Socket sample?

Daniel Orner cs993442 at
Thu May 20 12:23:52 EDT 2004

	Hmm... I'm looked at the SocketServer, but I'm pretty confused about 
how to use it. As far as I can tell it doesn't actually do any 
forking/threading/selecting at all. There's a lot of generic stuff which 
seems to allow that behavior for subclasses, but I can't see any 
specific code that does that kind of thing. Or maybe I'm just missing 
something stupendously obvious. If so, would you be so kind as to give 
me a quick example of how it would be used?
	I also took a quick look at twisted... it looks like it's way too 
complex for what I have in mind. -_- Basically, I just want a socket to 
transfer information to/from a client program, essentially to 
synchronize data between the server and the client. The program is run 
automatically (no user input). However, I do want it to be fast, which 
means no waiting for a connection. That's why I just want to see some 
sample code about how to use a server socket.
	Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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