jython 2 cpython bridge

Steve Menard steve.menard at videotron.ca
Thu May 27 20:26:21 EDT 2004

John J. Lee wrote:
> Steve Menard <steve.menard at videotron.ca> writes:
> [...]
>>Alternately, you can look at JPype ( http://jpype.sourceforge.net ).
>>It is still a very early release, but I would welcome any feeback. And
>>version 0.1 should allow you to use JDBC without problem.
>>It currently only works on Windows, but if there is interest, I could
>>make a linux release pretty quickly.
> I assume you've seen JPE?
> How does / will JPype differ from that?
> I *think* JPE hasn't been maintained for quite a while, but I'm not
> certain what its current state is.
> John

Yes I have seen JPE. However, from the my admitedly quick look, it 
didn't allow the seemless integration I am looking for. Either that, or 
the samples did show off what JPE could do.

Besides I intend to take JPype beyonf Python->Java integration, and 
choice is always good :)


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