dbi.operation-error: blank in LOGIN

tallpaul pegges at boulder.net
Sun May 30 16:51:55 EDT 2004

I'm trying to run the following on an xp box.

import dbi, odbc
         s = odbc.odbc('DSN/username/userpassword')
         cur = s.cursor()
         cur.execute('select * from tablename')
         print cur.description
         for tup in cur.description:
                 print tup[0],
         while 1:
                 rec = cur.fetchmany(10)
                 if not rec: break
                 print rec
except NameError,e:
         print 'error ', e, 'undefined'

Which comes back with the error message

dbi.operation-error: blank in LOGIN

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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