How to read files written with COBOL
Batista, Facundo
FBatista at
Mon May 10 16:29:22 EDT 2004
[John Roth]
#- What's the OS for the two languages? COBOL from mainframe
#- to X86ish is very different from some flavor of Windows or Unix
COBOL RM-85 for x86 under SCO.
#- Also, are we talking fixed or variable length records? And if
#- variable, how are they structured?
There're a lot of different structures, there're a lot of files. I was
thinking of a function where I tell the COBOL file structure and it
translates it to me.
#- In either case, I think the struct module (under String Services)
#- is what you're looking for.
I think that if I must *build* the module that I'm looking for, I'll use the
struct module. But that I can not use it directly without a lot of effort
(that I'm willing to avoid: that's why I'm searching for something already
done, :)
. Facundo
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