Book recommendation
Madhusudan Singh
spammers-go-here at spam.invalid
Wed Nov 24 11:37:20 EST 2004
Paul Robson wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Nov 2004 22:21:34 -0500, Madhusudan Singh wrote:
>> I am trying to teach myself Python. I have extensive prior programming
>> experience in Fortran, a little in C/C++, Pascal, etc.
>> So far, I have been reading online tutorials at and a book
>> I found at the library - Martin Brown's The Complete Reference Python. Is
>> there a standard classic book to learn from that I could buy ?
>> Say something like Metcalf and Reid's Fortran 90/95 Explained or
>> Kernighan and Ritchie's The C Programming Language.
> Hi there Madhusudan :)
Hi :)
> There's a couple of brief introductions worth reading ; one is by the
> language's creator Guido van Rossum, and the other by a chap called
> Swaroop (A byte of Python I think it's called). Both of these are quick
> read introduction type things.
> A most entertaining and completely backward book is "Dive into Python"
> (all these are free downloads but you can buy the latter as a book) which
> has the approach where each section starts of with a relatively
> complex working chunk of Python code, then pulls it apart and shows you
> how all the bits work, and explains the various concepts as you go along.
"Dive into Python" seems to be the favorite so far in this NG.
> Once you've done that, if you want some useful bits of coding just to get
> the feel of it, try answering some of the Perl or Ruby Quiz-of-the-week
> questions (archives are online search for Perl|Ruby quiz of the week).
perl-qotw was interesting and language agnostic (If perl can do something,
so should Python - not that I know much perl). I will look into it on a
regular basis when I get my bearings.
> None of the tasks are more than a page or two of python, but it's a quick
> way of getting a feel for the language.
> The other thing that's handy to have to hand is the Quick Reference which
> is about 20 or so pages and handy for a quick look up.
> There are many IDEs and Editors about from the quick and dirty through to
> full IDEs (which personally I find too much of a clutter). I personally
> like Scite which is the former.
I use emacs for everything except authoring webpages. An operating system
disguised as an editor :)
> Remember, for i in range(100): print "Murali chucks" :)
The above is syntactically correct only if you did not install
python-larry :)
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