subclassing extension type and assignment to __class__

gregory lielens gregory.lielens at
Sat Nov 27 08:19:10 EST 2004


I am currently writing python bindings to an existing C++ library, and I 
just encountered a problem that I hope has been solved by more 
experienced python programmers:

A C++ class (let's call it CClass) is binded using classical Python 
extension API to _PClass, which is accesible through python without any 
problem. The problem is that I want this class to be extended/extensible 
in python, and expose the python-extended version (PClass) to library 
users (_PClass should never be used directly nor be retruned by any 
The aim is to leave only performance critical methods in C++ so that the 
binding work is minimal, and develop the other methods in python so that 
  they are easier to maintain/extend.

We thus have something like this

class PClass(_PClass):
   def overide_method(self,...):
   def new_method(self,...):

and I can define
and use my new or overiden method
a.overide_method() a.new_method() as intended...

So far, so good, trouble begin when I have a method from another class 
PClass2 derived from _PClass2 which bind the C++ class CClass2, that 
should return objects of type PClass:

Let call this method troublesome_method:

type(c) gives _PClass.

now I want to define a python class PClass2 for extending methods of 
_PClass2 like I have done for _PClass, in particular I want that PClass2 
troublesome_method return objects of type PClass instead of _PClass...

To this end I try something like this

class PClass2(_PClass2):
     def troubelsome_method(self):

and I have python complaining about TypeError: __class__ assignment: 
only for heap types...

It seems thus that my approach is not possible, but problem is that I 
can not see another approach that would not involve far more efforts 
that this one (I have the impression I have to forget about making my 
PClass derived from _PClass, but instead embed a _PClass instance in 
PClass, far from ideal cause I would have to reimplement all method, not 
only those that I want to change :( )
This is particularly frustrating cause I also have the impression that 
want I want to do was at one time possible in python, let say in 
2002-2003, when __class__ was already assignable but before assignment 
was forbidden for non-heap types

Any hint on this problem?



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