Cleaner idiom for text processing?

Peter Otten __peter__ at
Wed May 26 08:45:32 EDT 2004

Duncan Booth wrote:

> What happens if someone works out that izip can be made much faster by
> consuming its iterators from right to left instead of left to right? That
> isn't nearly as far fetched as reading ahead.

This would also affect the calling code, when the arguments are iterators
(just swapping arguments to simulate the effect of the proposed

>>> ia, ib = iter(range(3)), iter([])
>>> zip(ia, ib)
>>> ia, ib = iter(range(3)), iter([])
>>> zip(ib, ia)

Optimizations that are visible from the calling code always seem a bad idea
and against Python's philosophy. I admit the above reusage pattern is not
very likely, though.

> Passing the same iterator multiple times to izip is a pretty neat idea,
> but I would still be happier if the documentation explicitly stated that
> it consumes its arguments left to right.

>From the itertools documentation:


Make an iterator that aggregates elements from each of the iterables. Like
zip() except that it returns an iterator instead of a list. Used for
lock-step iteration over several iterables at a time. Equivalent to: 

     def izip(*iterables):
         iterables = map(iter, iterables)
         while iterables:
             result = [ for i in iterables]
             yield tuple(result)

I'd say the "Equivalent to [reference implementation]" statement should meet
your request.


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