Roberto Antonio Ferreira De Almeida
roberto at
Thu Nov 18 11:19:59 EST 2004
Ben Champion wrote:
> I have installed python 2.3.3 on my windows machine have have ran
> several programs succesfully. I have also installed numarray 1.1 for
> my version of python and am now trying to create arrays using the
> array command, eg
>>>>Import Numeric
>>>>a = array([1, 2, 3])
These are two different modules: numarray is one, and Numeric is the
other. If you installed numarray, you should use:
>>> import numarray
Also note the lowercase 'import'.
As another poster pointed out, the 'array' function is not in the global
namespace. You have to use:
>>> a = numarray.array([1,2,3])
Or alternatively:
>>> from numarray import *
>>> a = array([1,2,3])
What I usually do, since Numeric and numarray are mostly compatible is:
import numarray as N
except ImportError:
import Numeric as N
a = N.array([1,2,3])
This way you'll use numarray if it is available, otherwise you fallback
to Numeric.
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