write-time call tree?

Jeremy Jones zanesdad at bellsouth.net
Mon Nov 8 09:57:57 EST 2004

Does anyone know of a tool that will look at a Python source file 
(without executing the file - just analyzing it) and generate a report of

    * functions, classes, methods defined
    * objects created
    * method/function calls (I'm really looking for a map of which calls
      were made from within which functions/methods), preferably with
      the option of filtering which calls to trace
    * trace imports if possible, show blank stub if an ImportError is
      encountered, again, preferably with the option to filter which
      imports to trace

I found some tools that worked at runtime (trace.py, maybe PyChecker), 
but I'm not sure they have the functionality I need even if collecting 
the data at runtime were what I am looking for.  I would obviously 
prefer an open souce/free solution, but if anyone knows of a 
commercially developed tool, I might be able to convince the company to 
spring for it.

Jeremy Jones
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