Python and Windows.Forms

Shane s.brennan at
Thu May 13 20:07:06 EDT 2004

Thanks Larry, that was what I was hoping to hear. And thanks for the 
book suggestion; I'll be sure to look it up!

Shane Brennan

Larry Bates wrote:

> Shane,
> You can access all the Windows common dialogs (forms?)
> Python by using Win32 extensions.  Specifically using
> pywin.mfc dialog and win32ui modules.  Here is an example
> that I "hacked" from Demos directory.  If this is
> something you want to study more see Mark Hammond's
> excellent Python Programming on Win32 book.
> HTH,
> Larry Bates
> Syscon, Inc.
> #
> # Progress bar control example
> #
> # PyCProgressCtrl encapsulates the MFC CProgressCtrl class.  To use it,
> # you:
> #
> # - Create the control with win32ui.CreateProgressCtrl()
> # - Create the control window with PyCProgressCtrl.CreateWindow()
> # - Initialize the range if you want it to be other than (0, 100) using
> #   PyCProgressCtrl.SetRange()
> # - Either:
> #   - Set the step size with PyCProgressCtrl.SetStep(), and
> #   - Increment using PyCProgressCtrl.StepIt()
> #   or:
> #   - Set the amount completed using PyCProgressCtrl.SetPos()
> #
> # Example and progress bar code courtesy of KDL Technologies, Ltd., Hong
> Kong SAR, China.
> #
> from pywin.mfc import dialog
> import win32ui
> import win32con
> import time
> def MakeDlgTemplate():
>     style = (win32con.DS_MODALFRAME |
>              win32con.WS_POPUP |
>              win32con.WS_VISIBLE |
>              win32con.WS_CAPTION |
>              win32con.WS_SYSMENU |
>              win32con.DS_SETFONT)
>     cs = (win32con.WS_CHILD |
>           win32con.WS_VISIBLE)
>     w = 215
>     h = 36
>     dlg = [["Progress bar",
>           (0, 0, w, h),
>           style,
>           None,
>           (8, "MS Sans Serif")],
>           ]
>     return dlg
> class TestDialog(dialog.Dialog):
>     def OnInitDialog(self):
>         rc = dialog.Dialog.OnInitDialog(self)
>         self.pbar = win32ui.CreateProgressCtrl()
>         self.pbar.CreateWindow (win32con.WS_CHILD |
>                                 win32con.WS_VISIBLE,
>                                 (10, 10, 310, 24),
>                                 self, 1001)
>         return rc
> def demo():
>     d = TestDialog (MakeDlgTemplate())
>     d.CreateWindow ()
>     for i in xrange(100):
>         d.pbar.SetPos(i)
>         time.sleep(0.1)
>     d.OnCancel()
> if __name__=='__main__':
>      demo()
> # $Header: /home/cvsroot/PyWin32/Pythonwin/pywin/Demos/,v 1.1
> 1999/09/01 23:33:35 mhammond Exp $
> "Shane" <s.brennan at> wrote in message
> news:sTAoc.67180$sK3.3272 at
>>Hey folks,
>>I'm new to Python and programming in general and I'm having a blast. I
>>was curious if it was possible to use Windows.Forms; I'm interesting in
>>porting a C++ program a friend wrote for me to Python and would like to
>>use a similar GUI (its fairly simple). I've noticed ActiveState has a
>>.NET plugin for Python...
>>...but I'm not sure that is what I am looking for and I'm stuck with
>>Borland C# Builder Personal Edition anyway for financial reasons.
>>One thing that threw me for a loop was that when I used ActivePython
>>(ActiveStates Python IDE, I like it so far) to run a script I wrote, it
>>gives me a Windows.Forms input box when I call raw_input as opposed to
>>the regular console input message you get in the basic interactive
>>window that comes with a standalone Pythin installation. What's going on
>>there? Can I harness that a little more?
>>Shane Brennan

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