perl to python
Roy Smith
roy at
Wed May 12 08:11:43 EDT 2004
Kirk Job-Sluder <kirk at> wrote:
> And here is the fundamental question. Why should I spend my time
> writing a module in python to emulate another tool, when I can simply
> use that other tool? Why should I, as a resarcher who must process
> large quantities of data, spend my time and my employer's money
> reinventing the wheel?
At the risk of veering this thread in yet another different direction,
anybody who does analysis of large amounts of data should take a look at
Gary Perlman's excellent, free, and generally under-appreciated |STAT
It's been around in one version or another for something like 20 years.
It fills an interesting little niche that's part data manipulation and
part statistics.
> Here is the solution in awk:
> BEGIN { FS="\t" }
> {printf("%s %s %s %s", $4, $3, $2, $1)}
In |STAT, that would be simply "colex 4 3 2 1".
There's nothing you can do in |STAT that you couldn't do with more
general purpose tools like awk, perl, python, etc, but |STAT often has a
quicker, simpler, easier way to do many common statistical tasks. A
good tool to have in your toolbox.
For example, on of the cool tools is the "validata". You feed it a file
and it applies some heuristics trying to guess which data in it might be
invalid. For example, if a file looks like it's columns of numbers, and
the third column is all integers except for one entry which is a
floating point number, it'll guess that might be an error and flag it.
It's great when you're analyzing 5000 log files of 100,000 lines each
and one of them makes your script crash for no apparent reason.
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