Saving recursive objects to disc. cPickle wan't work.

Alex Polite m4 at
Thu May 27 16:40:36 EDT 2004

On ons, maj 26, 2004 at 04:34:00 +0200, Lutz Horn wrote:

> Hm, the documentation of Python 2.3.2, Section 3.14.1 "Relationship to
> other Python modules" states that recursive objects, which are defined
> as "objects that contain references to themselves" can't be handled by
> marshal, but that pickle and cPickle should be fine: "pickle stores
> such objects only once, and ensures that all other references point to
> the master copy".
> What exactly are your problems?

That sound promising.

I'm building a library to generate markov models from text, much like

You can get the code here.

When I run my testsuit that tries to pickle a generated markov model I
get this:

python test/

ERROR: test_pickle (__main__.BasicTestCase)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test/", line 73, in test_pickle
    print sys.settrecursionlimit(4000)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'settrecursionlimit'

Ran 1 test in 0.002s

If I up the recusionlimit the testsuit will segfault.


Alex Polite

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