MacPython applet problem
boris m
bm007 at
Sat May 15 13:24:01 EDT 2004
After some tinkering with AppleScript, I found a workaround for my
problem. I think it is worth sharing, so here we go...
As Ronald pointed out, python applets currently do not support
input/output functions like 'input' or 'print'. Of course, I could run
the script from the command line, but then I would not have a nice
drag and drop feature.
I wanted to have both drag/drop (via sys.argv) *and* input/output
functions. So I wrote an AppleScript droplet that allows me to do
this. The droplet is currently limited to accept just one item, but it
could easily be extended.
This was one of my first explorations into AppleScript, so I am more
than open to suggestions and improvements.
--> save as application
on open dropItem
set itemPath to POSIX path of dropItem
set itemPathStr to (itemPath) as string
set itemPathCLI to textReplace(itemPathStr, " ", "\\ ")
tell application "Finder"
set currentMacFolder to (container of (path to me)) as alias
set currentFolder to POSIX path of currentMacFolder
set folderPath to (currentFolder) as string
end tell
set folderPathCLI to textReplace(folderPath, " ", "\\ ")
--> don't forget chmod +x
--> is in the same directory as the droplet
set scriptPath to folderPathCLI & "" & " " & itemPathCLI
activate application "Terminal"
tell application "Terminal"
do script scriptPath
end tell
end open
on textReplace(theText, srchStrng, replStrng)
tell (a reference to AppleScript's text item delimiters)
set {od, contents} to {contents, {srchStrng}}
set {textList, contents} to {(text items of theText), {replStrng}}
set {newText, contents} to {(textList as text), od}
return item 1 of result
on error errMsg number errNbr
set contents to od
error errMsg number errNbr
end try
end tell
end textReplace
>> My problem is that I the script needs some user input (I want to
>> some
>> text files to the applet and then specify some changes). For the
>> input
>> I am using:
>> inputStr = raw_input("Enter a number: \n>>> ")
>> This, however, seems to produce the error.
> That's right. I'm pretty sure applets on OSX do no (yet) support user
> input/output using the input function and print statement.
> IIRC this is on the TODO list for the next release of MacPython.
> B.T.W. with MacPython the default action for .py file is to execute
> them in a Terminal window, which gives you complete support for input
> and print.
> Ronald
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