unicode regex example: trouble
Peter Otten
__peter__ at web.de
Fri May 21 04:45:26 EDT 2004
marek wrote:
> trying this example to make print MatchObject reference. Fails (prints
> None). Does anybody know where I am wrong?
> # -*- coding: cp1251 -*-
> import re
> # pattern in Ukrainian ('привіт')
> p = '\377\376?\004@\0048\0042\004V\004B\004'
> # data (pattern is in the middle of the string)
> d = '\377\376t\000e\000s\000t\000?\004@\0048\0042\004V\004B\004t\000t\000'
> re_test = re.compile(p, re.UNICODE)
> print re_test.search(d, re.UNICODE)
What you have here are funny 8 bit characters, not unicode:
>>>>>> print p, d
ÿþ?@82VB ÿþtest?@82VBtt
I guess the encoding is utf-16, therefore:
>>> du = d.decode("utf-16")
>>> pu = p.decode("utf-16")
>>> r = re.compile(pu)
>>> m = r.search(du)
>>> m
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x40392090>
>>> print m.group(0).encode("utf-16")
Works as expected :-)
Here's what the docs say about the unicode flag:
Make \w, \W, \b, and \B dependent on the Unicode character properties
database. New in version 2.0.
You may or may not need that when you refine your regexp.
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