Make one GUI containing java and C++ componants ?

Alf P. Steinbach alfps at
Tue May 11 04:23:51 EDT 2004

* bart59 at (bart59) schriebt:
> I have two application: 
> one in java, which use awt and wing componants as a GUI.
> one in C++, which is a 3d engine, then it display in a window a 3D
> modele.
> I'm looking for a solution to combine these two interfaces in one
> containing the Java componant + the C++ window .
> Is there a way to manage with that? 
> JNI doens t seem to be the good approach, it should be difficult to
> render the c++ output in a java component

Use the AWT native interface, that's what it's there for.

> moreover, interactions with the mouse are required in the ed engine...

This I think you will have to manage by passing mouse events from Java to
C++ using ordinary JNI, but it's been a long time since I did such things.

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