scraping display to obtain all on-screen text using OCR

Jonathan Epstein jaepstein_63 at
Tue May 11 15:30:22 EDT 2004

I would like to perform a more classical type of "screen scraping"
than what most people now associate with this term.  I only want to
find all the text on the current screen, and obtain associated screen
coordinates.  This probably must be done using OCR.

This need only run on Windows.  A fairly-pure Python solution would be
ideal because most of the software which would use this functionality
is also written in Python.

The ideal output would consist of a list of tuples, where each tuple
consists of ("string found", a, b, c, d) where the latter four
constitute a bounding rectangle associated with the text that was
found.  It might also be handy to throw in some font information.

Thanks in advance for any pointers.


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