Idea for Python T-shirt

Hornberger, Chris Chris.Hornberger at
Wed May 12 09:49:21 EDT 2004

ack! Does that mean I shouldn't talk about the Sausage I "did" for breakfast today? :)

Chris Hornberger
Blackrock - 302.797.2318
chris.hornberger at

Card carrying MSDN member since 2004.
No, really. I've got the card to prove it.

-----Original Message-----
From: at
[ at]On
Behalf Of Graham Fawcett
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 9:40 AM
To: python-list at
Subject: Re: Idea for Python T-shirt

Christos "TZOTZIOY" Georgiou <tzot at> wrote in message news:<ppj1a09ee7766t94o439qd2bgbc18resg1 at>...
> (Don't mind me, my frequent late night "I should be sleeping by now"
> brainstorm)
> A python smiling, its body curled in the background, 1's and 0's visible
> in its body visibly grouped in fours, and below the slogan:
> "With Python your nibbles explode with desire"
> I'll do one for myself :)

Personally, I wouldn't post an announcement to Usenet that I'm about
to "do one for myself", even when my nibbles /are/ exploding with
desire. Maybe it's a cultural difference; Anglo-Canadians can be
pretty modest about such things.

Oh, you were talking about the t-shirt...

-- Graham

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