyone point me towards an article or explain
> how to properly alter a list as well as iterate
> on its items? For example:
> input:
> word = ["albert", "likes", "surfing!"]
> for word in sentence:
>     word += "foo"
> result:
> word = ["albertfoo", "likesfoo", "surfingfoo"]

Note that the solutions presented so far do *not* modify the list in place.
This is important if you keep references to the list elswhere. For example:

>>> backup = sample = ["alpha", "beta", "gamma"]
>>> sample = map(lambda x: x + ".suffix", sample)
>>> sample is backup
>>> sample = [x + ".suffix" for x in sample]
>>> sample is backup

Here are two ways to achieve inplace modification:

>>> backup = sample = ["alpha", "beta", "gamma"]
>>> for i, x in enumerate(sample):
...     sample[i] = x + ".suffix"
>>> sample is backup

>>> backup = sample = ["alpha", "beta", "gamma"]
>>> sample[:] = [x + ".suffix" for x in sample]
>>> sample is backup

Here the [:] slice on the left makes the difference.


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