Scope rule pecularities
Andrew Bennetts
andrew-pythonlist at
Thu May 13 04:32:58 EDT 2004
On Thu, May 13, 2004 at 07:58:07AM +0000, Antoon Pardon wrote:
> Op 2004-05-13, Greg Ewing schreef <greg at>:
> > Besides, the semantics are as consistent as anything
> > else in Python, where the objects being operated on
> > get to determine the meaning of just about everything.
> So? Would you argue that the devellopers could just
> as easily have implemented "a += b" as equivallent to
> "a = a - b" with half of the core classes and called that
> just as consistent as choosing it equivallent to
> "a = a + b" for all core classes because the objects
> being operated on get to determine the meaning?
Well, classes get to do whatever they think makes sense: in the end it's all
calls to methods of the object, whether via an actual method call
"" or by an operator "obj * 2" (which calls obj.__mul__(2)) or an
augmented assignment "obj += 'x'" (which calls obj.__iadd__('x')). It's up
to the objects to make sense, not the Python language.
Even though Python chooses to have some immutable builtin types (like
ints and strings) for a variety of practical reasons, augmented assignment
does what people expect in all these cases:
s = 'abc'
s += 'd'
i = 7
i += 3
l = [1, 2, 3]
l += [4, 5, 6]
Augmented assignments are still assignments, and that makes perfect sense to
me -- each of those behave exactly like their obvious longer versions:
s = 'abc'
s = s + 'd'
i = 7
i = i + 3
l = [1, 2, 3]
l = l + [4, 5, 6]
(Yes, there are tricky examples that do behave differently -- but I try to
avoid tricky things, because they tend to be hard to read. I almost only
find I want to use augmented assignment on integers and occasionally
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