GTK or TKinter (or what else?)

Grant Edwards grante at
Tue May 25 00:19:49 EDT 2004

In article <2hfui1Fch1lmU2 at>, Greg Ewing wrote:
> Greg Krohn wrote:
>> You can do this:
>>  >>> button = wx.Button(parent, -1, "Search")
>>  >>> button.Bind(EVT_BUTTON, searchFunction)
> It would be nice if the need to pass all those -1s
> could be eliminated as well...

Been there, whined about that. :)  

Right now I'm using wax, (a wxWindows wrapper that hides some
of that sort of thing).

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Is there something
                                  at               I should be DOING with a
                                 GLAZED DONUT??

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